“What strange creatures brothers are!” – Jane Austen


"And the award for the best artwork goes to........Grade 3 student Cate Ross!" Mr. Muffin announced. The artwork contest was open to the all of the students that attended Marie Curie Elementary School. But it was Cate's picture of New York City that won her first prize.

"Have you ever been to New York City Cate?" Mr. Muffin asked. "No, but I'd love to visit one day." After the other students left the gymnasium, Cate stuck around to admire her painting. "Boy, I'd really like to visit New York City one day?" she said to herself. "Pssst!" a tiny voice called out. "Hello? That's strange. There's nobody here." "Psst!" the voice repeated. "Where are you?" "Over here! I'm the little green guy in your painting."

"My name is Patrick McCall but everyone calls me Buddy." "You're the elf on the shelf from our classroom!" "Shh! you're right. But every now and then I need to stretch my legs." "So you're a real elf?" "You betcha! Hey, how would you like to take a trip to New York City?" "But how? I'm 8 years old and I can't go alone." "Just take my hand!" "Alright" Cate agreed. Suddenly the elf had pulled Cate into her very own painting,

"How did you do that?" "It's magic. Some elves have magical powers like teleportation." "Telepor-what?" Cate shrugged. "It means we can move through space and time." "Cool! So when do I get to see New York City." "Soon Cate. I want to bring you to my village and have you meet the rest of the elves. Oh, and watch out for The Reckless Howler." "The Reckless Howler?" Cate muttered to herself as she furrowed her brow.

"So how are we going to get to your village? Are we gonna teleport again or maybe fly through the clouds" "Uh, no. This is New York City. I'm just going to hail a cab. Taxi!" Buddy shouted out as a yellow cab pulled over. "Oh" a disappointed Cate responded. "Where to Mac?" the driver asked. Fantastic Blackberry Grove please." "Is that place even real? Sounds like something out of a Disney movie." "Yes it is. Just drive Mr. Sassypants and I'll give you directions." "Alright. Take it easy Mac" the cabbie grumbled.

The taxi driver ended up taking the pair to the outskirts of New York City. "You can let us off here at the side of the road" Buddy said. "Okay. Enjoy New York City young lady. Oh, and watch out for The Reckless Howler." "Again with the The Reckless Howler. What is that thing anyway? Some kind of monster?" "Don't worry about it. Chances are we'll never see it. I'll show you my house. It's so cute!" "Wow! You live in a giant mushroom like the Smurfs!" "Where do you think they got the idea?"

"Gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to my friend and our very special guest. This is Cate Ross. She is an artist, tap and hip-hop dancer, and gymnast. Cate has always wanted to see New York City so tomorrow morning I plan on giving her the grand tour." "Are you sure that's wise Buddy?" one of the elves warned. "You know with the whole Reckless Howler being on the loose and all that." "Okay, that does it. What the heck is this Reckless Howler thingy?" Cate demanded.

Nithenoel, the village historian stepped forward to tell Cate about the dreaded Reckless Howler. "The The Reckless Howler is a giant wolf-like creature with beady red eyes. Nobody knows where he came from but he's very dangerous. He feeds on anything he can find, including elves. We have to be very careful whenever we venture away from the village." Cate's stomach began to rumble. "Sounds like somebody's hungry" Buddy joked. "What do elves eat anyways? Berries? Bark? Jujubes?" Cate giggled.

"We're New Yorkers and we have the best pizzerias of any city. We get our pies from The Dough Bro Pizzeria on Arthur Avenue. We usually get pineapple and pepperoni on our pizzas although Elwin over there likes to get anchovies." "What are anchovies?" Cate inquired. "Salty fish" Buddy replied. "Gross!" Cate said disgustedly. "Here's your pizza Buddy." "Grazie Giovanni. Smells delicious!" "Enjoy your pizza pie. Nice meeting you Cate." "Be careful on your way home." "Hey! I ain't afraid of no Reckless Howler!"


After eating a lot of pizza, Cate became sleepy and decided to go to bed. When she woke up the next morning she found the elves huddled around the TV set. "Good morning. I'm Eliza Willis and this is Breaking News. Last night, Giovanni Buonanno, owner of The Dough Bro Pizzeria was attacked by The Reckless Howler who also goes by the name, Jon the Robber." Buonanno is resting comfortably at home but all of his money was stolen by the big, bad wolf. The public is advised to stay indoors for their own safety."
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“What strange creatures brothers are!” – Jane Austen


"And the award for the best artwork goes to........Grade 3 student Cate Ross!" Mr. Muffin announced. The artwork contest was open to the all of the students that attended Marie Curie Elementary School. But it was Cate's picture of New York City that won her first prize.

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