"I used to be a normal girl, who went to a normal school. Many things have changed since then. Ever since I went to Wineberry forest, things have changed."

Chapter 1, Sakura
Origami woke up to the sun beaming in her face. Her bangs were in front of her eyes, so you couldn't see them. She had long white hair with light prune highlights. She stepped out of bed while her feet slipped into her arctic fox slippers. Her favorite animal was an arctic fox. She got dressed into white overalls with a cloud blue long sleeve shirt underneath. She walked down the stairs and sat down onto her chair to eat breakfast. She was very tired for staying up all night, drawing. She would draw under her blankets when she's nervous. Origami loved drawing, ever since she was a young child. Today is her first day of 9th grade at her new school. She recently moved to other side of the city. She is very nervous, she is very bad at socializing, and if she tries to talk to people, she just makes it awkward for everybody. She is also very shy, which makes it hard for her to talk to other shy people. Origami finished her breakfast and got her backpack on and left to catch the bus.
She got on the bus, and picked the farthest seat to the back. Everybody seemed to have their own friends group, except for her. She didn't care that much, even though it was quite a long ride, she decided to draw. She liked to draw characters, and give them stories. On one of the stops, a girl with light pink hair and a black skirt came onto the bus. The girl surprisingly sat on the seat next to Origami. "Nice drawing!" The girl said, "You're good at drawing." "T-Thank you..." Origami said. "I'm Sakura! Is this you're first day here? Most of my friends went to a different school..."
"Oh, yes. I'm Origami." "Nice to meet you!" Sakura Said. "Where did you go to middle school?" asked Sakura. "Oh- um, I was part time homeschooled and I went to Alexsion." Replied Origami. Soon they arrived at the school and had to get to class. Before Origami new it, it was lunch. She feared this moment. Lunch...She didn't know who to sit with. Then she saw a girl waving to her- it was Sakura, from the bus! She had a sigh of relief when she sat down. That sigh of relief went away when origami thought, What would we talk about? The good thing was, Sakura did most of the talking.
"So, you like to draw? That's cool. What do you draw?" "Urm- I like to draw people...And dragons." Origami replied. "That's neat. I like dragons. Oh- Hey! Kairo! Come sit here!" "Kairo, this is Origami, Origami, this is Kairo." A boy with dark hair came over to their table. "Hey! I'm Kairo. You must be new!" "Uh- I'm Origami." Origami Replied. She finished her Lunch and took out her sketchbook, which was halfway full and filled with colored drawings and pictures taped to the multi purpose paper. She was drawing a moonlight dragon. Her drawing of her dragon had silver scales, that had light blue and marigold shading. The school bell rang, which startled Origami which made her fall backwards off her chair. She hit the side of her head and had to go to the nurse's office. It wasn't a major injury so she could go to her classes. She enjoyed most of them, especially art. The teacher, Ms. Anise, was very kind too. Sakura was in her class too, which made it more fun.
When Origami got home, she continued to draw her dragon.
She didn't get to finish it during lunch. She got dressed into her nightwear after dinner. She read her favorite book under her blanket before bed. It
was a fantasy book, about a girl who met dragons, and fought monsters. Origami always wished she could be in her books. Just as much as she loved drawing, she liked to read.
It made her feel in a new world, fighting monsters, riding dragons, flying like a bird. She put her book on her
nightstand and turned off her nightlight. And placed her head on her pillow, and fell into her dreams. That night, she dreamt of her riding on dragons, high above the clouds with her new friends, and making new memories.
Chapter 2, Secrets
The next day, Origami ate lunch with Sakura and Kairo. She felt more confident today, because now she knew some people. She decided to go outside during recess with Sakura. She saw a small pond by the basketball court. She peered into it. She saw herself riding dragons- again. She got lost for a moment, and then stumbled backwards, loosing her balance, she fell into the pond. Unconscious, she saw herself, with a brown and white shawl, and holding a brown mail bag. She was on top of a beautiful mountain, above the clouds. "Origami?" "ORIGAMI?!" She woke up. It was Sakura calling out her name. Origami was soaking wet. She didn't like water. Her mother drowned in a pond. Her name was Amura. "What happend?" asked Origami. "Uhm, You fell in the pond! Are you okay?! What even happend?" "Yes... I was staring into the pond and got unconscious, I think." "Glad your okay." Said Sakura.
Origami was soaking wet on the bus. She was super uncomfortable on the way home. Soon, she got home. She thought about what she dreamt in the pond. It seemed so- real. Like, as real as her books. She decided she'll do homework later and take a walk. She walked through town, and then a forest trail caught her eye. It looked like the forest in her book. She decided to go through the forest trail on her way home. There were many wineberry bushes. In her book the dragons ate wineberrys. The forest had a glow- like a magical glow. She continued walking. She felt a whoosh of air as she got farther in. She saw a brook, and small mountains. It seemed like she'd gone far out of the city. She could even see any buildings anymore. She could still see the path back home though, thankfully. She thought she saw a light sparkle go into the bushes. She walked through the bushes, and couldn't believe what she saw. There were dragons, souring, over moonlakes and mountains. She couldn't believe her own eyes.
Chapter 3, Lost and Found
She gave herself a smack as she stood in awe. There was a silver dragon with light purple, and blue shadings, just like her drawing! She also didn't understand how she couldn't see any buildings anymore. It was like a whole new world. The silver dragon came up to her. She gently pet it's nose. It had glimmering scales that shined like the moon. She named her, Luna. She climbed up the mountain, and from up top, she could see everything. Dragons souring everywhere. It was beautiful. She saw a small house on the peek of the mountain. The door was unlocked. She opened the door and saw a women, with long dark hair. "Mother?!" She looked just like Origami's mom. "Origami?!" They ran and hugged each other. Origami's mom has been here this whole time! "Mom? How did you get here? I thought you drowned." "I fell deep into the pond, and I was able to swim out, but when I got out, I was in a different pond here. I didn't know where-
-I was. I tried to get out, and I just couldn't find a way out. I built a home here- with the dragons. I've missed you." "I've missed you to mom."
"The dragons are beautiful..." Said Origami. "I know. I was amazed when I saw them."
"I kept dreaming about them, the dragons." Origami said. "Are you still staying with your uncle?" Said Amura "Yes, he's not too bad."
Origami and her mom spent the rest of the day catching up. The sun started to set on the horizon. Amura, Origami's mom gave her a white dress and a brown shawl to wear because she was soaking wet. Origami almost forgot she was wet. "If Sakura didn't save me, do you think I would've ended up here?" asked Origami, "Maybe. I don't know." Replied her mom.
Chapter 4, Luna
The next day at school Origami told Sakura all about what happend yesterday. "Woah...Are you for real?!" Sakura said, "Yes! I'll show you after school."
"I don't know if I should believe that or not..." Sakura said.
After school Origami walked with Sakura to the place where she found the dragons. Today it was sunny, and warm. A warm breeze blew across them as they followed Origami into the bushes. Sakura's jaw dropped. She gave herself a smack in her check to see if she was dreaming. "Oh my goodness! It's so pretty! Wait... Are they dragons?!" Sakura said. Kairo was pretty amazed too. "There is something else I found last night too." Origami lead them into a deep part of the forest. They followed a small brook until they reached an abandoned rock wall. "Huh?" Sakura said. "Just follow me."
They walked through a big opening in the wall, and what they found was not just dragons, a village, with people! The sky was dark and filled with stars.
They saw dragons, souring over the buildings. "Woah." Sakura and said.
"My mom showed me it last night! It's always dark here, though." Origami said. "I don't care! It's so cool! I didn't know that actual people lived here as well." Kairo said.
Luna, the dragon Origami named, flew down to her. She hopped on. "Come on!"
Origami said. They all jumped on the dragon. Her scales glimmered in the moonlight. The flew over the village, just to see how big it really was. Sakura was amazed.
They all eventually went home for dinner. That night Origami drew what she showed Sakura and Kairo that day. She just realized, in her book, everything that just happend to her, happened in her book. The girl in the book, discovered a magical place where dragons flew. That's odd. Origami thought.
The next day was Saturday. Origami went to the Dragon village. She saw a girl her age playing with young dragons. She had short dark hair. Origami decided to talk to her. "H-Hi! I'm Origami..."
"Oh! Hello! I'm Akari. Do you live here?" The girl said. "Oh, um, no. I want to though!"
"The dragons are beautiful, don't you think?" "Yeah." Origami replied. "I've lived here my whole life! It's the only place I know. I go to Moonlyght. It's the school here. They teach you about dragons! Cool right?!" Akari said. "Er, That's cool! I want to go to a school like that." "Yeah, you should! Moonlyght is really fun. Oh, hey! I know your mom. She comes here." "Is her name Amura?" Origami replied. "Yeah! " Akari said.
"Do you have a dragon?" Akari asked. "Oh, yeah. This is Luna." Origami replied. "Here's some wineberries you can give her." Akari said. She handed Origami a handful of berries. Origami came up to Luna. She was in the middle of a shallow lake. Origami bent down to give Luna the wineberries.
Luna carefully picked up the berries and ate them. The moon shined over Luna and Origami. "Now she fully trusts you!" Akari said. "Dragons gain trust if you feed them wineberries." Origami pet Luna's
nose. She was soft, and a bit
floofy even. Except for
her back. Her back
had shining
scales that glowed
in the moonlight. Origami's hair started to
glow, falling up, defying gravity. Origami
magically floated onto Luna. They flew fast
over the moon, and the
village. They arrived back
where they started.
"Wow... That was magical..." Origami said. "I know right! I don't know why your hair has to glow every time you feed a dragon wineberries for the first time." Akari said.
"So... It's the same for most people when they tame a dragon?" Origami asked.
"Somewhat. It's slightly different for some people."Akari said. "How come I can get into the forest?" Origami asked. "You must be magical, or someone you know has been able to enter." Akari replied. "I better get home." Origami said. "Well, pleasure meeting you." Akari said.
As Origami walked out of the woods, the night sky turned to day. That's so magical. Origami thought.
Chapter 5, Lake's Secret
The next day at school, Origami told Sakura all about what happend. All about the school too. "I want to go to a school like that!" Sakura said. "I might go." Origami said.
"I mean, no-one will care! I'll live with my mom so I'll be close too."
"Can I go with you? It's always night there so we can even go after school!" Sakura said. "Yeah! Of course!" Origami said. After school Akari showed them to Moonlyight.
The classes were outside, by the lake. They learned how to fly on dragons! Sakura got to tame a dragon, so she loved that. During break Origami introduced Akari to Sakura. They got along well. Origami and Sakura even met a person, Reo. He likes to draw like Origami, just in a different style. During class they learned to steer the dragons, and to trust them, and do all sorts of things. Everybody there had their own dragons.
Origami told her mom all about the school. Turns out, she already new about the school, and thought it would be great for Origami. It was such a magical day. Origami took off her white and brown shawl and pleated skirt, and changed
into a comfy cloud blue dress. Before midnight, she snuck out of her window and walked over to the lake. She met Luna by the lake. She mounted Luna, and motioned her to fly. She flew over the city, which was glowing in the night. She could see her normal school. Well, her old school. Origami wanted to stay in Moonlyght. She got dropped of by her bedroom window. The moon rays shined over her bedside, sparkling like geodes in the sun. The next day, she changed back into her dress. She walked outside her house and took a good breath in. She took a walk by the lake before school started. While she was walking, she was lost in her thoughts, and fell into the lake. It took her a moment to realized what happend. After she realized that she was drowning, she tried to swim up. She burst out of the water, breathing intensely. Then she realized, that she was in the pond by her school. Where Sakura saved her.
The ponds must teleport you to the magical town, That's how mom got here. Origami thought. She oddly was not wet anymore. She went back into the pond, since she knew how it works now. She made it to school on time, thankfully. She told Sakura about the ponds. She also asked Reo if everybody knew about the ponds. "I didn't know! I don't think anyone knows... That's pretty cool." Reo replied.
Akari thought the same. "Not many people here know how to swim..." Reo said.
Origami stared at the lake. The lake had a mountain on the other side of the water. After school, she took off her shoes and walked to the lake with her bear feet.
She could see her reflection. Her white hair was glowing in her reflection. She took a step in. Until the water was up to her head. She dunked
her head into the water. She opened her eyes. She could
see Koi fish. Which was odd, because they don't live in
lakes. She swam up to the surface. When she opened her
eyes, she was at the school, again.
She walked from there to her old house. Where she used to live with her uncle. She snuck in from the window, and took all her drawings, and important belongings.
She put them in her brown messenger bag. When she was out of the house, the sun hurt her eyes. She had forgotten that it was always night where she now lived.
She dove back into the pond, and came out of the lake. She slipped her shoes back on, and walked home. When she got home, she wrote in her diary. "I used to be a normal girl, who went to a normal school. Many things have changed since then. Ever since I went to Wineberry forest, things have changed. I've met my new dragon, Luna. I've made new friends, Akari and Reo. Sakura is still my friend, too. I am living with my mother, now. It is always night here. Sincerely, Origami." she wrote. She still had a few items she had to get from her old house.
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"I used to be a normal girl, who went to a normal school. Many things have changed since then. Ever since I went to Wineberry forest, things have changed."

Chapter 1, Sakura
Origami woke up to the sun beaming in her face. Her bangs were in front of her eyes, so you couldn't see them. She had long white hair with light prune highlights. She stepped out of bed while her feet slipped into her arctic fox slippers. Her favorite animal was an arctic fox. She got dressed into white overalls with a cloud blue long sleeve shirt underneath. She walked down the stairs and sat down onto her chair to eat breakfast. She was very tired for staying up all night, drawing. She would draw under her blankets when she's nervous. Origami loved drawing, ever since she was a young child. Today is her first day of 9th grade at her new school. She recently moved to other side of the city. She is very nervous, she is very bad at socializing, and if she tries to talk to people, she just makes it awkward for everybody. She is also very shy, which makes it hard for her to talk to other shy people. Origami finished her breakfast and got her backpack on and left to catch the bus.
She got on the bus, and picked the farthest seat to the back. Everybody seemed to have their own friends group, except for her. She didn't care that much, even though it was quite a long ride, she decided to draw. She liked to draw characters, and give them stories. On one of the stops, a girl with light pink hair and a black skirt came onto the bus. The girl surprisingly sat on the seat next to Origami. "Nice drawing!" The girl said, "You're good at drawing." "T-Thank you..." Origami said. "I'm Sakura! Is this you're first day here? Most of my friends went to a different school..."
"Oh, yes. I'm Origami." "Nice to meet you!" Sakura Said. "Where did you go to middle school?" asked Sakura. "Oh- um, I was part time homeschooled and I went to Alexsion." Replied Origami. Soon they arrived at the school and had to get to class. Before Origami new it, it was lunch. She feared this moment. Lunch...She didn't know who to sit with. Then she saw a girl waving to her- it was Sakura, from the bus! She had a sigh of relief when she sat down. That sigh of relief went away when origami thought, What would we talk about? The good thing was, Sakura did most of the talking.
"So, you like to draw? That's cool. What do you draw?" "Urm- I like to draw people...And dragons." Origami replied. "That's neat. I like dragons. Oh- Hey! Kairo! Come sit here!" "Kairo, this is Origami, Origami, this is Kairo." A boy with dark hair came over to their table. "Hey! I'm Kairo. You must be new!" "Uh- I'm Origami." Origami Replied. She finished her Lunch and took out her sketchbook, which was halfway full and filled with colored drawings and pictures taped to the multi purpose paper. She was drawing a moonlight dragon. Her drawing of her dragon had silver scales, that had light blue and marigold shading. The school bell rang, which startled Origami which made her fall backwards off her chair. She hit the side of her head and had to go to the nurse's office. It wasn't a major injury so she could go to her classes. She enjoyed most of them, especially art. The teacher, Ms. Anise, was very kind too. Sakura was in her class too, which made it more fun.
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This is not that story. When 14 year old Origami finds a magical forest, she chooses her path to find a magical village with dragons. She discovers a dark piece of magic that must be destroyed. On her journey, she meets new people, and new memories.
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