The story of the Castaway is dedicated to my weird, amazing, supportive friends. They are always there for me and accept my weirdness, which is a big task for anyone. So, thank you, guys, for being such great people to have in my life. :)

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief,” Sky read from of “A Tale of Two Cities” with an abundance of respect for Charles Dickens' amazing writing skills. She slowly looked up from the crisp pages of her book to observe her plane-mates. She herself was Sky, short for Schuyler Anderson. She was a 16-year-old model, had hazel eyes, long dark brown hair, and delicate features. Alexander Gibson, or simply Alec, was a famous 18-year-old pop singer with light blonde hair and gray eyes who seemed to have a calm demeanor. However, Sky could tell from the look of thinly concealed panic in his eyes that he was not a fan of flying. The last was William Harrison, who usually went by Will. He was an extremely successful 17-year-old actor, had raven-black hair, intriguing forest-green eyes, and gave off a ‘bad-boy’ vibe. Will looked up from his phone and caught her staring. Sky quickly jerked her gaze away from him, her cheeks coloring with a bright red blush. She could feel his gaze lingering on the top of her head as she looked down to continue her book. After an hour of reading, Sky began to yawn, so she stood up and walked to the large, luxurious bedroom in the back of the plane. She slowly drifted off to sleep.

Sky was startled awake by a shuddering plane and an aggressive beeping noise. She stumbled through the door to find an unconscious Alec, an angry-looking Will, and a worried flight attendant. “What’s happening?” she exclaimed, while she watched everyone except Alec pace eagerly around the cabin. “Everyone please remain calm, we have lost all engines, and will need to make an emergency landing. There seems to be a small, uncharted island that we can make this landing on.” As the plane began to tilt downward, Sky was thrown into a seat where she clung to the armrests with all of her might. “Brace for impact!” the flight attendant yelled as she ran for a seat. Suddenly, there was a large ‘BOOM’ and Sky was knocked out of her seat. She was thrown onto the plane’s floor where she hit her head and promptly passed out. Alec slowly awakened, still strapped in his seat, and screamed loudly after he saw the body of the now-deceased flight attendant lying on the ground. She had not made it to the seat in time, apparently. Will just walked over to Sky, picked her up, and carried her out of the plane, giving Alec no choice but to follow.

As Alec exited the plane, a bright ray of sunlight hit him in the face and he swiftly raised his hand to block it. After his eyes adjusted to the lighting, he took in the scene around him. The plane had crashed on the shore of a beach that tapered off into a dense jungle. He could hear hundreds of birds communicating throughout the wilderness all around him. “Are you going to just ogle the pretty trees or are you going to come over here and help me with her?” an annoyed voice asked from the left of Alec. Will, he thought, could use a thump on the head. “I’m coming, chill,” Alec replied, not letting any of his anger be heard in his voice. As he caught sight of Sky’s bloody head wound, he began to worry that she would not survive and he’d be stuck on the island with the righteous Will Harrison, since both the pilot and flight attendant had died upon impact. He was relieved to see the slight rise and fall of her chest that meant she was still breathing. “Go in the plane and get the first aid kit so I can dress her head wound and try to wake her up,” Will said in a monotone voice. Alec walked back to the plane and tried not to look at the bodies as he headed to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit.

Alec watched in fascination as Will carefully and tenderly wrapped Sky's head with the soft, cottony gauze. Sky woke much later to the sound of the two boys arguing. “-no, you should be the one to get the firewood, I got it yesterday!” Will exclaimed. “Whateve- Look she’s awake!” Alec said excitedly. “Good morning, sunshine, so glad you could join us,” Will drawled sarcastically, his eyes slowly making their way from her face to the gauze wrapped around her head. “My head is throbbing, what’s going on?” Sky asked with a grimace on her face. “You bumped your head pretty hard when we crashed. You probably have a concussion,” Alec stated with a concerned look on his face. “For goodness sake, mate, she’ll be fine as long as we can get off this godforsaken island! It’s been two days already, you would hope someone would have noticed that the famous Europeans did not arrive in Hollywood,” Will grumbled, not trying to hide his annoyance at their predicament.
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The story of the Castaway is dedicated to my weird, amazing, supportive friends. They are always there for me and accept my weirdness, which is a big task for anyone. So, thank you, guys, for being such great people to have in my life. :)

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief,” Sky read from of “A Tale of Two Cities” with an abundance of respect for Charles Dickens' amazing writing skills. She slowly looked up from the crisp pages of her book to observe her plane-mates. She herself was Sky, short for Schuyler Anderson. She was a 16-year-old model, had hazel eyes, long dark brown hair, and delicate features. Alexander Gibson, or simply Alec, was a famous 18-year-old pop singer with light blonde hair and gray eyes who seemed to have a calm demeanor. However, Sky could tell from the look of thinly concealed panic in his eyes that he was not a fan of flying. The last was William Harrison, who usually went by Will. He was an extremely successful 17-year-old actor, had raven-black hair, intriguing forest-green eyes, and gave off a ‘bad-boy’ vibe. Will looked up from his phone and caught her staring. Sky quickly jerked her gaze away from him, her cheeks coloring with a bright red blush. She could feel his gaze lingering on the top of her head as she looked down to continue her book. After an hour of reading, Sky began to yawn, so she stood up and walked to the large, luxurious bedroom in the back of the plane. She slowly drifted off to sleep.

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