Before reading this book you need a few things:
1) Children with lots of energy
2) A great imagination
3) A little bit of time, so you can have some fun with the kids!

Cheep, Cheep, Cheep. The chickens were chatting away to themselves, they knew the sun was about to rise, which meant breakfast time. Morgan and Eric were snoring away, fast asleep, but the chirping chickens woke them up, just like every morning.
Morgan and Eric climbed out of bed, yawned and stretched, then grabbed their shoes and headed outside.

Action: Pretend to snore, then stretch, yawn and put on your clothes - don't forget your shoes!

The boys got up every morning just as the sun was rising so they could help their Dad feed all the farm animals. Morgan and Eric loved living on the farm, every day was an adventure. But before the adventures began the animals needed caring for.
First job for the morning - feeding the chickens - Morgan and Eric scattered the corn around the farm yard and giggled to themselves as they watched the chickens race around, flapping their wings in excitement.

Action: Pretend to scatter the corn, then race around flapping your arms and chirping like a chicken.

Whilst the chickens were gobbling up their food, the boys would run into the coop and collect the eggs. They had to grab the eggs quickly while the chickens were still eating, otherwise they ended up getting pecked by the chickens who didn't want to give up their eggs!
Action: Collect the eggs and place them in the basket.

An hour later the chores were done, the sun was warming up the ground and the boys bellies were rumbling with hunger, so they headed back to the house for breakfast.
Mom shouted at both of them as they entered the kitchen, "Get those dirty boots off before you come into my clean kitchen!"

Action: Take your boots off and then gobble up your breakfast.

It was Saturday morning, so no school for the boys. Yippee! Morgan and Eric were going to spend the whole day playing with their best friends - the cheeky monkeys who lived in the trees next to the farm.
The monkeys had school everyday, but it was much more fun than the boys boring lessons. The monkeys spend their days practicing their ninja, today they were practicing the ippon seoi nage. After school they would use their skills to get up to mischief!

As Morgan and Eric were about to race out the kitchen their Dad walked in. He did not look happy. "I have bad news, we are going to have to sell the farm, we just can't make enough money. I am sorry, but there is no other way.
Morgan and Eric were trying hard not to cry, they walked out to the farm yard with their heads hanging low.
They had to find the monkeys and tell them the bad news.

Morgan and Eric found the monkeys at the far end of the farm, they were practicing their latest ninja skills.

Action: Practice your ninja skills - 3 star jumps and a ninja kick!

The monkeys could see straight away that something was wrong. The boys looked so sad. Len and Arnie raced straight over to the boys and asked what was wrong.
"Dad has to sell the farm, we are moving to the city. It's so unfair, Dad works so hard, but it's just not enough anymore."
"This is not good news, we have to stop this, Morgan and Eric are our best friends ever. Lets go speak to Sensei Peter- the head monkey, he will know what to do.

The troupe of monkeys including Morgan and Eric headed off in a straight line in search of Sensei Peter. Len was leading the bunch and the rest marched along like soldiers behind him.

Action: March around the room like soldiers.

They finally found Sensei Peter and relayed the sad story.
"Hmmmm, very sad news, I like Morgan and Eric, they show great potential as ninjas."
"Okay, I will help, but first - Morgan and Eric you need to show me the perfect Ukitashi Tami - remember the move I taught you last week? You have ten minutes to perfect the move, if you demonstrate the perfect Ukitashi Tami then I will help you save the farm!"
This is fantastic news, everyone high fived each other and did the monkey jig.

Suddenly they heard Sensei Peter coughing, "Morgan and Eric, you now have eight minutes to perfect he Ukitashi Tami, the clock is ticking I will not help you if it's not perfect!
Now, the Ukitashi Tami was a rather difficult move, it was a combination of acrobatics and ninja skills, how were they ever going to master it in just under eight minutes - oops - now seven minutes!
Action: Do the Ukitashi Tami
1) Jump as high as possible
2) Take two steps backwards
3) Sweep your left leg then right leg
4) Wriggle like a jelly fish

Sensei Peter called them all together, it felt like they had only been practicing for two minutes, but the time was up, now they had to perform the perfect Ukitashi Tami.
The monkeys formed a circle around the boys and were cheering them on, "Lets go Morgan, lets go Eric!"
Eric and Morgan bowed and then began the Ukitashi Tami.

Action: Bow and then complete the Ukitashi Tami!
How much of it can you remember?

They finished, bowed and looked up expectantly at Sensei Peter - Was it good enough? Sensei Peter burst out laughing (he was the master of pranks and was always telling jokes.)
Well done boys that was good, not perfect, but you tried hard, and that is what counts. And of course I am going to help you, I was only teasing about you having to do the move perfectly.

So now we need to save the farm, well, the answer lies with the Old Wise Owl Sindile. He will have the answers. He is the only one powerful enough to save the farm.
Go, go now, the sun is starting to set in the west behind the mountains, and wise Sindile will be out hunting soon, you have to find him before the moon appears.

Everyone raced off in the direction that Sensei Peter was pointing. Lina was certain that he knew where to find the Wise Old Owl Sindile so he took the lead.
Action: Race around the room in search of the Wise Old Owl.

And then they reached the river, Lina had forgotten about the river. Monkeys hated the water, this was not good! Both Eric and Morgan were excellent swimmers, so for them it was easy. But they needed the monkeys to help them find the Wise Old Owl.

The sun was starting to drop behind the mountains, they would have to make a decision soon.
At that moment they noticed Cheryl the giraffe on the other side of the river. Cheryl was the kindest giraffe that ever was, and she was always able to help. The monkeys shouted across to her and explained the problem.

Action: Pretend to shout across the river to Giraffe Cheryl.

Giraffe Cheryl started chuckling. "Oh you monkeys are so silly. I will take the boys to the Wise Old Owl Sindile, in fact I have just had a long chat with him. He is only a few minutes walk from here. So quickly boys - swim over to me."

Action: Pretend to dive into the water and swim across the river.

As soon as the boys reached the other side, Giraffe Cheryl dropped her long neck and told the boys to climb up onto her back. Eric and Morgan did as they were told. The view was spectacular - they didn't realize how tall giraffes really were. They could see all the way to their farm house, the mountains in the west and the corn fields to the east, the sea to the south and the city to the north. Their farm seemed to be snuggled in between all of them.

Action: Look out at the view, mountains to the west and the sea to the east, then skip around the room like a giraffe.

The boys hung onto Giraffe Cheryl's neck and enjoyed the ride. After a few short minutes Cheryl began to slow down to a walk, and told the boys to look towards the trees on their right.
Action: Turn and look out towards the trees on the right.

There sitting high up in the tree was the Wise Old Owl Sindile, he seemed to be enjoying the last of the evening sun, which was shining down on him as he dozed. Cheryl the giraffe cleared her throat to get his attention, Old Wise Owl suddenly sprung to life, with his eyes wide open, he swooped down from the tree and came to rest on the floor next to Cheryl, Morgan and Eric.

Action: Pretend to be dosing, suddenly wake up and swoop around the room like an Owl.

"Hello Cheryl, what brings you back, and who is that with you?"
"The boys will explain, I need to be on my way." And with that Cheryl the Giraffe turned and sauntered back into the bush.
Morgan took the lead and explained their situation.
The Wise Old Owl nodded his head in sympathy.
Action: Can you remember why Morgan and Eric are asking the Old Wise Owl for help?

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Before reading this book you need a few things:
1) Children with lots of energy
2) A great imagination
3) A little bit of time, so you can have some fun with the kids!

Cheep, Cheep, Cheep. The chickens were chatting away to themselves, they knew the sun was about to rise, which meant breakfast time. Morgan and Eric were snoring away, fast asleep, but the chirping chickens woke them up, just like every morning.
Morgan and Eric climbed out of bed, yawned and stretched, then grabbed their shoes and headed outside.

Action: Pretend to snore, then stretch, yawn and put on your clothes - don't forget your shoes!

The boys got up every morning just as the sun was rising so they could help their Dad feed all the farm animals. Morgan and Eric loved living on the farm, every day was an adventure. But before the adventures began the animals needed caring for.
First job for the morning - feeding the chickens - Morgan and Eric scattered the corn around the farm yard and giggled to themselves as they watched the chickens race around, flapping their wings in excitement.

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