Island Books

  • Bubbles Island Adventures
    On an island in Hawaii, Bubbles the friendly rabbit had been living as a classroom pet. He had often wished for a home of his very own, and one day his wish came true.
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    Star Icon 390
  • Mystery Island
    Three pirate monkeys search for a legendary treasure on a mysterious island, encountering danger and making new friends along the way.
    Eye Icon 1289
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  • Buru Wang Island
    Elli and Lisa, two young sisters from Australia, embark on an adventure to the mysterious Buru Wang Island. They encounter sharks, wolves, and a looming volcano. Lisa discove…
    Eye Icon 119
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  • The Treasure Map - Part II
    Having discovered a treasure map, Charles and Elizabeth make passage for Shipwreck Island. Not knowing what they will unearth, Charles and Elizabeth duly follow their treasur…
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  • Desert Island
    A group of people survive a shipwreck and settle on an island. They gather supplies, explore the island, and encounter a wild beast.
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  • EJ and Friends
    EJ and Micah are two brothers that are on an island while they were searching they found a girl named Trudy! And it got from good to worse when Rito has got on an island to s…
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  • The Voyage to Africa
    A chicken, an elephant, and a gorilla stranded on an island build a boat to escape. They face challenges but eventually reach Africa.
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  • The Island of Blues
    Andi, a young artist, moves to the Island of Blues and struggles to make friends. But when she receives a message in a bottle, she discovers a potential friend from her class.
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