Hi dear students and teachers
Let's talk about our days, What are you doing now, how do you feel, please share your feelings and opinions, we wonder you, let's collaborate and back up each other. Please write here everyday. We want to know you are fine...
GÜLFİDAN AYDIN - 17.03.2020 @ 18:19

I got up early this morning,so I had breakfast at nine o clock. And I did some test, then I listened to a little bit of narration. And in the evening, I read some books before going to bed, so an hour and then went to bed.
Trgiresun Melike - 22.03.2020 @ 17:03
I woke up late this morning, had breakfast, finished some of my homework and try to spend time. At night, ı will read my book and go to bed.
Trgiresun Hazal - 22.03.2020 @ 15:34

I woke up 9 o'clock. Then had breakfast, read a book.I watched tv. I stayd at home because of the corana virüs.
trgiresun beyzanur - 22.03.2020 @ 18:22
I woke up. I had my breakfast. I listened to my lesson from Eba. I read a book. I solved the test.
trgiresun reyhan - 24.03.2020 @ 15:56

I woke up early in the morning. I had breakfast and I studied lesson. I did my homework on the internet. Then I played video games. After dinner, I spent time with my family.
trgiresun kayra - 24.03.2020 @ 19:18
I woke up.I had my breakfast.I listened to my lessons from Eba.I solved the test.I read the book.
trgiresun yagmur - 25.03.2020 @ 18:15

Hello! Today is 27th March. I woke up at 9.30 in the morning. I did my homework today, read a book, whatched TV.
Trgiresun Eylul - 27.03.2020 @ 12:41
I woke up in the morning and had breakfast with my family, I repeated my lessons thanks to distance education, my lesson today was science and English, ı played a computer. Today I will finish my book and sleep.
Trgiresun Hazal - 27.03.2020 @ 16:56

I woke up early. I had breakfast. I studied my lessons on the internet. I had dinner lunch with my family. Then I helped my mother to housework. I played card game "UNO" with my sister. After dinner, I read a book.
trgiresun kayra - 27.03.2020 @ 18:54
I woke up late this morning. I helped my mom make breakfast then I had breakfast with my family. I watched TV. After lunch, I played games my parents. I'm going to bed at 10.30 p.m.
trgiresun kayra - 29.03.2020 @ 21:20
I woke up late this morning had breakfast, finished sone of my homework and try to spend time. At night, ı will read my book and go to bed.
Trgiresun Yaren - 08.06.2020 @ 16:04
I got up today and had breakfast, I spent time with my phone. I solved the tests I had to solve. I will have my dinner and do homework. I will read a book tonight. I will sleep.
Trgiresun Hazal - 08.06.2020 @ 16:22
I get up early morning. I have breakfast. I read a book and did my homework.After rested a bit. I helped with housework. Then ate dinner. I watched a movie. Then I slept.
trgiresun beyzanur - 08.06.2020 @ 19:13
I get up in the morning. I'm washing my face. I'm having breakfast. I'm doing my homework. I'm reading. I'm watching TV.
trgiresun reyhan - 08.06.2020 @ 19:42

I wake up in the morning,I wash my face I eat,I read a book at noon and solve I test and in the evening I read and sleep.
Trgiresun Melike - 08.06.2020 @ 20:12
I wake up in the morning and have a good breakfast first, so I have a good start to the day. Since I finished all my homework the day before, I am just devoted to reading books today.
trgiresun yagmur - 08.06.2020 @ 20:32
I woke up in the morning, washed my face, I ate. I watched television for half an hour. I read a book for an hour, and I solved fifty questions from each lesson. I played a game, I learned a lesson. I watched TV. And I brushed my teeth and slept.
trgiresun mert - 08.06.2020 @ 21:59
I woke up. I listened to my lessons from Eba. I had my breakfast. I solved the test. I read the book. I whatched TV
Trgiresun Eylul - 09.06.2020 @ 06:40
I miss my school and teachers, do my homework, solve tests and watch the series before bed
trgiresun ozay - 09.06.2020 @ 20:19
I had my breakfast and I did my lessons and finally slept watching my favorite series .
trgiresun ozay - 11.06.2020 @ 23:09

I woke up today and had breakfast. Later I finished all my homework in EBA and read e-book from MYon app. And it's time to sleep:)
trgiresun yagmur - 19.06.2020 @ 23:49

We are going through a difficult situation, but we must think positively. Thanks to technology and platforms like eTwinning, we don't feel isolated. Besides, we can speak more with our beloved ones and do all those things we don't usually find time for. When this situation is over, we'll give more value to our lives, to little details and, above all, we'll be stronger. Take care!!!
Isabel Redondo Vigil - 18.03.2020 @ 10:28
I woke up at 9 in the morning and had breakfast. Then I started doing my homework and stop to do a online theater class.When I finished I had lunch and I played with my phone. Later I started doing more homework and dad came home. I watched some anime and had dinner. After I went to bed and read two chapters of a book. But I was tired so I couldn't read a third one.
SpPDS Iyanafs - 19.03.2020 @ 10:37
The last friday the spanish goverment have closed our school,now my brothers and I were staying in home.All the days I see the flowers in the tress its make me happy because it gives me hope. Don´t worry about this situation in the face of the adversity we will be more united than ever ,we will be from different countries but today we will be all be one.
SpPDS DanielaCP - 19.03.2020 @ 10:41
I woke up at 10am, then I had breakfast, later I started with my homwork and i didn't stop util 6pm, then I played football in my house with a tennis ball. Finally, I got a shower I started to sleep.
SpPDS Ramón OA - 19.03.2020 @ 12:05
I get up around 10, I have breakfast and I start doing my homework. In the afternoon I see something on Netflix, I read a book, I play board games, etc, that among other things. It is very boring to have to stay home!!!
SpPDS SiraGL - 19.03.2020 @ 17:35
I woke up at 11, I had breakfast and I started my homework. Then I did some exercise at home, my sister and I did some zumba for 45 minutes, then we prepared the lunch. In the afternoon I finished my homework and I watched a series on Netflix on my terrace ( it isn´t very big but it is the only place where I can "go outside"). After that I got a shower and I had dinner. Finally I went to bed.
SpPDS JuliaGH - 19.03.2020 @ 18:29
I wake up at 9am more or less, then I have breakfast and start my homework while listening to rap music, when I finish the homework, I have lunch and play videogames during 30 minutes, I do some exercise and after that I see the news on the mobile phone, next I take a shower and I have dinner, then I see a film and I go to bed.
SpPDS MateoMT - 20.03.2020 @ 09:56
There are some things that make life better for me: in the morning when I work and get in touch with my students, all those memes created by imaginative people, at 20:00 when the neighbourhood joins in a round of applause to pay tribute to all those people that are fighting against this illness, ...
-Isabel Redondo Vigil - 20.03.2020 @ 12:43
Today I wake up late but my brother cooked a delicious breakfast. Maybe I practise my cooking this weekend.
SpPDS RebecaMG - 20.03.2020 @ 13:35
Yesterday I woke up at 10, I had breakfast and I got dressed. I started doing my homework and then I rested for a few minutes. I continued with my homework and then I had lunch. In the afternoon I did some exercise, and in the evening I had dinner and I watched a film with my family. After that, I read a book and went to bed
SpPDS SaraAZ - 21.03.2020 @ 12:38
Yesterday, I woke up early, I had breakfast and then I started doing my homework. After lunch I was bored so I decided to play some games with my family. Finally, in the evening I watched TV and then I slept.
SpPDS OlayaCM - 21.03.2020 @ 15:21
Hello!! I woke up at 9:30, watched TV and then I did some homework. In the afternoon I watched a film with my sister and the we made chocolate biscuits. Finally I went to bed.
SpPDS JimenaAA - 22.03.2020 @ 11:02
First, i'm doing my homework. Next i'm helping my mum, later i'm playing computer games. Finally, i'm playing with my sister.
SpPDS HéctorCF - 23.03.2020 @ 15:57
I woke up at 10 inthe morning, I had breakfast and I did my homework. Then, in the afternoon, I read a book and I went out to exercise in my garden, then I had dinner and I watched TV.
SpPDS Paula MV - 23.03.2020 @ 17:19
Don´t be sad this will end soon but now our duty is have hope.When this fight end we will discover that together we are stronger than alone because it is true we are far away, but we'll overcome this together.
SpPDS Daniela CP - 24.03.2020 @ 12:31

In quarantine days I sleep a little more. I usually wake up at 10 o'clock. I do my lessons online. Then I do my homework. After that I dance, draw or sing a song. I usually do exercises to be healthy. And I read very interesting books. In the afternoon my family and I watch a film or something else interesting.
Alla Gaboyan, Armenia, Vanadzor School #19 -24.03.2020
Well, I'm Ruzanna, I'm 13 years old. you are today I had a not so pleasant day because. the rain in me sadness arises.Today I helped my mother.
Ruzanna Khachatryan , Armenia , Vanadzor School #19, 24.03.2020
These days I'm not getting up very early but yesterday my brother woke me up and I helped him make a poster to put in the window.
Then I did my homework and when I finished I started watching Netflix.
SpPDS Lucía MV - 24.03.2020 @ 14:34

First of all, I think that there is very big problem with coronavirus, people are being inmature with this and is a very big problem. I think that this will last a long time more. I don´t really want to have school on summer because some of my plans will be canceled. SpPDS Inés CG
It's true that a few people don't behave in the right way, but I do believe that most are being very responsible. Don't think about the future in the long term (especially in a negative way, who wants school in summer? Not me, LOL), think about the present (one day that passes is one day less to see our friends and relatives). There are lots of fake news, there used to be in the past and now people have more free time. BE POSITIVE Isabel Redondo Vigil - 25.03.2020 @ 12:06
I woke up at 9:30 in the morning, made my breakfast and ate it, later at 10:00 I went to my computer to check new messages and do homework. At 14:30 I ate and then I lay down on the sofa to watch TV. At 20:30 I had a shower and at 21:00 I had dinner and went to bed. I watch television there until I fall asleep.
SpPDS Carmen RG - 24.03.2020 @ 20:39
Hii, today I woke up at 10:30 in the morning, I had breakfast and I had a shower, then I revise my homework for today and I did part of them, later on I did some exercise, in these moments I am proud to have an eliptic machine at home, because now I use it a lot, more than ever. Then i got out my dog in our field for her to run and for me to breath pure air, it is cool to have somewhere to go out nowadays. Later I had lunch and I finished my homework. Now, I am going to have a snack and go out another time with my dog, then I suppose that i will come back and see a serie or a film from Netflix.
SpPDS AnaFN - 25.03.2020 @ 18:07
I don't draw very well but I try it. SpPDS Mateo MT - 5.03.2020 @ 10:50
Well done, I wish you could see my drawings! By the way, nobody will because I'm very bad. LOL!
Isabel Redondo Vigil - 25.03.2020 @ 12:10

Today , in Spain it is the 9th day in quarantine. We can only leave our homes to go to the supermarket, to buy medicines and some people to go working or have their dogs for a walk. Our quarantine has been increased for another 15 days, i hope all of this could finish soon, I´m really looking fowards to leave my home and continue with my normal life. SpPDS Raquel SG - 25.03.2020 @ 11:31
Everybody joined by the same wish.
Isabel Redondo Vigil - 25.03.2020 @ 12:11
I get up at eleven almost every day, then I do my homework until lunch time, after lunch time I do something in the garden and I play with my dog, in the night I watch a movie in Netflix.
SpPDS IvánDL - 25.03.2020 @ 12:54
Yesterday I woke up at 10, then I made pancakes for breakfast and I did some homeworks. Then I had lunch and I did sport. Later I watched a film with my sister and then I had a shower. Finally I had dinner and I went to bed.
SpPDS JimenaAA - 25.03.2020 @ 12:57
I wake up at half past nine, then, I have a breakfast, then I do a half of the homework that I have to do, I play football in my house and later, I do the other half of the homework, then, I take a shower and I go to sleep. SpPDS AdriánGG - 25.03.2020 @ 18:46
Last nigth I had a dream were I was triying to sleep but everyone outside was laughing in a weird way so I got under the bed sheets.A little bit later I fell asleep in the dream. It sure was a weird.
SpPDS Iyanafs - 26.03.2020 @ 11:27
Today I woke up at half past ten. I had toast for breakfast. After I had breakfast, I helped my mum with her online classes. Next, I watched a few episodes of a new tv show I recently started watching. After I finished doing that, I ate fish and chips for lunch. Then I rested for a bit and at about 5 o'clock, I facetimed my friends while doing my math and technology homework. During the facetime, at eight, I went to my kitchen and clapped for all the doctors, police and rest of people that are helping defeat the virus. I finished the facetime at about 10 o'clock and had a salad for dinner. I ended the day taking a shower and watching more of the series before going to bed. SpPDS Cristinaqc
Thank you so much for sharing your days, your life, opinions and ideas dear students, I read them everyday, I love you all so much, take care
GÜLFİDAN AYDIN CÖMERT - 26.03.2020 @ 23:20
Today it was a boring day for me, I didn´t do really intersting things. I focused on my homework and in kearninghow to deal with all the new apps and different forms of classes. Also I finished my P.E power point. And now I am going to start doing my technology homework. But no worries because it is Friday and now we are going to have a weekend to keep calm and relax ( if there isn´t much homework obviusly hahaha) SpPDS RaquelSG - 27.03.2020 @ 20:04
First, I'm doing my homework. Later I'm playing with my sister. Then, I'm doing exercise with with my mum and sister. Next, I'm helping my mum. Finally, I'm playing in the PS4. SpPDS HéctorCf - 28.03.2020 @ 16:27
Hello, today is 26th March, I woke up early and I had some toasts and a cup of hot chocolate for breakfast. After that I had a shower and made my bed.
Yestarday I painted my room`s walls and I have just finished doing it, I´m proud of it, they look really well. Now I´m doing my homework and when I finished it, I`ll help my mom preparing lunch. Today it`s cloudy but also warm, it will be a great day, I don´t know what I will to do but I`ll try to make something fun. Bye! SpPDS RaquelSG - 26.03.2020 @ 11:09
Being able to decorate your room is something to feel proud of, Can we see the result? He-he!!! Isabel Redondo Vigil - 27.03.2020 @ 11:52
I'm Aren. I'm study at 19th school after Raffi at 9th grade. I'm 15. At Friday I got up at 9 o'clock.I had breakfast and at 10 o'clock started my lessons. First hour was algebra. After algebra were world history, chemistry, Russian language.During that lessons we learn new things. After was Armenian language & we repeat our past. After was history and informatics. During informetics lesson we learn many things about Excel. After lessons I had dinner & start my physical training. At the ewning I palied computer games, had supper & watched TV.At 10 o'clock I went to bed.
Aren Kirakosyan , Armenia Vanadzor School #19
Yesterday, I woke up at 11 o'clock. At first I had breakfast and I got dressed to do some sport. Once the sport is over, I took a shower and I started doing my homework. Later I had lunch with my mum and my sister. In the afternoon I talked with my friends while I was doing the rest of my homework. At night I had dinner and I went to bed.
SpPDS JuliaGH - 26.03.2020 @ 11:39
Hello,today I woke up at 10 and I looked at my mail to see my homework and I also do some exercises and I studied, it's important to study to study a little every day. SpPDS PedroSG - 26.03.2020 @ 17:44
I completely agree with you!!! Isabel Redondo Vigil - 27.03.2020 @ 12:03
Today I did my homework; I did sport, I did video call with my friends and family and I cooked pancakes. SpPDS AnaZF -
Please, next time show us your pancakes, just to feel a bit jealous!!!
Isabel Redondo Vigil - 27.03.2020 @ 12:06
Actually I can´'t, I´ve only painted the walls because I have a lot of time. But the rest of the room is as it was, because I can´t go out and buy new things for decorations, it is a little messy cause all decoration is in pink and then the walls , even if they look great, don´t really match with pink. But when I can buy all new things, I´m pretty sure my bedroom will look awesome and i can show you all it. SpPDS RaquelSG
hello everybody! Today I woke up at 10:30 as always. I had breakfast, and I took a shower, I got dressed and I started part of my homework. My mornings are very similar, it is like I have a routine, I always do the same. After I tidied my bedroom I went out into my field with Luna for 15 minutes. Then my mum and my brother went out too and I played with brother with a ball, he had fun. Now I finished my homework for today, and I suppose that I will have lunch about 14:30. In the afternoon I am going to do some exercise because I feel that I have to do something. I thought that quarentine will be lighter than it is. I want to go out with my friends!! Videocalls are cool and fun but it isn't the same. SpPDS AnaFN
Yesterday I woke up at 10 and I had breakfast, then I turned on the computer and I did some exsercises . Later I saw a movie on Netflix.
SpPDS PedroSG 28.03.2020 @ 17:55
Today is the last day of the week , I woke up at 11 and had breakfast , and now I am finishing some homework.
SpPDS PedroSG 29.03.2020 @ 12:18
Another week more, another week less, I hope that this situation finishes as soon as posible to go outdoor but now we need to stay happy and wait,
we can do it ¡¡¡¡¡¡
SpPDS MateoMT- 30.03.2020 @ 13:20
Hii, today I woke up at 11:30, I had breakfast and then i had a shower, I got dressed and I continue with my daily homework. Not too much more to tell because I didn't do any more in this morning.
SpPDS AnaFN - 30.03.2020 @ 13:48
I read books in the morning while I'm caring my little brother and I do all the homework in the afternoon.
SpPDS PabloSP - 30.03.2020 @ 15:30
Monday 30th, there`s only one more day and March will be finished.
Today is a strange day, after a whole week with days that semmed as if we were in summer, today it started raining a lot and even for a few minutes it snowed, there are only 4ºC. The weather is crazy!
It´s monday so I´m starting again with my everyday routine, I have to do my homework and work a little bit in another estracurricular activities to prepare the pet exam and to stay healthy, I´m missing summer veeery much!
SpPDS RaquelSG - 30.03.2020 @ 13:13
Today I woke up earlier as usually, much earlier, at 7:30!! because I was a little stressed because I had lots of homework since I,ve been having problems to conect to some websites. Then I decided that I needed to take a rest and I read a book that I'm enjoying too much. Pride and Prejudice, it's a difficult book because it's really old so I'm reading it in Spanish but I'm looking forward to read something in english. Stay safe and try to have fun, bye! SpPDS IrisGQ - 31.03.2020 @ 00:03
Hi, today, as usually: I woke aup and had a shower. Then I made my bed and did some homework. I have much homework, I think I`ll be all afternoon finishing my homework and maybe I`ll do some sport.
SpPDS RaquelSG - 31.03.2020 @ 15:08
hello, today I woke up earlier than normally, at 9.30, I had breakfast and i had a shower, after i got dressed, as always, my mornings are very similar not to say the same. Today before to do my homework I went out into my field with my dog, we stayed outside like 15 minutes, then we came back home and i did part of my homework, now I am going to stop doing my activities, because i have to eat early, because I have class from my academy of english by skype, and it is at 15:30. Greetings all.
SpPDS AnaFN - 31.03.2020 @ 14:01
Today, i woke up really late, al half past eleven, I have a breakfast, and I do all the homework that I have to do. SpPDS AdriánGG- 31.03.2020
Today is a normal day, but yesterday when I went to the terrace to applaud the doctors, it started snowing!!!! It didn't snow in all the winter and snows now, these days are so crazy.
SpPDS PabloSP - 01.04.2020 @ 15:09
I woke up early today, I have breakfast and I worked in some homework, after that I watched a film and when I finished I talked to some of my friends. SpPDS InésCG- 01.04.2020 @ 20:10
Yesterday I woke up at 11 o'clock, had breakfast, took a shower and got dressed. I finished my maths homework in the morning and I also did physics and chemistry. At about three o'clock, I had lunch. After lunch I watched three episodes of a series with my sister and listened to a podcast on spotify until 7:58, which is when I went to the window and clapped as the police and ambulance drove past my house. After that I stayed in my sister's room watching 'Amadeus' which we had to watch for our music assignment while my sister did some homework. When the film finished I had dinner and went to bed.
SpPDS Cristinagc - 02.04.2020 @ 16:57
My daily routine
Today when I get up, I decide to write, what I do in quarantine days. Of course, first thing what I do, going bathroom. After I do my morning exercises or if weather is good I am going to drive a bicycle, drink a cup of warm water and have breakfast.
Then I do my lessons or if its not, I am dancing. After dinner I and my brother playing different interesting games. And in the evening my family gather and we watch movie or news. Before going to sleep, definitely remember to brush teeth and miss friends and classmates.
This is activities that I usually do in the quarantine days.
Lilia Basentsian, Vanadzor School # 19, Armenia, 03.04.2020
In spain we have a new slogan 'Stay at home' .Because of that I say thank you for staying at home a lot´.
SpPDS DanielaCP - 02.04.2020 @ 20:53
I did my homework I made my lunch I played board games and at night i watched a film with my family. SpPDS AnaZF - 02.04.2020 @ 21:53

Hello, in my school we`ve just recived our 2nd evaluation`s marks. Now it´s suppouse for us to have some holidays bout with quarentine it will be much different. Hope all of you achived the marks you wanted.
Today I woke up early in the morning and I help preparing the lunch. Then I did some exercice and finally I listened to some music. Right now I´m doing my homework. It´s a great day, it´s warm and sunny, I wish I could go out! But no worries because then, we will be able to go out every day we want to , we only have to keep waiting a little bit more. Enjoy these days with your families!
SpPDS RaquelSG - 03.04.2020 @ 18:58
Hi, today I woke up at 10:30 and I had breakfast, then I got dressed and I went out with my dog Luna. We stayed outside like 20 minutes. After we came back home and I revised the final homework that I have to send for today and that's all. SpPDS AnaFN - 05.04.2020 @ 11:48
Our Easter holiday started last weekend, but unfortunately these days can't be different from the previous ones. Don't get discouraged! We are nearer the end and we'll have lots of nice holidays.
Thanks a lot to all the participants in the project for sharing your activities, thoughts, wonderful pictures, games,... Everything helps.
A big round of applause for all of you. Isabel Redondo- 06.04.2020 @ 13:19
Hii, today I did not do too much, because i was sick, i had temperature and i stayed in bed. Now i am better but I continue with temperature. Greetings. SpPDS AnaFN - 06.04.2020 @ 22:22
So sorry to hear that! I hope you'll get better soon. Isabel Redondo
Hi everyone!! These days I wasn't too much active, because I was still sick but now I am better, so let's talk about today, I woke up at 9:30 in the morning and I had breakfast, after I got dressed and then I organize me with homework and so forth. And that's all. Then if I finished all my homework before having lunch, I am going to do some exercise. Greetings. SpPDS AnaFN - 15.04.2020 @ 10:40
Welcome back! I'm really happy you feel better now. Isabel Redondo Vigil
Hi, yesterday was a very busy day for me. I know that being home isn't funny but yesterday in my town there was a party ( "Los Huevos Pintos"). So at midday everyone went to their windows to sing and dance. Also some families painted some eggs (is the tradition) and celebrated at home. At the afternoon I did some exercise and I called my family. Finally I had dinner and went to bed. SpPDSJuliaGH - 15.04.2020
I saw it on TV. All of you had good imagination to celebrate it!!! Well done. Isabel Redondo Vigil - 15.04.2020 @ 14:05
Yesterday I woke up at 10 o' clock. I had breakfast and I had a shower. I started doing work that teachers sent us. After lunch I played table games with my sister, and then I saw a film. After that I had dinner and I went to bed. It was a good day I think
SpPDSSaraAZ 16.04.2020 @ 11:53
What I miss the most is being able to see my friends practically every day and also been able to leave home
SpPDSSaraAZ 16.04.2020 @ 11:53
Be positive! One day that passes means that one day closer to do that!!! ;-) Isabel Redondo
Today me and my mum do some bread and I hope that taste well and tomorrow i will go to the hospital to take off my cast !!!
SpPDSMateoMT - 16.04.2020 @ 12:16
Happy to hear that!!! Health is the most important thing!!! Enjoy your bread. :) Isabel Redondo
Hi, how are you? I´m a little bit tired, but I try to do different activities to distract myself. For example I've learned to cook some deserts, or I have done some exercice with my friends on a video call. Next time I`m cooking something I`ll post it, I´m not very good cooking but I try to, and that´s the point, isn´t it? ;) PDSRaquel
I'm looking forward to seeing it!!! Brave is the one that tries :) I.R
What I miss the most is stay with my friends. I'm bored and sad because I miss many things but I'm always looking for things to do. SpPDSOlayaCM -16.04.2020 @ 20:07
Keeping busy is the best way to keep spirits up, well done! Isabel
I miss many things like meeting my friends at the park or going out on Sundays. But I also think that what is happening now is a different experience and very soon we will return to our normal lives. SpPDSJimenaAA - 16.04.2020 @ 20:50
I completely agree with you and we learn from all experiences. I. R.
What I miss the most is meet my friends in the highschool and go outside to ride my bike. SpPDSMateoMT16.04.2020 @ 21:13
One day less to do that and without a cast!!! GREAT! Isabel Redondo
Yesterday I woke up fairly early and I did my math homework. Before lunch, I skyped with my long-distance family from Wales. After that, my mum made spaghetti with tomato sauce and chopped vegetables. Me and my family had luch toghether and after lunch I used my phone for a bit until we all watched an old film in the loungecalled 'Gremlins'. After that, I helped my mom make a puzzle and had dinner. After dinner my sister and I put on facemasks while we watched a series. Lastly, I took a shower, brushed my teeth and went to bed PDSCristina
Today I woke up early, and i had my breakfast. Then I went to do my homework. I' ll probably go to take a shower later. Nothing interesting for now, but today Friday, it´s movie day : ) SpPDSSiraGL - 17.04.2020 @ 11:40
Enloy your movie! It's good to have different activities for different days. 👍 Isabel Redondo Vigil - 17.04.2020 @ 20:12
I get up at ten o'clock and i have a breackfast, I do all my homework and I read a book of 236 pages. SpPDSAdriánGG - 17.04.2020 @ 13:07
WOW! What's the title? Do you recommend it? Isabel Redondo Vigil
Hi!! Yesterday I didn't have too much homework, so I did a videocall with my best friend and we were doing a lot of sport, I think that we stayed doing that, like, 2 hours and a half. It was cool, because today I feel, that I am more active. Today at 19:00, we are going to repeat. Talking about today I woke up at 9:00, I had breakfast, got dressed and I went outside with my dog. Then we came back, and I started with my homework. I had lunch and now I am finishing some homework and I am going to prepare things to do a virtual class that it is at 16:00. Happy weekend! Greetings. SpPDSAnaFN - 17.04.2020
Nice active weekend for you too!!! Isabel Redondo - 17.04.2020
What I miss most is: my family, my friends and going out for a long walk. I'm sure I'll give more value to everything when all this situation finishes. Nice weekend. Isabel Redondo Vigil
I did my homework , I did sport , I made a present for my uncle's birthday and I cooked. SpPDSAnaZF - 18.04.2020 @ 13:59
I feel curious, can we know what the present was? Isabel REdondo
Well, It´s another day but a week less to go out. I´m missing a lot my normal life but much more all my friends. I am really looking fowards for summer to come, but I´m worried cause maybe we will still at home when that happens. And what I want to do the most right now is to go to the beach with all my camping friends. Raquel
Hi everyone! These days we are all very bored because we can't leave home. I using this time at home to watch another time my favorites films. I also reeding new books that I download on my movile phone.
SpPDSIreneVP - 20.04.2020 @ 14:43
First, I do my homework. Next, I play with my sister. Then, I help my mum to clean. Later, I play football. Finally, I go to bed
SpPDSHéctorCF - 21.04.2020
Hi!!! I have a baby brother too, and he is 18 months old, and it isn't pleasant taking care of him, because you have to have one hundred of eyes, because if you get confused for a single second it will mess you up, he is an earthquake, and when I have to take care of him, I always end exhausted. I don't want to imagine what he will be like in a few years...
SpPDSAnaFN - 21.04.2020 @ 12:19
But your brother is reaaaally sweet. I want a brother like yours, he`s very funny. SpPDSRaquelSG - 21.04.2020 @ 13:13
This week, has been a busy week for me. I worked hard and I almost finished all my homework for this week so I´m quite happy.. Now I´ve did most part of the homework, I think I´ll spend my time doing some exercices which our P.E teacher recommended to us, and also I would like to finish the last season of a serie I´m watching called "Vikings". It´s a great serie, you should see it.
SpPDSRaquelSG - 22.04.2020 @ 11:53
Yesterday was a very busy day for me. My mum and I did some pancakes. They were delicious! Later I did some exercise that my P.E teacher recommended to us. Then I had a shower and I finished all my homework. Finally I watched a movie called "Mientras dormías", I think in english is "While you were slepping", it's a great movie, I recommend it to you. SpPDSJuliaGH - 22.04.2020 @ 12:53
WOW! That was a busy day!!! Next time, pictures of your pancakes, please. Lucky you!!! I also like that film , you had a good end for the day
Isabel Redondo Vigil - 22.04.2020 @ 16:40
Hello! In this quarantine I´m trying to be sportive and stay active so at its end I would be healthy. Also it helps me to stay positive and accept myself, even then at night I can sleep better. I like to do sport, it is a good way to make time go faster. Also, because it helps me to do different exercices every day, so days aren´t always the same. If not they would finish becaming boring, so I´d like to avoid that.
SpPDSRaquelSG - 23.04.2020 @ 11:59
Well done!!! Sport is always good at any time. Hopefully you'll be able to practice it outside soon. Isabel Redondo Vigil - 24.04.2020 @ 11:04
Hi! In this quarantine I'm cooking, doing sport... but I'm still bored. I try to be positive thinking about things to do after this happens
SpPDSOlayaCM - 23.04.2020 @ 19:33
That's why teachers try to keep you busy so that you don't get bored. Take advantage of this situation to do things that you don't normally find time for. Isabel Redondo Vigil - 24.04.2020 @ 11:12
When this situation ends I will start doing a lot of sport because the sport you do in you´r home isn´t the same sport you do outside, and I need it.
SpPDSMateoMT - 25.04.2020 @ 12:37
Just one week more and you'll be able to do it!!! 🚴♀️ Isabel Redondo Vigil
Today I woke up quite late and I had some pancakes with syrup for breakfast. The rest of the day I just did math and language homework until right after lunch, my dad found an old camera with old footage in it from when my sister was around 4 and I was a baby. We watched all the videoclips with the camera connected to the tv and it brought back many memories. SpPDSCristinagc- 24.04.2020 @ 22:14
What a lovely thing to do together!!!! Time flies! Isabel Redondo Vigil
From today, children up to 14 can have a walk for one hour and yesterday we learnt that in a week we'll be able to do some sport and go out for a walk (if nothing changes ). This news has made me realise how much I miss it. Isabel Redondo Vigil
I'm really happy to hear that, that shows the situation is getting better:))
Gülfidan Aydin Cömert - 27.04.2020 @ 00:40
Thanks a lot. It's getting better, although little by little. Short steps count a lot. Isabel Redondo Vigil - 27.04.2020 @ 16:29
Great news Isabel Demet Koçoglu - 27.04.2020 @ 14:25
Hi,today is the second day that I can leave home and I am very excited because play with the skateboard. SpPDS AlejoCG - 27.04.2020 @ 12:03
Enjoy it!!! You deserve it for being responsible staying at home and working so hard for the school despite the difficulties.
Isabel Redondo Vigil - 27.04.2020 @ 16:39
Today is the 2nd day children can go out, but unluckily for me, my birthday was before all of this happend so now I´m 14 and I cant go out. I hope all parents that are going out with their children are being responsable so in a little time everybody will be able to go out, enjoy of the outside and soon even maybe go to the beach or on holidays.
SpPDSRaquelSG- 27.04.2020 @ 20:44
All your efforts are worth it and this weekend you'll have your deserved reward. Isabel Redondo Vigil - 29.04.2020 @ 11:17
Today it was a very exiting day. I made a cake and then i made a facetime with all my family. I had so much fun. SpPDSJimenaAA
Next time, we'd like to see your cooking skills. (Just to feel a bit jealous).
Isabel Redondo Vigil - 29.04.2020 @ 11:20
Today I had a lot of homework to do for different subjects. I facetimed with my tecnology teacher in the morning and I also did one with my friends in the afternoon. SpPDSCristinagc - 27.04.2020 @ 21:07
Today is another day of the quarantine.I don't know how many days we must stay home,it's very boring. SpPDSAlejoCG - 28.04.2020 @ 11:27
Be positive! Every day is one day less for the end. Isabel Redondo Vigil
The last saturday the Spain goverment decide that one hour per day the boys and girl under fourteen years can walk in the streets with the parents.I have two little brothers and an adult can only walk with a maximum of two childrens.For this law we must walk in different hours but it isn´t a problem because we are near to finish the quarentine.And I hope that before the summer we will go back to the schools I miss my family and my friends but we can overcome this situation. SpPDSDanielaCP - 28.04.2020 @ 15:41
Keep that positive attitude!!! You'll see them very soon .
Isabel Redondo Vigil - 29.04.2020 @ 11:31
Hello. Yesterday I woke up, and I had breakfast. I had a shower and later I started doing my homework. After that, I had lunch with my family and later I practised some sport. Then, I read a book and I had dinner. I was so tired, because I am very bussy doing my homework everyday, so I went to bed early.SpPDSSaraAZ
Well,another day of the quarantine.There is little left.SpPDSAlejoCG
Today I´ve been rewatching a serie that I watch a few months ago with my parents and finished, and now I found where to see it again, I do homework. Then I listen to some music and relax, and now I´m talking with Ana and Inés.SpPDSRaquelSG - 29.04.2020 @ 23:04
A few days to go out and be a little more free than now¡¡¡¡¡ But we need to follow the rules of the distance and don´t meet people to overcome this situation. SpPDSMateoMT - 30.04.2020 @ 12:22
TOMORROW IS THE DAY!!!! You're absolutely right, to enjoy this new freedom, we must be responsible!!!! Enjoy doing sport. Isabel REdondo
Today I did some homework but I have a virtual lesson today.It will be very boring. SpPDSAlejoCG - 04.05.2020 @ 12:43
Be positive, You'll be in touch with your classmates. Isabel REdondo Vigil
Yesterday I started my proyect for technology. I don't have much patience so I did little but well advance a little. Later I did some homework and I had lunch. In the afternoon I watched a movie, "The impossible", it's a very nice movie but it's very sad. After that I did some exercise, yoga. It was very funny ecause I had to do some weird poses, but it was great. At night I had dinner and I watched a chapter of one serie, "Prision Break". I reccomended to you. Bye! SpPDSJuliaGH
You had a very busy day!. Thanks for your recommendation. Isabel
After 3 months without riding my bike because a fracture and the cuarintine, finally yesterday I start riding my bike alone and I do 10km and 1hour more or less and now I am very happy for be more free.
SpPDSMateoMT - 04.05.2020 @ 12:55
As you can see, calm comes after the storm / every cloud has a silver lining. I'm happy for you. Isabel Redondo Vigil
Hello everybody and happy Star wars day ,today I decide to draw some of my favourite character of this awesome films.Do you like it?
Bye and may the force be with you. SpPDSDanielaCP - 04.05.2020 @ 16:56

Waow look like so beautiful. Tr Nevsehir Aybke - 04.05.2020 @ 21:57
I didn't know it. I hope you enjoyed it with one of its movies (or more ) You draw so well!!!! Congratulations!!! Isabel Redondo Vigil
I can´t wait for summer, these last days the sun started to shine in Spain and I´m really looking foward to go to the beach, on holidays, to my town´s party...
Today it was also sunny so I woke up early in the morning and took a walk with my mom for an hour, then I organised my day so I could do interesting things and I had an online meeting.
After having lunch, I saw some episodes of a serie I´m seeing called "Velvet" it is about a big fashion store at the 60s. Finally I did some sport and now I´m finishing all my homework. SpPDSRaquelSG - 05.05.2020 @ 20:56
It's getting more difficult to be at home in good weather and I'm looking forward to the summer too. By the way, I love 'Velvet' because I'm a fan of the 60s. SpPDSRaquelSG Isabel Redondo Vigkl - 06.05.2020 @ 11:46
Hello. It's was very great today. I had a live class this morning. I miss school.I also discovered great songs.Monsta x - Lost in the dream recommend this song.and I strated reading a new book.
I´m missing school too, I prefer much more school than online meetings hahaha. I´ll listen to that song, for sure it will be awesome.
SpPDSRaquelSG - 05.05.2020 @ 20:59
Yesterday I spent the all morning doing homework. I had a lot. Then I had lunch and I went for a walk, where I live we don't have timetable restrictions. When I arrived home I made american pancakes. They were delicious!! At night I watched another episode of the serie I'm watching and then I went to bed. SpPDSJimenaAA - 08.05.2020 @ 19:10
Yesterday I had two calls with my class. It was a very busy day for me, I did a lot of homework. Then I had lunch and I watched a film. The film was called "Suite francesa"- I think in English is "French suite". It was very sad. It is about World War II. The main character is Lucile a french girl who lives with her mother-in-law. Lucile's husband is at the front helping the french to fight the germans. But when Bruno, a german military, arrives Lucile's home, they fall in love. It's a very sad film but I recommended anyways. After that I did some exercise and I had a shower. At night I watched another episode of "Prision Break"and I went to bed. Bye!
SpPDSJuliaGH - 08.05.2020 @ 17:19
Yesterday I woke up at 8 o'clock and at 8:30 o'clock I went out to do sports with my friend. When I came back home I started my online lessons till at 15:00 pm. When I finished my lessons I had some snack and went out to bike.
Today it's raining all day, that's why I couldn't go out. I stayed at home and played my favourite games , then watched TV shows. Now I am going to do my homework.
Arsen Aghababyan, Vanadzor Scool #19, 10.05.2020
Yesterday woke up early and had breakfast. At half past one, i had a physics and chemistry videocall with my teacher and classmates. After that i had lunch and i watched a two hour film for music which we have to watch and do a project on as homework. After that i facetimed my mum's friend's son to help him with some spanish homework that he had to do. Lastly i made homemade pizza for dinner with some help and it turned out really well except i cut my finger with the sweetcorn can.
SpPDSCristinagc - 08.05.2020 @ 21:16
Poor! I hope it wasn't a serious injury and it didn't hurt too much.
Isabel Redondo Vigil - 11.05.2020 @ 12:42
Happy European day for everyone,I do a poster for this especial day. Do you like it? https://view.genial.ly/5eb5106f4dae8c0da995f912/interactive-content-european-day SpPDSDanielaCP - 09.05.2020 @ 11:44
Very nice!!! Everybody can see yours and your partners' too on the Home page of the project. Isabel Redondo Vigil - 11.05.2020 @ 12:47
Yesterday, I woke up at 8:30, I had breakfast and then I watched Outer Banks, really nice show. At 11:00 I decided to make some homework, my maths and spanish homework. When I finished, I baked a cake and I listened to music. Hope you are all safe. SpPDSInésCG - 09.05.2020 @16:57
i did my homework, i did sport and i watched tv. SpPDSAnaZF
I got up today at 10:00 and I did all my homework. SpPDSAlejoCG-12.05.2020
Hello everybody today my brothers and I are going to finish the third seson of our favourite Tv serie Stranger Things. Do you see it? SpPDSDanielaCP
I've never seen it, although I know it's very popular. I hope you enjoyed it.
Isabel Redondo Vigil
Today, I´m going to have great time because I`m going out. SpPDSAdri´anGG
Where did you go? I hope you had a nice walk. I also enjoy my walks, we need fresh air. Isabel Redondo Vigil - 15.05.2020 @ 11:46

Yesterday I wake up at 7:00 in the morning to go out and ride my bike.
I do more or less 20km in 2h and today I´m so tired. SpPDSMateoMt 14.05.2020
WOW!!! Be careful!!! Now you have lots of days to practise sport. Isabel R.
Yesterday I woke up and I had breakfast. Then I had a math class and a chemistry class. After that I had lunch and I made pancakes, they were delicious. In the afternoon I did some homework and I cleaned my bedroom. Finally at 8 pm I went out to see my friends. We had a nice walk. We talked about many things and had a good time together. When I went home I had dinner and I saw an episode of Prison Break, this serie is fantastic. Bye!
SpPDSJuliaGH - 16.05.2020 @ 14:14
Isn't it good to see friends and family again? You must have missed them very much, but your reward has come. Isabel Redondo Vigil
Today I woke up and did the usual morning things. But for a change, after lunch I went to an old house my family owns in the countryside. Me and my cousins sun-bathed and had some ice-cream because it was boiling today. We just spent the day there hanging out and we also went for a walk when it was darker. We were going to set up the pool but couldn't in the end because we needed a ladder that was at my dad's workshop, and by the time he got back it was too late. At around ten o'clock I came home, had dinner and took a shower.
Lately I've been learning to cook which I know is something a lot of people are doing, and yesterday I made my first ever omelette!
SpPDSCristinacg - 18.05.2020 @ 01:01
What a wonderful day!!!! Congratulations for your first omelette! It seems easy, but it isn't. Next time, a picture please. Isabel Redondo Vigil
I get up, take a shower and get dressed. After breakfast, then I brush my teeth. Next I look at the duties that I have in gmail, and I do them. I watch television. In the afternoon I exercise, then eat, I go back to shower and have dinner. I watch tv after, have dinner i go to sleep.
SpPDSDaríoAS - 18.05.2020 @ 16:06
Today I got up, had breakfast, and I was a little scared to see that I had not turned in some homework, but I have to try harder to deliver everything on time, then at 13:30 I will have a virtual class.
SpPDSIyánIL - 19.05.2020 @ 11:28
Everybody makes mistakes. It's important to make an effort to change and I'm sure you can. Isabel Redondo Vigil - 9.05.2020 @ 17:18
Yesterday I met with two friends and it was very nice,we were speaking more or less one hour but keeping the security distance, It was so nice
SpPDSMateoMT - 20.05.2020 @ 11:09
And it was also nice of you to keep the safety rules!!!! Isabel Redondo
Yesterday it was an awesome day. It was sunny and warm for almost all day, summer is coming and I can´t wait for it! Because it was really sunny, I decided to sunbathe a little bit and then I went for a walk arround 8 o`clock. It was amazing, there weren´t any clouds!!! I had so much fun.
SpPDSRaquelSG - 20.05.2020 @ 11:55
Hi,this is another day of the quarantine.I'm better than the first day.
SpPDSAlejoCG 20.05.2020 @ 12:38
Hello everybody! Yesterday I went to my grandparents' house to meet my cousins. We had a funny moment and we had a water fight. I love water fighst but I am always the loser.I am very happy because the summer is near, unfortunately this year in Spain we can't have our traditional summer festivities, I hope we can go the municipal swimming pools because I love swimming and scuba diving.
SpPDSDanielaCP - 20.05.2020 @ 12:04

hi! Today I woke up at 9 o'clock, I had breakfast and I had a shower, then I got dressed and then i went out with my dog to have a walk, then I came home and I did part of my homework. And finally I have received a packet from Bershka with some shorts, because it's very hot and i needed some summer clothes. That's all. SpPDSAnaFN - 21.05.2020 @ 11:52
Yesterday I made some butter cookies that were delicious, after that I went to my Cousins' house and we had an incredible time listening to music and watching films. It was an incredible day. SpPDSIreneVP -21.05.2020
Hi,today I'm doing some history and math exercices and reading a book. There is a very sunny day outside I like the days like this. SpPDSMateoMV
Yesterday I finished a series called Outer Banks, it is about a group of teens that live in an island, the story begins 9 months later of the disappearance of the father of one of the guys. It is an incredible series and I recommend it. SpPDSIreneVP - 22.05.2020 @ 11:27
Yesterday I woke up and had breakfast. Then I had a chemistry class, we are learning some new things, they are difficult to understand. Then I did my lunch, I did Pasta, it was delicious. In the afternoon I did homework and some sport. The afternoon passed quickly and when my father arrived, he had a surprise for me. So I went down stairs and I saw the surprise.
It was McDonalds food. I was very happy because I missed the ice cream of McDonalds. So we had dinner, after that I saw an episode of Prison Break (almost finished) and I went to bed. Bye! SpPDSJuliaGH - 22.05.2020
All of you deserve surprises and prizes for being patient and responsible.
Isabel Redondo Vigil - 24.05.2020 @ 12:43
Hi everybody! Yesterday I did a strawberry milkshake for breakfast and it was delicious. Also yesterday I finished a book, it's called Percy Jackson and the The Titan's Curse, that is the 3rd book of the saga. I hope you'll have a good day. Bye. SpPDSIreneVP - 25.05.2020 @ 10:5
Food always tastes better when we make it ourselves!!! Isabel Redondo
Today I'm doing some Chemistry exercices and reading a book. There's a very good day and probably I will sit down in the garden.
SpPDSMateoMV - 25.05.2020 @ 16:32
Lucky you for having a garden!!! Enjoy it!!!! Isabel Redondo Vigil
Hello everybody, yesterday I went to bed to late ( at 4:30 am) because my sister came from her Erasmus program, she had to travel 2 hours by taxi to reach Sofia, then other 3 hours by plane to land in Madrid (Spain's capital city) and other 4 hours and a half to arrive home (Asturias, in the north of Spain).
Before she arrived, I made a poster in which I wrote "Bienvenida a casa", which means "Welcome home", which I placed at the front door. Before she arrived at 3am in the morning, I hanged out with my friends. Yesterday was a great day. SpPDSIreneVP - 26.05.2020 @ 13:06
What a busy and lovely day you had!!! Full of emotions. Isabel Redondo
Today I wake up at 6AM becuse I'm going to go to the dentist and I needed to wake up at the same time as my mother when she goes to work. SpPDSMateoMV - 26.05.2020 @ 15:40
This shows that our ordinary life is coming back little by little. I guess that sby is going to take a nice nap. I hope the dentist didn't hurt you. Isabel Redondo Vigil - 26.05.2020 @ 18:12
Today I woke very early because I had lots of homeworks. Then I had lunch and took my dog for a walk. In the afternoon I visited my granfather. I hadn't seen him for 3 months. Then I came back home and made dinner for my family. Finally I watched a film and went to bed. SpPDSJimenaAA - 26.05.2020 @ 21:30
On Saturday, it was my mum's birthday. We couldn't really get her any proper birthday presents but we ordered some online. I helped to decorate the house with star banners and a few balloons while she was out shopping in the morning. We stayed in all day, and my sister and I tried to bake her a chocolate cake for her. The presentation wasn't the best but it tasted good.
The next day, Sunday, I went to an old rural house that's my family's with my cousins. We played with cards and ate some cakes from a small bakery my family brought. Lastly, we went home and watched a film.
SppDSCristinagc - 26.05.2020 @ 22:43
I'm sure your mother enjoyed her day a lot. Well done!!!
Isabel Redondo Vigil - 29.05.2020 @ 18:50
Dear diary today I will go to my grandsparents' house and I will play with my cousins.In my family we love the dogs, my little cousin Teo adopted a little dog whose name is Dana yesterday. It is adorable and It played with my dog Lua. SpPDSDanielaCP - 27.05.2020 @ 11:14

The dog really sweet. Tr Nevsehir Büsra - 27.05.2020 @ 20:01
What a lovely dog!!! Isabel Redondo Vigil - 29.05.2020 @ 19:00
Hello,today I did nothing special I woke up, ate the breakfast, I watched TV and now I,m doing my homework. SpPDSMateoMV - 27.05.2020 @ 16:59
Hi everyone! Yesterday I received a new notebook that I ordered on Amazon. It's the second one that I order, because I already completed the first one. The first is full of drawings and lettering practices. I hope you all had a nice day. SpPDSIreneVP - 29.05.2020 @ 11:59
We hope to see your drawings one day! Isabel Redondo Vigil -
Yesterday I woke up and had breakfast. Then I had a chemistry class. After that I did the lunch with my sister, we did some rice with different vegetables. It was delicious! In the afternoon I did some homework and I started again The Society (is a very good series, you should watch it). Finally my sister and I decided to go to the beach. We walked near the sea, it was amazing. It was very crowded but we all kept the safe distance. For dinner we ate pizza, after that I saw another episode of The Society and went to bed. Bye!
SpPDSJuliaGH - 29.05.2020 @ 22:09
We've been very lucky to be able to go out when good weather has come!!! If we are responsible, we'll be able to go on doing it. Thanks for enjoying our 'new normal life' in a responsible way, Julia. Isabel Redondo
These days in Spain, it was sunny where I live. I went to the beach and it was awesome. The beach was beautifull and although the sea was cold, I took a swim. This is how the beach looked at about 7pm. It still was warm and sunny! Wonderful, isn´'t it? SpPDSRaquelSG - 01.06.2020 @ 12:03

The beach is the best place after having been at home such a long time. Lucky you!!! Isabel Redondo Vigil - 01.06.2020 @ 18:12
I woke up, had breakfast, watched TV, did my homework and I read.
SpPDSMateoMV - 01.06.2020 @ 17:08
Hi everybody! Yestarday, after I did my homework, I saw a few chapters of a series on Netflix called Outer Banks. It's one of my favourite series. I recommend it so much. After it, I saw with my mom a Spanish Program called Master Chef. I know that it exist into other countries, but I don't know in which ones it exist. Please let me know if you have Master Chef in your country. SpPDSIreneVP - 02.06.2020 @ 11:29
hi everyone! There is too much time that i didn't write here, because i had problems with my laptop and it didn't let me do anything with, so. This days I did my normal routine, but there is one thing that has changed, I go out everyday with my friends, with the precautions that we have to maintain, but we go out together, and it's fine, i didn't remember how good it was. I hope we move on to phase 3 soon, because more things can be done. Now I am going to continue with my homework. Greetings!! SpPDSAnaFN
Welcome back!!! Thanks to responsible people like you and your friends we will be able to defeat the virus. Isabel Redondo Vigil
In Spain we only have three weeks left of class.The last Friday I read our first comments and I remenber the first days of quarantine . I am very happy because I learn that the persons can overcome all of the things if they are united.I will miss writing in this diary. SpPDSDanielaCP - 03.06.2020

I completely agree with you, together we can get anything!!! I'm happy you enjoy writing the diary so much; it shows so many events and feelings. Isabel Redondo Vigil - 03.06.2020 @ 17:46
Another day of the quarantine.It could be interesting. SpPDSAlejoCG
Hello everyone! Today I did a lot of homework, and not too much, because weather here is not very good today, so. I am really excited because my cousin is going to be born tomorrow. The pity is that I will not be able to see her, but what convinces me is that is for her own good, because as we all know babies are very fragile. I don't have more to tell. That's all for today. Greetings. SpPDSAnaFN - 04.06.2020
Congratulations!!!! Very good news!!! I hope you'll see her very soon.
Isabel Redondo Vigil - 05.06.2020 @ 18:04
Today I woke up early and I saw a film after that I made some homework and now I´m going to hang out with me friends. Hope you are safe Bye...
SpPDSInésCG - 04.06.2020 @ 17:45
Yesterday I woke up and had breakfast. After that I had a chemistry class, later I did some homework and I had lunch. In the afternoon I did some cookies with my sister. They have chocolate chips, (they are delicious).After doing the cookies we decided to go out, we walked near the beach half an hour.
At night I had dinner, I ate pizza and later I watched an episode of a serie "Los Hombres de Paco". You should watch it, It's a very good serie. Byee
SpPDSJuliaGH - 05.06.2020 @ 14:27
hello! As I said yesterday, my cousin was born today. I saw her in photos, but i want to take care of her, my aunt says that she doesn't cry a lot, only when she's hungry, as all. Today was a normal day, without the birth of my cousin. So that's all. Greetings. SpPDSAnaFN - 05.06.2020 @ 17:50Today I got up very early in the morning because I wanted to make pancakes for breakfast. Then I dressed up and started doing homework.
I had a lot so when I finished them I had lunch with my family. In the afternoon I watched a film and then I called my friends. We were talking for a long time. At night I will have dinner and then I will watch MasterChef wich is very popular here in Spain. Then I wiil sleep.
SpPDSJimenaAA - 08.06.2020 @ 19:36
No wonder you like MasterChef, you've cooked a lot during this time. I also enjoy watching the programme, who do you think will win?
Isabel Redondo Vigil - 09.06.2020 @ 17:26
Yesterday I woke up early and got ready to leave my house and meet my family in our shared old house. We arrived at around twelve o'clock.
My cousins didn't take long to arrive and when they did, we played some board games while lying on armchairs that we keep there. It started raining a bit so we went under an awning my family put up. It stopped raining and they prepared a barbecue we had for lunch. They had also brought a typical Spanish dessert called 'arroz con leche' (rice pudding) but I didn't have any because I don't like it. After lunch we cleared the boot of my car and we all sat there and watched 'The Darkest Minds' which I had watched before but my cousins hadn't. After that we recorded some videos of us doing games for our p.e. project and we just kept doing things until it got dark and we headed home. -SpPDSCristinagc
What a lovely day all together!!! There is no rain that can spoil that.
Isabel Redondo Vigil - 09.06.2020 @ 17:33
hello! today I saw my cousin for the first time, and she's so cute. I did my normal routine and not too much because weather here is really bad, and I can't do too much more. Greetings! SpPDSAnaFN -. 08.06.2020 @ 23:30
Enjoy her now that you can. Isabel Redondo Vigil - 09.06.2020 @ 17:39
Yesterday, I woke up at ten o'clock and did the usual morning things. In the evening I did my geography, maths and music homework. I also
facetimed with my friends for quite a while until they had to leave.
When they did, I just took a shower, and ate dinner in the lounge while I watched a film. I couldn't really go out at all, because these past few days in the part of Spain we live in, it's been quite rainy. I still enjoyed my day in since at this point I'm very used to it. SpPDSCristinacg
Before the pandemic I went to a Harry Potter workshop,and we did crafts and activities about these books.With the pandemic we stopped them.But the next wednesday we will restart them. The groups must be with fewer people because of that maybe I won't see my workshop friends.But this is okay because I will see them in September in the High School. - SpPDSDanielaCP
Yesterday I woke up at 9 o'clock. I had breakfast and I tidied my room. It was a very busy morning for me. First I tidied all the house and then I washed the dishes. After that I went to the laundry to wash the clothes. While the clothes were washing I bought some spoons and I did a Pie. After doing all that I went again to the laundry to pick up the clothes. At 12 o'clock I had a math class and then I did some homework and I finished tidyng up the house. Then I had lunch with my family and I slept a little ("la siesta"). Then I dressed to go out with my friends. I had a wonderful time with them, after that I arrived home and I had dinner. I ate my Pie, it was delicious!. Finally I watched an episode of "Los Hombres de Paco" and I went to sleep. Bye! SpPDSJuliaGH - 13.06.2020 @ 13:21
Well this week, in my school, is the last before we get our final marks of this year. And I just wanted to say goodbye to all of you, and wish you a good summer. SpPDSRaquelSG - 19.06.2020 @ 16:16
So this is the last week we had school and I want to wish you a very good summer and I hope you have a good time with your families and friends. I wish you the best for the coming years and I hope we will work together again. It has been great to work with you.. Byee
SpPDSJuliaGH - 20.06.2020 @ 11:21
hi everyone! It's time to say good bye. This forum has been an entertainment during our quarantine. I am proud of all our projects here in Etwinning.
It was nice to talk with you and no more to say. Nice summer for all of you and now it's time to relax! Greetings. SpPDSAnaFN - 22.06.2020
Time flies and it's time to say goodbye to this wonderful diary. It's been a pleasure to take part. It has helped to make things easier in very difficult moments. CONGRATULATIONS FOR YOUR WORK AND THANKS FOR SHARING YOUR FEELINGS, THOUGHTS, IDEAS, ROUTINES, ....!!!!!!!
Enjoy your summer holidays (you deserve it).
I hope we'll work together in the future again. Meanwhile, all the best for all of you and your families. IsabelRedondoVigil - 23.06.2020 @ 18:2
All schools are closed in Turkey until 30th March. I hope this epidemic stops asap and all you are getting well.
I'm taking care of my kids and playing game with them all day and also trying to read my books and watch Netflix :)
I also miss you, my great pupils ;)
Demet Koçoğlu - 17.03.2020 @ 18:47
I miss my school,my teachers and my friendsI rest and read books,then I take a shower. I have to be careful about my cleaning. I think watching movies before going to bed.
Take care of yourself
Tr Balıkesir Gamze - 17.03.2020 @ 19:31S
I do my homework and read books at first. I try not go out because of the virus. I do different activities at home.
Tr Balıkesir Arda Ö. - 17.03.2020 @ 19:33
I woke up early in the morning and had breakfast. I read the book and then I watched TV. In the evening I eat my dinner and read a book. I started watching the series "Stranger Things" again. I will sleep after watching it.
Tr Balıkesir Hale - 17.03.2020 @ 19:41
I woke up late in the morning and had breakfast.I watched tv and played football at home. I stayed at home all day because of the virus.I will sleep after reading books.
Tr Balıkesir Deniz -
I woke up late today and had breakfast, then I finished my daily jobs and had my lunch and studied lesson a bit, had my dinner and spent time with my family.
Tr Balıkesir Şüheyda - 17.03.2020 @ 19:58
I got up early in the morning and had my breakfast.I did my homework and daily repetiton about English lesson.After dinner,I watched the series on TV.
Tr Balıkesir Berra - 17.03.2020 @ 20:05
I woke up about 10 in the morning, had breakfast,and dış some homework. After doing homework, then I spent time with my brother and played with my phone, I watched a few videos before going to bed and then I went to bed.
Tr Balıkesir Kaan - 17.03.2020 @ 20:07
I woke up a little late in the morning. I had my breakfast and watched some TV. I finished one of my homework, solved the test and read a book.
Tr Balıkesir Seyda - 17.03.2020 @ 20:54
I woke up early in the morning today. After having my breakfast I read the book and after a few hours I solved the test. I drew a nice picture after eating dinner.
Tr Balıkesir Gizem - 17.03.2020 @ 21:18
I woke up at 9 in the morning, had breakfast and read some books, went out and played with my friends and came home, had dinner, played on the phone and went to bed
Tr Balıkesir Serhat - 18.03.2020 @ 18:2
I was a little late in the morning, I had my breakfast, I watched the rick and morty series, then I did my homework, I spent time on the phone after dinner and I slept
Tr Balıkesir Kaan - 18.03.2020 @ 19:39
I read a book today,studied my lessons and spent time with my family.
Tr Balıkesir Şüheyda - 18.03.2020 @ 19:58
I woke up at 8 in the morning, had breakfast with my family and played computer games. I did my homework. I will sleep after watching Tv.
Tr Balıkesir Deniz - 18.03.2020 @ 19:59
I woke up late today. After having breakfast, I watched a movie. I did my homework. I read the book and listened to some music after dinner.
Tr Balıkesir Gizem - 18.03.2020 @ 20:03
I woke up early in the morning and had breakfast.Since today,March 18th, has an important place in our histroy, I listened to the program on our other project B.E.N.G.İ 's radio.
Tr Balıkesir Berra - 18.03.2020 @ 20:11
I get up this morning.I have a healty breakfast.After doing my daily work,I do my Social Studies repetition then I start a two hundred puzzle,I will read a book before going to bed.
Tr Balıkesir Gamze - 18.03.2020 @ 20:16
I did my homework and read my book today. I did different activities again. Today our another etwinning project called B.E.N.G.İ had the first radio program. Today is the 105th anniversary of the 18 March Çanakkale Victory in our history. It's been so good today.
Tr Balıkesir Arda Ö. - 18.03.2020 @ 20:37
I woke up late in the morning. I did my breakfast. I did my homework. At night I will watch series and sleep.
Tr Balıkesir Hale - 18.03.2020 @ 20:56
I woke up at 11 am, had breakfast, read a book, spent some time on the phone and watched the series called "The Teacher" and slept.
Tr Balıkesir Serhat - 18.03.2020 @ 20:58
I woke up today, had a good breakfast and cleaned my room to protect it against the virus. My vacation is not so boring. I took some tests and spent time with my family.
Tr Balıkesir Seyda - 18.03.2020 @ 21:09
I woke up early in the morning and after breakfast I studied lesson and after reading book I spent time with my mim.
Tr Balıkesir Emircan - 18.03.2020 @ 21:17
I got up this morning and had breakfast. I did my homework . I listened to music after dinner. It's been so good today.
Tr Balıkesir Deniz - 19.03.2020 @ 17:22
First of all, l am very excited because the live lessons will start because l am bored at home, especially today,l miss my friends and teachers very much.
Tr Balıkesir Şüheyda - 19.03.2020 @ 18:04
I woke up early in the morning and watched a movie called Pets 2 after breakfast and after doing my tests, I read a book and slept.
Tr Balıkesir Emircan - 19.03.2020 @ 19:04
I got up today, had my breakfast. I solved a question because I was so bored. We had our dinner. I made a cake in the cup, I recommend it to everyone.
Tr Balıkesir Seyda - 19.03.2020 @ 19:31
After waking up and having breakfast, we played chess with my sister. I read a book and solved a test. I watched the news after having dinner.
Tr Balıkesir Gizem - 19.03.2020 @ 19:37
I woke up late this morning and looked at my daily work.Then I watched the movie "Others".It was exciting.I completed the puzzle I started yesterday and spent time with my family in the evening.
Tr Balıkesir Gamze - 19.03.2020 @ 19:42
I woke up in the morning, had breakfast, stayed at home, it was boring, then we decided to go to my friend, we studied and played games, we ate dinner, then I watched TV, then went to bed
Tr Balıkesir Kaan - 19.03.2020 @ 19:43
I did my homework today. I read my book. I took precautions against corona virus. I washed my hands frequently. Actually this is not the first time I have done this. I was doing it all the time. It was very tiring but beautiful today. Tr Balıkesir Arda Ö. - 19.03.2020 @ 21:08
I woke up at 9 am today, I had breakfast, I played football with friends, I watched the TV series, I sleptTr Balıkesir Serhat - 20.03.2020 @ 01:40
I got up in the morning and had breakfast. I solved the test. After dinner, I watched the series and slept. Tr Balıkesir Berra - 20.03.2020 @ 08:44
Seyda, we are waiting your delicious recipe ;)
Demet Koçoğlu - 20.03.2020 @ 09:26
I drew some pictures today and made cookies with my mom and spent time together
Tr Balıkesir Şüheyda - 20.03.2020 @ 17:05
I got up today, had my breakfast. I solved a question because I was so bored. We had our dinner. I made a cake in the cup, I recommend it to everyone.
I woke up late. I had my breakfast and got my homework. We can't go out because of the virus. I want this epidemic to end immediately.
Tr Balıkesir Hale - 20.03.2020 @ 18:54
After having breakfast in the morning, I read the book and drew a picture with my mother. In the evening, I will watch a comedy movie with my family. But I'm bored at home, I'm waiting for the online education on Monday. I miss my school my teachers, my lessons and my friends.
Tr Balıkesir Gizem - 20.03.2020 @ 19:13
I woke up early this morning and prepared a surprise breakfast for my family.I arranged my locker in the afternoon and painted a heart-shaped rock in the evening.
Tr Balıkesir Gamze - 20.03.2020 @ 19:17

I woke up at 10 in the morning, I ate, I played with the phone at home, I watched a movie at my friend's house, I went to the house and went to sleep
Tr Balıkesir Serhat - 20.03.2020 @ 19:19
Today was a very boring day for me. I did the test, I took a bath, I played mangala with my father, I drew a picture. We made a pie with my mom, now I'm watching a movie, we'll have tea soon
Tr Balıkesir Seyda - 20.03.2020 @ 19:20
I got up today, had my breakfast. I solved a question because I was so bored. We had our dinner. I made a cake in the cup, I recommend it to everyone.
Seyda, we are waiting your delicious recipe ;)
Of course my teacher
Tr Balıkesir Seyda - 20.03.2020 @ 19:26
I woke up in the morning and took a bath after having breakfast. I watched a little TV and painted a mandala.
Tr Balıkesir Berra - 20.03.2020 @ 19:26
I woke up in the morning, I had breakfast, I was bored after breakfast, I came to mind to read a book, I studied my lessons after reading my book, then I finished a season on the phone and it was evening and I sleptTr Balıkesir Kaan - 20.03.2020 @ 19:36
I woke up at 10 in the morning. I read the book and played with my phone . I will watch a horror movie this evening . It's been so good today.
Tr Balıkesir Deniz - 20.03.2020 @ 19:53
Today i woke up in the morning and after breakfast I went my cousin's home then I studied lesson, ate my dinner and watched a movie. I will sleep soon. Good night to all.
Tr Balıkesir Emircan - 20.03.2020 @ 20:03
I woke up today and had breakfast. I studied again to my lessons and watched television. Today I again and again washed my hands, paid attention to my health and I'm planning to go to bed early tonight.
Tr Balıkesir Arda Ö. - 20.03.2020 @ 20:04
I learned knitting today and knit and studied a little bit and read a book.
Tr Balıkesir Şüheyda - 21.03.2020 @ 17:51
Today I got up late and solve some test and then we watched a movie with my mother and had dinner.
Tr Balıkesir Emircan - 21.03.2020 @ 18:02
I woke up in the morning, had breakfast, then read some books and printed the shirt, it was a lot of fun with the iron and a4 paper, then I watched the series again and lectured, I slept after dinner
Tr Balıkesir Kaan - 21.03.2020 @ 19:46
I woke up in the morning and had breakfast. I thought of my dreams I wanted to realize in the future.For example, when I grew up, I realized that I wanted to know very different countries of the world to get to know different cultures.Tr Balıkesir Berra - 21.03.2020 @ 19:59
In the morning, after completing my same routines, I finally finished the third season of the "Stranger Things" series I watched. I suggest you watch a really nice series ;)Tr Balıkesir Hale - 21.03.2020 @ 20:
I got up today, had breakfast and solved some questions, read the Quran, prayed. I made the cake you saw the other day. I want to share the recipe with you
2 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons of sugar
1 tablespoon of cocoa
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon of vanilla
2 tablespoons of oil
5 tablespoons of milk (if it is still solid, you can add it)
We heat it in the microwave for 700 C and 1.5 minutes. Enjoy your meal.

I woke up at 10 am today.I planted my flowers after breakfast. I will water them every day.In the evening I did some search about interesting infos. There is an example for you : if you chew gum during chopping onions,you will not cry.
Tr Balıkesir Gamze - 21.03.2020 @ 20:44
I got up late today. I had breakfast and did a puzzle. In the evening, we watched a documentary with my father.
Tr Balıkesir Gizem - 21.03.2020 @ 20.46
Good job Seyda,How about doing it together?
Tr Balıkesir Gamze - 21.03.2020 @ 20:50
Of course, whenever you want
Tr Balıkesir Seyda - 21.03.2020 @ 20:58
I woke up today. And I had my breakfast. I watched TV today and played games. I am very excited about starting the online classes on Monday.
Tr Balıkesir Arda Ö. - 21.03.2020 @ 21:44
It looks yummy
I'll try it definitely. Thank you for the recipe
Demet Koçoğlu - 21.03.2020 @ 22:26

Hi everyone.We all have a hard time. The idea of uncertainty, what will happen, how much we are affected by this situation worries me, but I always have hope. Life continues.May life bring us beauty
Tuğba Kölemen - 19.03.2020 @ 20:37
First of all, I missed my school friends and teachers very much, I finished my homework today, I took a shower, I read Sherlock Holmes, my favorite book.
Tr Nevsehir Meryem - 20.03.2020 @ 15:57
Hello l'm Duygu .l got up at 9.30 today .After having breakfast l solved the test ,then l painted pottery with my sister . lt was very fun Then we ate our dinner, then we watched TV then l went to my room to read a book . My mother brought fruit while reading my book . My day was very good.../p>
Tr Nevsehir Duygu - 20.03.2020 @ 21:04
Hello everyone, today I got up at 9:50 in the morning, had breakfast and did my homework online, solved the test and looked at the television after all my work was done./p>
Tr Nevsehir Meryem - 21.03.2020 @ 16:5
I got up at 10:00 yesterday, had breakfast and then read some books and then watched the movie with my family.
Tr Nevsehir Meryem - 23.03.2020 @ 10:38

I woke up early in the morning and had breakfast . Then , l played chess and read a book. Next , l studied lessons and take a nap. I watched TV after l ate my lunch. I talked to my friends on the phone. After that , I helped my mother. Finally , l went to bed after l read some more book .
Tr Nevsehir Abdurrahman - 23.03.2020 @ 18:03
Hi.l spend most of my time with housework and reading book and at the end of day l can't believe how time goes
Tuğba Kölemen - 23.03.2020 @ 21:10
I woke up. Then l ate breakfast. I watched eba before I played computer. Next I solved test and I did homework. I ate dinner. I read book.
I went to bed.
Tr Nevsehir Zafer - 24.03.2020 @ 10:04
I woke up in the morning and I had breakfast.I did my homework.Then I studied.I played "KIZMA BİRADER" with my friends.Next I was interested in my cat.I ate fruıt.And evening we had dinner.I watched some TV.I readed book before I went to bed and I slept.
Tr Nevsehir Gönül - 24.03.2020 @ 10:13
l woke up in the morning.I had my breakfast.I watched my lesson.On TV since schools are holidays.I solved a test from the topics I watched.I played games from the computer.I read my book.Finally I brushed my teeth and entered my bed.
Tr Nevşehir Alperen - 24.03.2020 @ 10:20
Hello, I listened to the lessons from EBA today, then I solved some tests, I love studying, and then I made pudding with my mom.
Tr Nevsehir Meryem - 24.03.2020 @ 10:29

I got up at 09.30 and the day is boring for now.l had breakfast.After breakfast I stuied lessons.I will read book.Its name is Karantina.
Tr Nevsehir Selim - 24.03.2020 @ 10:39
On 22nd March.I woke up late and had breakfast. I did different activites again. That day was snowy l played snowball. I read a book after l played snowball. Then , I played chess , I helped my mother daily work . Next , I worked lessons before sleeping. I read some book. After that , I went to bed after I watched TV.
Tr Nevsehir Abdurrahman - 24.03.2020 @ 10:45
Dear Dairy,
I woke up at eight o'clok and had breakfast.Then I helped my mother to look after my newborn brother. I love him very much.I studied my lessons and I had my lunch.I played games with my sister. I solved my tests. I had my dinner . I read my book before I slept.
Tr Nevsehir Edanur - 24.03.2020 @ 10:50
I woke up at 9 am today, had breakfast and read half an hour, received distance education and studied 3 hours .When I finished, I played with phone for 1 hour, ate dinner, watched movies and slept. It was a very nice day
Tr Nevsehir Şevket - 24.03.2020 @ 10:51
I think it was more boring today than other day. Today 21st March. I couldn’ t get out of the house. I enjoed playing board games. Then ,l spend most of my time with read a book and studied lessons . Next , l watched TV before went to bed .
Tr Nevsehir Abdurrahman - 24.03.2020 @ 13:30
l woke up pretty late today .l had brekfast and l cycled . l listenend to the lesson and made a cake with my mother.
Tr Nevsehir Zeynep S - 24.03.2020 @ 14:49
I studied more than any other day today. I read more books but l helped my mother less than other days. I hope everything will be very nice.
Tr Nevsehir Abdurrahman - 24.03.2020 @ 15:26
l spend most of my time with housework and reading book. On 20th March,I studied lessons before l slept. I didn’t watch TV. I went to early bed.
Tr Nevsehir Abdurrahman - 24.03.2020 @ 15:38
Today,I wake up 10.30 a.m I studied lesson a little.Being at home is boring.But listening to music is great.If you get bored,definitely listen to music or you can study.Also cooking is very pleasant.I spend my day like this
Tr Nevsehir Sema - 24.03.2020 @ 19:05
Hi today it was a normal day listened lesson from EBA today and l did my daily activities and as always l read a book.
Tr Nevsehir Duygu - 24.03.2020 @ 19:50
Today my students made me happy because l saw that most of them wrote something on diary.lt is nice to see them doing their tasks.
Tuğba Kölemen - 24.03.2020 @ 19:55
I had a lot of fun doing "wordart" today. I wanted to do something about corona virus.
I want to talk about my biggest dream. My dream is to be an English teacher, I hope I will be successful and I model " Demet Koçoğlu" on me ,She is my idol,I hope I will be a teacher like her in the future.
Tr Balıkesir Şüheyda - 22.03.2020 @ 16:43

My dear Şüheyda, you made me cry. I'm very happy for your these words. Thank you very much.
I hope you'll be very successful and achive great success in the future.
You're one of my unforgottable students in my life. Love you.
Demet Koçoğlu - 22.03.2020 @ 18:12
I got up early this morning , so I had breakfast at ten o'clock . I did some test and I did my wordart work. I stayd at home because of the corona virus.
Tr Balıkesir Deniz - 22.03.2020 @ 18:21

we have been having bad times throughout the world for a long time , but I hope we will beat it.
Tr Balıkesir Hale - 22.03.2020 @ 18:30

Today is Sunday,I woke up late.I was very excited when I woke up because distance learning begins tomorrow.We had breakfast wirh my family.Corona virus is threatining our lives,we stayed at home and watched movies.I think you STAY HOME,STAY SAFE:)
Tr Balıkesir Gamze - 22.03.2020 @ 18:51

I read a book after having breakfast with my family today. We played mangala with my sister. And I did an activity about corona virus.
Here is the activity I did:
Tr Balıkesir Gizem - 22.03.2020 @ 18:52

Today,we did word art works about corona virus. I chose the sympthoms of this awful disease.Also, I made dessert,rice pudding called in Turkish "sütlaç" for my family today.
This is my wordart work:

I woke up in the morning, I had breakfast, I did wordart work with the instructions of my teacher, then we made a bomb with my mother and brother, then I read my book and finally I finished my day, it was very nice, I had dinner and went to sleep.
This my wordart pic:
Tr Balıkesir Kaan - 22.03.2020 @ 19:49

I woke up late this morning. I had my breakfast. I took care of my dog, we walked in our garden. we went to my aunt's home, they are so close to us. I played games with my nephews and studied my lessons a little bit. we had dinner and chatted with family. we came back to our house and I played with my dog again and I read a story before sleeping.
Tr Balıkesir Emircan - 22.03.2020 @ 20:27
I woke up today and had breakfast and watched TV . And I reviewed my lessons. I am very excited to start online classes tomorrow.And I will sleep right now.
Tr Balıkesir Arda Ö. - 22.03.2020 @ 21:04

I woke up today, had breakfast and finished my word art work. It is a lot of fun. Then I changed my room decoration with my family, I'm a little tired. I'm also excited for tomorrow, I'll sleep soon, because I'm tired today
Tr Balıkesir Seyda - 22.03.2020 @ 21:19

I joined our first live online lesson on EBA today,I think the lesson time was not enough,it should have been longer but I still had fun in the lesson.
Tr Balıkesir Şüheyda - 23.03.2020 @ 16:47
I woke up at 9 am today,had breakfast and at 11 am I took online classes.It was good for me.I slept 2 hours after class.Then I solved the test.I drew a vase picture in the evening.
Tr Balıkesir Gamze - 23.03.2020 @ 16:48

Today, distance education lessons started.I was really excited.The lessons were good.Tr Balıkesir Hale - 23.03.2020 @ 16:56

Today I was very excited, after breakfast, I took online education lessons. Then I watered the flowers on the balcony. I listened to music after dinner.
Tr Balıkesir Gizem - 23.03.2020 @ 17:33
I woke up in the morning and did my personal care. I watched some TV after having breakfast. I studied with my niece. I took care of my dog. I slept a little. Then I ate dinner and started reading books.
Tr Balıkesir Emircan - 23.03.2020 @ 18:01
I woke up at eight o'clock today . Then I had breakfast. It was the first day of distance learning, and we taught lessons from televisions then I made a picture for my mother, then we had dinner together and then we chatted and slept .Tr Balıkesir Deniz - 23.03.2020 @ 18:01
I woke up in the morning, had breakfast, got my first distance education, I was like school, then I listened to BENGİ student radio (our anaother etwinning project's activity) and had a table match with my brother, I slept after dinner.
Tr Balıkesir Kaan - 23.03.2020 @ 19:09

Today was the fırstday day of online education and it was good for me.I also played the colorful game "jenga" today.
Tr Balıkesir Berra - 23.03.2020 @ 19:14

I was very excited about online teaching from EBA today. And we did our first lesson today. And I didn't have much time doing activities today because I was more interested in the lessons.
Tr Balıkesir Arda Ö. - 23.03.2020 @ 20:40
First of all, I am very boredA li these days.After my online lessons , I played a little game.A little bit fulfılled my pleasure.

I woke up early today,it was the second day of distance education.I looked at the old photo albums after breakfast.I thinkth was a very sweet baby.I baked cookies with my mother and sister then I read the book "Wrinkle in Time".I drank hot milk and ate cookies in the evening.
Tr Balıkesir Gamze - 24.03.2020 @ 17:00

I woke up today and prepared breakfast with my mother. After breakfast, I listened to distance education. I read book and solved a test. I will also paint a mandala after dinner.
Tr Balıkesir Gizem - 24.03.2020 @ 17:34
I woke up in the morning, I had breakfast, I watched online education, then I studied lesson, I read a book and I made communication device with my brother. You can see its photos. İf you want to make one too, you need only a rope and two plastic glasses ;)
Then I played games on my phone, I had dinner and slept. My day was good.
Tr Balıkesir Kaan - 24.03.2020 @ 19:55

Sorry I forgot to write my diary yesterday I want to write it now. I got up yesterday, had breakfast, watched my lessons, solved the test and cleaned my room. I read a book, but I hurt my waist because I fell to the floor, my cousin came and talked to him in the evening and I slept when they left because my waist was hurting.
Tr Balıkesir Seyda - 24.03.2020 @ 20:05
I got up today, had my breakfast and watched my online lesson, solved the test,played some games, went to the market, drew a picture.
Tr Balıkesir Seyda - 24.03.2020 @ 20:06
Today I got up early in the morning and after having my breakfast, I solved a test and started reading a book after having dinner.
Tr Balıkesir Emircan - 24.03.2020 @ 20:1

Today I made paintings after my daily activities. Tr Balıkesir Berra - 24.03.2020 @ 21:24

24 March,2020
I woke up early in the morning and listened lessons then I went to the doctor because I had a doctor check.I read a book and I lspent time with the computer.
Tr Nevsehir Aybike - 24.03.2020 @ 20:35
Dear Diary,
Today was a good day.I played games,I played with my cat,I helped my mother and my father.But staying at home is boring.I miss my school,my teachers and my friends.Today the school programme on TV was very short.I want to go to school now.Diary I will go to bed and I will sleep.See you tomorrow.GOOD NlGHT!
Tr Nevsehir Gönül - 24.03.2020 @ 21:10
On 19th March,after waking up and having breakfast, we played chess with my sister. I read a book and solved a test. I watched the news after having dinner.
Tr Nevsehir Abdurrahman - 25.03.2020 @ 05:26
I stayed at home all day because of the virus.On the 17th , I did my homework and daily review of English lesson.After dinner,I watched the series on TV.
Tr Nevsehir Abdurrahman - 25.03.2020 @ 05:35
Today, I got up at 9 am as usual, I had breakfast, I took a distance education, I rested for a little while, I studied 3 hours, I had dinner, I read a story for 1 hour, I watched some movies and I'm sleepy, I slept it was a very nice day. :) :) :) :) Tr Nevsehir Şevket - 25.03.2020 @ 08:31
I stayed at 10:00 today, then I had breakfast and listened to the lesson and I finally finished my technology and design homework.Then I watched a movie called KIZIM VE BEN. Tr Nevsehir Meryem - 25.03.2020 @ 10:31

Hello everyone I got up at 9 o'clock today. I had breakfast with my famıly. I studied lessons from distance education and I read a book.
Tr Nevsehir Büşra - 25.03.2020 @ 11:11
l got up early today and read book.After that l studied lesson.Today is the 3rd day of distance education,it was very enjoyable.
Tr Nevsehir Şemsi - 25.03.2020 @ 11:15
I woke up in the morning and had breakfast but I prepared the breakfast, solved my test ,listened to the lessons from Eba today .
Tr Nevsehir Cansu - 25.03.2020 @ 11:50
I got up early and l ate my breakfast and listened my lesson and l did my daily exercise and l ate my dinner and l watched very good film and l slept at 12.00 pm.
Tr Nevsehir Murat - 25.03.2020 @ 13:09
l woke up at 09.00 today.After having my breakfast ,l watched TV a little and then did my homework.Then l cycled with my friends and brother ,l think it was 18.20 when l came home.Finally,l had dinner and slept .So how was your day?
Tr Nevsehir Zeynep U - 25.03.2020 @ 17:22
l got up early and had breakfast.Then l watched a movie.Because of virus l was at home all day and watched EBA tv.l missed my school,friends and teachers .
Take care.
Tr Nevsehir Azra - 25.03.2020 @ 17:35
I got up early today, I solved the test.Then I watched an action movie. After reading a book after dinner, we will have tea with my family.
Tr Nevsehir Abdurrahman - 25.03.2020 @ 18:11
Yesterday,l woke up early.l had a breakfast.l played computer game and watched movie. l did homework and read a book. and I'm writing a diary now. and l will go to bed soon.
Tr Nevsehir Reyyan - 25.03.2020 @ 18:46
I was at home today because of the Corona Virus. I woke up at 11 in the morning. I had my breakfast and listened to my online lesson. Then I watched "Harry Potter 4" on Netflix. I'm studying right now.
I'll read a book later and watch "Anne with an E"
Bye Tr Nevsehir Ela - 25.03.2020 @ 19:41
Dear Diary,
I woke up in the morning and had breakfast.Then listened to my lesson and solved test.I readed a book.Next played game on tablet.I played "Balance Game"with my Friend.I got a sad news.Extended period of distance education.I am both sad and happy.I will drink chocolate milk before I went to bed.Then I'm going to sleep.GOOD NİGHT
Tr Nevsehir Gönül - 25.03.2020 @ 20:57
Today I woke up early then listened lesson.I took a shower then solved a lot of tests.I didn't read a book today to have a rest.I also watched a lot of movie today.I will go to bed
Tr Nevsehir Aybike - 25.03.2020 @ 22:18
I woke up at 11 o'clock. At first I had breakfast and I got dressed to do some sport.Later I had lunch with my mum and my sister.l solved a lot of tests.At night I had dinner and I went to bed.
Tr Nevsehir Abdurrahman - 26.03.2020 @ 15:47
Hello I studied a little lesson today then read a book and played mangala with my brother.
Tr Nevsehir Meryem - 26.03.2020 @ 10:59

I woke up early in the morning.Then i had my breakfast. I watched TV for a few hours. Then I read some books. Then I studied for a few hours. Then I ate and read books again. Finally, I watched the movie and slept.
Tr Nevsehir Ayşenur - 26.03.2020 @ 19:03
I studied today and read book.l watched video from computer.
Tr Nevsehir Leyla - 26.03.2020 @ 20:47
Dear Diary,
I woke up in the morning and had breakfast.I listened my lesson on EBA TV.Then I solved test.I ate lunch.İn the evening,I watched "MIRACLE DOCTOR" with my family.Now,I will go to bed.GOOD NIGHT...
Tr Nevsehir Gönül - 26.03.2020 @ 21:06
This day was a great day. I did homework and read a book. I started a new Korean series. I learned a few new tracks for guitar and I studied extensively. I begged my mother TO buy Netflix but she doesn't buy it-.- ... whatever I'm writing a now diary and I'm going to read a book and go to bed.
Tr Nevsehir Reyyan - 26.03.2020 @ 21:15
I got up at 10.30 today.I had my breakfast first. Later I got bored later, I dyed the front of my hair to pink.It was very nice. I studied the lesson.I read a book.Then of course I looked at the phone.My mom was making apple cookies. I made a very nice chocolate cake.I am watching "Mucize Doktor" right now. I will sleep when it is finished. Tr Nevsehir Ela - 26.03.2020 @ 21:14
I woke up very late today.When I woke up at 10:08, I immediately got up and dressed, had breakfast, then studied, I spent 2 hours and took a break, ate dinner, read my story, watched some movies and slept.
#Stayathome Tr Nevsehir Şevket - 27.03.2020 @ 13:3
Hello I studied today but not much later i read the whole series of sherlock holmes and i really recommend you to read it is a very exciting book. Tr Nevsehir Meryem - 27.03.2020 @ 10:39

I woke up . I had my breakfast.I listened to my lessons from eba and solved my test .
Bye Tr Nevsehir Cansu - 27.03.2020 @ 14:42
I stayed at home today. and i washed my face I had breakfast then I listended to the lesson on TV and solved the test .I will eat and watch a movie in the evening.it will most likely be science fiction films.
Tr Nevsehir Selim - 27.03.2020 @ 15:22
Hello today I found a cat in the garden and the cat was very cute and hungry I gave it food.
Tr Nevsehir Meryem - 27.03.2020 @ 16:04

Today I woke up early in the morning. After having breakfast, I studied lessons from distance education. I read some books, some tests. Then I had a good time with my cousin. After that I had dinner and watched TV. Finally I slept.
Tr Nevsehir Büşra - 27.03.2020 @ 18:49
Today I woke up late and I video chatted with my friends.I also started to Hunger Games. I discovered new beatiful songs and I made cookies.I'm eating them now.My day was very good.
Tr Nevsehir Sema - 27.03.2020 @ 20:40
Dear Diary
I woke up in the morning and had breakfast.I listened my lesson and I solved test.I'm bored.I wanted to go out but I couldn't get out because of "CORONA VlRUS".Then I played "Solo Test".Next I readed a book.I practiced on EBA.In the evening,I ate dinner.I read book.The name of the book was an "AMAZlNG NlGHT".I think fantastic book.Now I will drink milk and I will go to bed.GOOD NlGHT.
Tr Nevsehir Gönül - 27.03.2020 @ 21:05
There is no school in Turkey for one month I hope virus problem ends immediately.I got up at 10.00 this morning then listened the online lesson and I studied as usual.I don't know but studying is good for me.Sorry for not writing my diary yesterday.I made a cake differently yesterday.I also watched k pop today. I am a k pop fan.I really like kpop.you should listen to k pop because kpop songs are so beautiful.You may love or you may not love .I just wanted to say.Please suggest me a movie or series because I don't want to get bored in quarantine days.I would also to talk to you not to get bored. Tr Nevsehir Aybike - 27.03.2020 @ 22:05
Today was a boring day. I did not do anything. I started a new book. I did some cleaning because I had to protect myself. Then l watched TV and played with my brother. I will watch the movie soon and l preferred A Monster Calls. See you tomorrow.
Tr Nevsehir Ayşenur - 27.03.2020 @ 22:12
I woke up at 11 and had breakfast. then I made my brother sleep. I studied 4 hours. Then I did my favorite activity. Of course, the drawing. Then I watched the Survivor program on TV and read my new book.I really liked the book very much.Yes, this is my classic quarantine day.See you tomorrow.
Tr Nevsehir Ayşenur - 28.03.2020 @ 21:15
Dear Diary,
I woke up in the morning and had breakfast.Then I solved test.I read a book.I played games with my best friend.Next,I went to the stationery.I bought a test book and a pencil.We made a morning cake with my mother and my sister .We went to our bakery.İn the evening,I ate dinner and I watched"SURVIVOR".I brushed my teeth.I generally drink milk before I go to bed.I am very tired.GOOD NlGHT.
Tr Nevsehir Gönül - 28.03.2020 @ 21:15
I had a different dream this morning but it was very beautiful. I'm also very happy that Gamze replied to me
Tr Nevsehir Aybike - 28.03.2020 @ 21:3
l wook up and I watched the 6th episode of the Korean series I just started. i had my breakfast. it wasn't a nice day.l solved the test and it was really boring.l read a book .I drew a nice picture on the canvas and of course l listened to music .I'm still listening actually :D whatever i made very sweet hangers.

There are songs I recommend you to listen
-hey there delileah
-moral of the story
-all of me
-billie eilish=l love you
-get you the moon
l think enough... bayyy
Tr Nevsehir Reyyan - 29.03.2020 @ 21:39

Dear Diary,
I woke up in the morning and had breakfast.Then I read a lot of page book.I felt sick because of my stomach.But then it's over.Next I played games with my friend.Her name is "NİSA".I love her so much.I took care o my cat.It's very sweet.ln the evening I ate dinner.Today, we ate chicken and rice.It was so delicious.Then we drank coffee with my father,mother and sister.I watched TV.I drank milk.I brushed my teeth.Now,I will go to bed and sleep.GOOD NlGHT.
Tr Nevsehir Gönül - 29.03.2020 @ 22:02
Hi diary,
I woke up late today. After l had breakfast and watched TV. Then l spent time with my sister.lt was an ordinary day. I missed school. We watched cartoons with my brother. Then l spent time in EBA application.Now, l will read a book. Bye bye
Tr Nevsehir Ayşenur - 30.03.2020 @ 00:19
I got up at 9 o'clock today, had my breakfast, sat for 5.10 minutes, and studied distance education, studied my lesson, read my story, had dinner, watched some movies and went to bed.l had a nice day.
#StayAtHome Tr Nevsehir Şevket - 30.03.2020 @ 10:27
Hello, I got up today, made a lesson and read some books, then I talked to my cousin, I missed my friends very much. Finally,l want to say that my plant grew.
Tr Nevsehir Meryem - 30.03.2020 @ 11:54

It was good today.l made the bridge you see below on my own.it took about 4 hours but it was worth it.l hope my technology design teacher will like it.
Tr Nevsehir Zeynep U - 30.03.2020 @ 14:45

Today was a nonsense day -.- l wook up and had breakfast.l read a book and as always l listened to music.I went out .Don't worry, i just picked flowers on the wasteland. There were no people.l am so bored-.- whatever goodbyeee
Tr Nevsehir Reyyan - 30.03.2020 @ 20:16
Todey we talked to my friends.l read book and watched video .
l missed my friends.
Tr Nevsehir Leyla - 30.03.2020 @ 22:05
Dear Diary,
I woke up in the morning and had breakfast.I listened my lesson.I solved test.I couldn't go out again because there is "CORONA VIRUS".This virus surrounded the world.I am very sad.We should pay attention to our hygiene.So we cleaned our house with my mother and sister.Then I read book.I played with my friend.We had very enjoyable times.Next in the evening,I ate dinner.I ate soup,meat and potato salad.I drank tea with my family.I ate chips.cracker,chocolate and popcorn.I brushed my teeth.I will drink chocolate milk soon .I love it so much.Then I will go to bed.See you tomorrow.GOOD NlGHT.
Tr Nevsehir Gönül - 30.03.2020 @ 21:56
I woke up at 8 in the morning .I had breakfst .I did my homework and read my book. I listened to music . I think this day was good.
Tr Nevsehir Selim - 31.03.2020 @ 19:28
It was a lot of fun today.l made pizza with my mother,grandma and brother sAfter the pizza,we made the ashura together,and the taste was delicious .My day passed like this.
Tr Nevsehir Zeynep U - 31.03.2020 @ 21:5
Today,I got up at 8 oclock with alarm. I did my eba homework from phone of my mum and waited for breakfast. After breakfast I drank tea and I went to my room. I solved my test. Then,I watvhed a lesson from television. I played from the phone , I read my book and I watched TV
Tr Nevsehir Selim - 31.03.2020 @ 20:33
Today i studied with my friends and my math teacher .i read a book and watched movies .
Really i miss them so much.
Tr Nevsehir Leyla - 31.03.2020 @ 22:37
Hello my dear diary,
My quarantine days continue.
I had breakfast in the morning.
then I cleaned my room and I have edited my books. We made a puzzle that was so fun.
Today we have done the math lesson with the zoom application.
I have read 120 pages of books today and now I will sleep. Good night Tr Nevsehir Ayşenur - 31.03.2020 @ 23:34
Today,I got up at 8 oclock with alarm. I did my eba homework from phone of my mum and waited for breakfast. After breakfast I drank tea and I went to my room. I solved my test. Then,I watched a lesson from television. I played from the phone , I read my book and I watched TV
Tr Nevsehir Selim - 31.03.2020 @ 20:33

- Hi everybody! okay...it was really boring today I woke up and had breakfast. l listened to music, read a book.It was the first day of face to face education. Whatever the lesson was really fun.Murat teacher taught a great lesson -.-of course i played guitar. l can't go out l just sit and have snack and that really bothers me! I was taking a walk everyday. I'm sure l will return the school like a barrel. it makes me sad to start school this way, but refrigerator forces me eat eat just eat! l hate this! oh whatever BB
Tr Nevsehir Reyyan - 31.03.2020 @ 20:37
Dear Diary,
I woke up in the morning and had breakfast.I ate olive,cheese,tomato,cucember,pancake and hazelnut cream.I listened my lesson and I solved test.Then I played with my friend.We played "MONOPOLY"with her.I went to stationery.I bought notebook and ball-point pen.They are so beautiful.My math teacher gave a lively lesson.I listened to him.Then I readed book.İn the evening,I ate dinner.I ate spaghetti and okra.I drank tea with my family.I watched TV.I brushed my teeth.I will drink milk and I will go to bed.GOOD NİGHT.
#stayathomeTurkey Tr Nevsehir Gönül - 31.03.2020 @ 22:05
Hello I studied today, then I read the book and helped mom make cookies and it was delicious..
Tr Nevsehir Meryem - 01.04.2020 @ 11:46

Dear students;
There is a little surprise for you :)
Please, click ;)
Demet Koçoğlu - 25.03.2020 @ 15:46
I get up early due to online classes.I made Turkish coffee for my mother and myself.Turkish coffee is an indispensable parts of Turks :)
Tr Balıkesir Hale - 25.03.2020 @ 16:49

After listening to the distance education lesson this morning, I solved the test. I watched an action movie. After reading a book after dinner, we will have tea with my family.
Tr Balıkesir Gizem - 25.03.2020 @ 17:44
I got up early today. We took English lessons in distance education. I miss our English teacher DEMET KOÇOĞLU :( She explains the lessons very well. After breakfast I did the homework prepared by our English teacher. She is a very concerned teacher :) I prepared a book reading schedule for myself and it was very nice
Tr Balıkesir Gamze - 25.03.2020 @ 17:45
I woke up early in the morning and had breakfast, did some test, read the story, then played with my dog, watched a movie, and after dinner, I spent time with my family.
Tr Balıkesir Emircan - 25.03.2020 @ 18:34
Thank you Gamze. I miss you, too.
These bad times wiil be overcome and we will start going our school soon.
Demet Koçoğlu - 25.03.2020 @ 19:03
I heard that the epidemic break is taking longer until 5th May in Turket and I hope we will defeat this virüs as soon possible and come back to school.
Tr Balıkesir Şüheyda - 25.03.2020 @ 19:12
I woke early in the morning. We played chess with my mother . I read a book and solved a test . My day was good
Tr Balıkesir Deniz - 25.03.2020 @ 19:15
I listened to my lessons, solved my test, did my homework, made a puzzle. I made the pudding as you can see above and I'm going to drink tea.
Tr Balıkesir Seyda - 25.03.2020 @ 19:16

I woke up in the morning, I got breakfast, I watched distance education, I solved questions and read a book, then I made an etwinning puzzle that my teacher sent us, I spent time on the phone, I had dinner and went to sleep.
Tr Balıkesir Kaan - 25.03.2020 @ 19:49
I got up today and had breakfast.I watched some TV after dinner.I read a book before going to bed and drank milk with honey.
Tr Balıkesir Berra - 25.03.2020 @ 20:26

I listened to distance education lessons after breakfast this morning. I watched a documentary. In the evening, we made "sarma",Turkish Stuffed Grape Leaves ,delicious Turkish food and ate it while reading my book.
Tr Balıkesir Gizem - 26.03.2020 @ 17:01

My day passed in the same routine. I want to tell you about books today. I love reading books. But I think every book may not suitable for everyone. I like book especially novels (stories) or the ones giving interesting information to us. I own my library in my bedroom. I tidied my library today. I think it was great.
Tr Balıkesir Gamze - 26.03.2020 @ 17:02

After my online classes were over , we cleaned the house with my mom.I'm too tired.I hate the sound of the vacuum cleaner.
Tr Balıkesir Hale - 26.03.2020 @ 17:11

I got up today and studied some lessons from eba (Turkish online education website). Then I spent time doing jigsaw puzzles from the phone and painting.
Tr Balıkesir Arda Ö. - 26.03.2020 @ 19:26
I felt bored and sich a llittle today,but now I'm fine now, I miss my school and my friends very much, I hope I will come together with my friends as soon possible.
Tr Balıkesir Şüheyda - 26.03.2020 @ 19:27

I woke up in the morning, I had breakfast, I took distance education, I solved some tests, I read a book, I made a puzzle, I had a lot of fun and shared it with my friends, then I played it on the phone, I had dinner and went to sleep.
Tr Balıkesir Kaan - 26.03.2020 @ 19:35

I got up early in the morning and had breakfast, and after playing the game, I studied some lessons from eba and after reading dinner I will read and sleep.
Tr Balıkesir Emircan - 26.03.2020 @ 20:10
I got up today and had my breakfast. After sitting for a while I made my own puzzle. You can click on the link below to see the puzzle I did.
Tr Balıkesir Berra - 26.03.2020 @ 22:58
I listened to distance education lessons after breakfast this morning. I solved the test. After dinner, I read a book and solved a puzzle. I drank a glass of milk at bedtime.

I woke up this morning, I had breakfast, I attended online education lessons. Then I watched a movie. I read a book. After dinner, I learned to make a bracelet from the rope.
Tr Balıkesir Gamze - 27.03.2020 @ 18:40

I did not do much something today , I read a book after my lessons were over.I'm so bored.Now I'm going to watch movies from Netflix.
Tr Balıkesir Hale - 27.03.2020 @ 18:43

Dear Diary,
I woke up in the morning and had breakfast.I listened my lesson and I solved test.I read a book.Then,I listened to the live lesson.ln the evening,I ate dinner.I drank "CAPPUCClNO" with my family.I watched TV.Today is both boring and fun day.I will read book before I go to bed.See you tomorrow.GOOD NlGHT
Tr Nevsehir Gönül - 01.04.2020 @ 21:48
Hi,l am unhappy that l woke up late today. Then l had mybreakfast. My quarantine days are mostly the same. Then l finished the book l read. l watched youtube video from some laptops. Then as yesterday,l listened to the lesson from the zoom application. A friend of mine joked to me because April 1st today. l really believed. Then l studied and had dinner. l will start a new book. See You Tomorrow. Tr Nevsehir Ayşenur - 01.04.2020 @ 23:14
Hello I studied today and read some books. I'm so bored because I can't go out, but we have to stay home to be healthy.
Tr Nevsehir Meryem - 02.04.2020 @ 11:15
Dear Diary,
I woke up in the morning and had breakfast.I listened my lesson and I solved test.I played game on tablet with my friend.I ate my lunch.Then I read book.In the evening.I ate dinner.I drank "Turkish Coffee"with my family.I brushed my teeth.I will drink chocolate milk.I will go to bed and I will sleep.GOOD NIGHT.
Tr Nevsehir Gönül - 02.04.2020 @ 21:29
Today, I woke up a little late in the morning. I had breakfast brushed my teeth then I listened to lessons from television. I solved questions and got ready to sleep. Tr Nevsehir Selim - 02.04.2020 @ 21:38
Today l woke up at 10 o'clock , had breakfast , I listened my lesson and read a book but nothing interesting happened.
Tr Nevsehir Cansu - 02.04.2020 @
l spent most of my time in the kitchen because we made pizza with my sister. We had fun on quarantine days. Then I read books and studied as I do every day. I spent time on TV and youtube. Then I listened to music. Finally, I watched the movie and I will sleep. See you tomorrow.
Tr Nevsehir Ayşenur - 03.04.2020 @ 01:05
Hello I studied a little lesson today then talked to my friendS I miss them so much.
Tr Nevsehir Meryem - 03.04.2020 @ 15:19
I woke up today. I preperead breakfast.And I ate with my family. I listened to lessons from distance education. I finished the subject from maths. I solved questions from other lessons. I read a book, I watched TV, I listened to music. I'll eat fruit and sleep.
Tr Nevsehir Büşra - 03.04.2020 @ 20:34
I woke up early in the morning and watched TV in the evening . Then l slept.
Tr Nevsehir Cansu - 03.04.2020 @ 22:03
Dear Diary.
I woke up in the morning and had breakfast.I listened my lesson and I solved test.It was enjoyable.Then,I ate for my lunch.I solved a test about lenses for science.It was amazing and excıtıng.I readed book.I couldn't go out.It was very boring to stay at home.But we had time with my friend.I played stıckman wıth my friend.It was very funny.Then,I took care of my cat.I am very fond of my cat.I love it so much.In the evening,I ate dinner.It was very delicious.I will drink coffee with my family.I will watch TV.Then I will drink milk and I will sleep.It was an enjoyable day.Good Night..! Tr Nevsehir Gönül - 03.04.2020 @ 21:01

Hello, I studied today and then I made a grass man.
Tr Nevsehir Meryem - 04.04.2020 @ 17:27

Dear Diary,
I woke up in the morning and had breakfast.I solved test.I was a very beautiful.Then I read book.I ate my for lunch.I solved test wıth my frıend.It was very enjoyable.I played game on tablet.In the evening,I ate dinner.I ate soup and green beans.It was very delicious.Iam drinking tea with my family and I am watching TV.I will brush my teeth.I will drink milk and I will go to bed.GOOD NlGHT;)
Tr Nevsehir Gönül - 04.04.2020 @ 20:59
I woke up late in the morning today. My mother and I prepared breakfast. My father bought fresh bread. And my mother, my father, my brother and I had breakfast. After breakfast I helped my mother for housework. After I solved the test. I finished my story book and I started a new book. Then I learned to make a cake. Making cake is very enjoyable. We ate soup, pasta and salad for dinner. We watched TV with my family after dinner. And we drank tea, ate cake. I am sleepy. I'll brush my teeth and go to bed. See you tomorrow....
Tr Nevsehir Büşra - 04.04.2020 @ 22:19
Hello, I got up today, had breakfast, read a book and solved test, then read some magazines and spend time with my sister.
Tr Nevsehir Meryem - 05.04.2020 @ 12:02
Today,I got up a little late.I had breakfast then I read a book .We made brownie and it was very delecious . Now , I'm playing whit my phone and I will make teddy bear with my mom.
Tr Nevsehir Selim - 05.04.2020 @ 13:26
I am so sorry I couldn't write for a long time.I don't feel well at all.I am really boring and my head hurts.I always try new cake recipes at this time and I am spending time.Also I watch new series name '' GOBLlN''.I can't sleep I don't know the reason.That's why I am so sorry.My baby brother never sleep but he is so sweet.Of course I try not to neglect my lessons.I am very nervous for my father suddenly got sick I hope he didn't get corona I hope so:(.I hope this situation ends immediately.I want to talk to you on these quarantine days.Please talk tome.
Tr Nevsehir Aybike - 05.04.2020 @ 15:05
l woke up very late today.l had my breakfast and watched TV a little.Then l had the picture you see bellow.Then my mother got a job.l stayed at home, my father and my brother.My father,brother and l started watching movies at home.I already did my homework from EBA and I am writing you on my bed.We will talk to our distant relatives shortly.Here,under the age of 20 can not go out so me and my brother are always at home.We are 6 people at home.My grandfather and grandfather are over 65, only my parents go out at home.I wish I could see my friends and hug them if the schools are open. Tr Nevsehir Zeynep U - 05.04.2020 @ 18:20

Today I woke up as always. I watched TV after having breakfast. Then I solved some tests and do my EBA homework. Today is a friend 's birthday. But I couldn't give her gift. Because going out is forbidden. I am very unhappy with this situation. I'm so bored to stay at home. And I miss my friends. I hope we can beat the corona virus quickly. And schools open. We ate leek at dinner. After dinner I helped my mother. Soon we drink tea and watch TV with all family. Then I will brush my teeth and sleep. Today I didn't read book a lot so I will read a book in bed. See you tomorrow..
Tr Nevsehir Büşra - 05.04.2020 @ 20:03
Dear Diary,
I woke up in the morning and had breakfast with my mother and my sister.Then,I solved test.It was very enjoyable.I ate my lunch.I read book.I solved the test again.I made a cake my mother.In the evening,I ate dinner.Then,I drank tea with my family and I ate cake.It was very delicious:) I will brush my teeth and I will drink milk.I wil sleep.GOOD NlGHT...

Hi,I got up early today, then I had breakfast and watched the series I just started. Then we set up a tent inside the house with my brother. I started a new book called 'The Book Thief' and it looks really beautiful. Then I solved some tests. I'm also sorry that I haven't written for a few days. Hope to see you tomorrow.
Tr Nevsehir Ayşenur - 06.04.2020 @ 20:13
l missed my school friends and teachers very much .l made cookies today .l studied lesson and talked to my friends .
Tr Nevsehir Leyla - 06.04.2020 @ 22:19
Dear Diary,
I woke up in the mornıng and had breakfast.I listened distance education programme.I solved test.Then,I cleaned up our house with my mother and sister.We should pay attention to our hygiene to protect from "CORONA".We should wash our hands frequently,drink plenty of water.I read book.Then in the evenıng I ate dinner.I ate chicken and soup.It was very delicious;)I drank tea with my family.I watched TV.I will brush my teeth.I will drink milk and ı will sleep.Take care of yourself dear diary.Good night.See you tomorrow.
Tr Nevsehir Gönül - 06.04.2020 @ 20:42
Hello,Today, my mother woke me up today because I couldn't sleep last night. Mother and father had breakfast so I had breakfast alone. Then I watched EBA TV from the computer. After that I tidied my room.I solved the test and I finished the book I read. I made coffee for my mother, my father, my brother and myself. We drank coffee with the family and ate chocolate. ln the evening, we prepared dinner with my mother. After dinner we watched TV and ate fruit. I'll sleep. Good night.
Tr Nevsehir Büşra - 06.04.2020 @ 21:0
I'm watching Ottoman.
Tr Nevsehir Cansu - 06.04.2020 @ 23:00
Hi.lt was a boring day. l didn't do anyting so there's nothing to write about.-.-I wouldn't have written it, but I'm writing it.whatever l am going to bed bye bye -. Tr Nevsehir Reyyan - 07.04.2020 @ 20:54
I woke up in the morning and had breakfast.I listened distance education and I solved test.I had a bath.I read book.In the evening,I ate dinner. I drank tea with my family.I am bored of doing the same things every day.But I decided to draw a picture.Dear diary I will share it with you when l finish.GOOD NlGHT.
Tr Nevsehir Gönül - 07.04.2020 @ 21:48
Today in the morning I prepared breakfast.Only I and my father ate. Because my mother is fasting today. After breakfast I watched distance education on tv. Then I arranged my wardrobe because it was untidy. I didn't solved any tests today. But I read too many books. I prepared dinner. My father made the salad. We ate dinner with my family. Then we had tea and biscuits. Now I will brush my teeth and sleep. Bye Bye.
Tr Nevsehir Büşra - 07.04.2020 @ 21:19
Even when going through the worst situations you can also get really positive things. The point is to focus on the positive and see the bright side of life.
Ana Belén Egea - 18.03.2020 @ 10:15

Hello!! Here in Spain we have to stay at home, but we are working and doing homework with internet. I hope you are perfect.
SPZ RUTH - 19.03.2020 @ 12:12
Hello ! In Spain we need to stay at home and I'm so bored I don't know what to do at the afternoon I wish that this ends soon because if not I'm going to be crazy !
SPZ ADRIANA - 19.03.2020 @ 12:25

Today I woke up at about 8:30 am, I had my breakfast and I checked what homework we had today.Then, I started doing homework so that I have a free afternoon.
SPZ FABIÁN - 20.03.2020 @ 09:56

I am doing homework every day . I think that we are doing more homework than in high school. My opinion of corona time.
I am anxious for going outside. bye.
SPZ ADRIÁN - 20.03.2020 @ 10:43

I miss my friends and my teachers, but I am also happy because we talk
through videocalls. I now watch more movies with my mother but sometimes
teachers give us many homework. Tomorrow is my mother's birthday!!!
SPZ FAVOUR - 20.03.2020 @ 11:44

Hi everyone.We all have a hard time. The idea of uncertainty, what will happen, how much we are affected by this situation worries me, but I always have hope. Life continues.May life bring us beauty
You are right!
SPZ LEYRE - 20.03.2020 @ 14:04

Right now I'm doing homework,SPZ ADRIÁN, I think the same, some teachers are sending us more homework than usually.I am happy because I am with my family and I can video call my friends.But this situation is worrying.So I just try to stay calm and thing POSITIVE.
SPZ LEYRE - 20.03.2020 @ 14:13

I feel worried of how this virus affects to people. But I try to be calm and do my homework , also watching videos and movies makes me feel more calm.
SPZ ANASTASIA - 20.03.2020 @ 15:02

I wake up, I have breakfast.Next, I talk with my friends calling them cause I can´'t go outside. Then I do my homework.I watch a movie,I have dinner and finally I go to bed.
SPZ ALICIA - 20.03.2020 @ 20:31

Today, I woke up at 9:30 am, and this days ago the same, then I had breakfast, and I did some homework. This days I'm not so bored, before all I imagined it, but finally is not true. Because, I'm with my family and I can speak with my friends in different forms.
SPZ CARLA - 20.03.2020 @ 20:38

In the morning I did all my homework. then I play with my sister some board games and at night I saw a film with family.
SPZ JORGE - 26.03.2020 @ 10:48

I wake up, I breakfast, then, I do homework, I get lunch, and I continue with homework, and finally, I play the rest of the day.
SPZ ADRIÁN L - 26.03.2020 @ 12:06

Today I wake up at 8 o'clock because I had a meet with a class. Then I did some homework. After all I played with my friends to a very funny virtual game it is called Parchis STAR.I recommend it to you. Finally I went to eat. In the afternoon I play again with my friends and then I did more homework. It is not a very interesting day but...
SPZ MAR - 02.04.2020 @ 20:25

Good! Hope you're doing well!
SPZ FABIÁN - 03.04.2020 @ 08:37

Wow! That cookies look DELICIOUS. I would love to try them.You have made my day, thanks!
SPZ LEYRE - 03.04.2020 @ 16:49
I miss my friends too.
SPZ ALICIA - 03.04.2020 @ 20:06

I'm glad that you have fun! Enjoy!
SPY ANASTASIA - 03.04.2020 @ 20:23

I got up this morning, I had my breakfast, I watched my lesson and played a little game, I took the new test and read the book, it was a lot of fun, I slept a bit, and I ate nuts, actually I'm bored because we can't go anywhere.
Tr Balıkesir Seyda - 27.03.2020 @ 19:11
I woke up in the morning, I got breakfast, I took a distance education, I solved a question and listened to BENGİ student radio. Today is World Theater Day so we recorded a text for our etwinning student radio broadcast. Then İ played a game, I slept afer having dinner. Tr Balıkesir Kaan - 27.03.2020 @ 19:20
I woke up early in the morning, had breakfast and played a game, read a book, made a test and watched the movie after eating dinner and sleep
Tr Balıkesir Emircan - 27.03.2020 @ 19:30
I got up today and had breakfast. After dinner, I watched some TV series and slept.
Tr Balıkesir Berra - 28.03.2020 @ 10:33
I woke up late today. I had a good breakfast and read a book. Then I drew a picture, helped my family for dinner. I'll sleep late tonight, as tomorrow is Sunday.
Tr Balıkesir Gamze - 28.03.2020 @ 16:21

I read a book after breakfast this morning. I drew a rainbow picture after dinner. Turkey Stay at home for our health.
Here is my picture
Tr Balıkesir Gizem - 28.03.2020 @ 16:37

I completed the task given by our English teacher today and learned that I do not have the ability to draw :)
Tr Balıkesir Hale - 28.03.2020 @ 16:50

I woke up today and had breakfast .Then I drew the rainbow,a project about coronavirus.
Tr Balıkesir Berra - 28.03.2020 @ 17:56

I woke up in the morning and prepared my breakfast and after eating, I played with my dog, I watched a movie, then I read a book, then I started to spend time with my family after dinner. Alsı, I drew this rainbow for some hope!

I woke up in the morning, I had breakfast, I attended distance online education, I solved some questions, read a book, then drew a rainbow and stay home at home, I had a lot of fun while writing Balikesir, I played games on the phone, then I had dinner and slept.
Tr Balıkesir Kaan - 28.03.2020 @ 19:28

I got up today, had breakfast and read the book I just bought, frankly, the book is very nice. We cooked with my mother. I did some of the homework given by our teacher. The whole world is fighting an invisible virus, so I I drew a picture
Tr Balıkesir Seyda - 28.03.2020 @ 19:47

I woke up at 11, had breakfast, played on the phone, read books for 15 minutes, watched TV and slept
Tr Balıkesir Serhat - 28.03.2020 @ 20:10
I got up today and had breakfast and played games. I drew a picture. And I do almost similar activities all day . I read a book.
Tr Balıkesir Arda Ö. - 28.03.2020 @ 20:18

I had some difficulties while doing rainbow painting today but I still had fun
Tr Balıkesir Şüheyda - 28.03.2020 @ 20:48

Balıkesir team created some jigsaw puzzles. We'd like to share them with you. We hope you'll like them :)
My jigsaw :
Demet Koçoğlu - 29.03.2020 @ 09:50
I woke up at 10 this morning and talked to my friends and our English teacher Demet Koçoğlu. Then I read a book and tidied my desk. In the evening I will make myself a fruit plate.
Tr Balıkesir Gamze - 29.03.2020 @ 17:57

After having breakfast this morning, I had a video chat with my English teacher and some of my friends. Then I read the book. I watched the news after having dinner.
Tr Balıkesir Gizem - 29.03.2020 @ 18:00

We talked to my sister during the video call today. I miss her so much. Shee will have a baby, not my real sister. I love her so much.
Tr Balıkesir Hale - 29.03.2020 @ 20:46
Today, I got up in the morning and had breakfast and had a video chat with my friends and my English teacher. Then I tried to do my tests , I played games and started reading books after having dinner.
Tr Balıkesir Emircan - 29.03.2020 @ 21:38

I woke up in the morning and had breakfast. I woke up a little late and could not attend the video chat with my teacher and my friends:(Then I did my English homework and slept.
Tr Balıkesir Berra - 30.03.2020 @ 00:47
I woke up today, after our distance learning classes, our English teacher Demet Koçoğlu gave me and several of my friends online English lessons. Then I took a bath. I repeated a lesson. I will read a book in the evening.
ReplyQuoteEditDeleteTr Balıkesir Gamze - 30.03.2020 @ 18:39

After having breakfast this morning, I listened to distance education classes. Then we solved the English tests through a live connection with my English teacher and some of my friends. Then I read a book and watched a comedy movie after dinner.
Tr Balıkesir Gizem - 30.03.2020 @ 18:42
I got up early today and did my daily routines. Then I watched a movie. I stayed my room and listened to some music.
Good Night :)
Tr Balıkesir Hale - 30.03.2020 @ 19:51
I woke up in the morning, I took breakfast, I took a distance education, then we did online lessons with our English teacher, I solved a test and read a book, I went to bed and slept after dinner
Tr Balıkesir Kaan - 30.03.2020 @ 20:33

After having my breakfast, I watched my lesson and gave online lessons with our teacher. I took a bath and read a book. I prepared a meal with my mom. I played some games.
Tr Balıkesir Seyda - 30.03.2020 @ 21:05

I got up early today and had breakfast and talked about my friends and teacher, then I studied lessons, played games and started reading books after dinner
Tr Balıkesir Emircan - 30.03.2020 @ 21:16
I haven't done much today but I'm bored at home I miss my friends
Tr Balıkesir Serhat - 30.03.2020 @ 21:35
I woke up today, had breakfast and started watching lessons from EBA. Then I was excited to have a video chat with my teacher and friends, and then I did the homework that our teacher gave.
Tr Balıkesir Arda Ö. - 30.03.2020 @ 22:53

I got up today and attended my online classes after having my breakfast.Then I did my homework on corona virus with the letters I cut and pasted from different places.
Tr Balıkesir Berra - 30.03.2020 @ 23:03

We've created some slogans about corona-of course- with my students these days.
this is mine :) cut and paste. I love it :)
Demet Koçoğlu - 31.03.2020 @ 17:18

I listened to distance education lessons after breakfast this morning. And again, we solved english test through live connection with my english teacher and some of my friends. Then I read the book, repeated the lesson and made a picture with letters in the evening.
Tr Balıkesir Gizem - 31.03.2020 @ 19:32

I listened to 80s style music. I recommend them to you, it makes people happy.
The Clash - Should I Stay Or Should I Go
Queen - We Will Rock You
Tr Balıkesir Hale - 31.03.2020 @ 19:32
Today I made a slogan about coronavirus.I had a lot of of fun while doing.
Tr Balıkesir Hale - 31.03.2020 @ 19:41

woke up early today, after breakfast, I took distance learning lessons.Then our English teacher Demet Koçoğlu gave us an English lesson.We made a donut with my mother and sister.Then I created a slogan with the letters I found from different books.I will read a book in the evening.
Tr Balıkesir Gamze - 31.03.2020 @ 19:42

I woke up in the morning, I had breakfast, I took a distance education, I met my teacher live, I solved a question and made a banner about the virus, after dinner, I played games and slept on the phone
Tr Balıkesir Kaan - 31.03.2020 @ 19:49

I had fun while doing activities from papers today,I read some books today,I studied
tr Balıkesir Şüheyda - 31.03.2020 @ 19:56

Today I got up in the morning and after having my breakfast, we had an online lesson with our teacher, and after reading the test, I read the book and continued reading after dinner.
Tr Balıkesir Emircan - 31.03.2020 @ 19:59

I woke up today. I watched my lessons from EBA and had breakfast. Then I waited for the time we were going to do video lessons with my teacher and friends. And our video lesson time came.
Tr Balıkesir Arda Ö. - 31.03.2020 @ 20:29

In fact, it cannot be said that I have done a lot today. I was a little sluggish. I just slept. Then when I got bored, I solved the test and did the project given by our teacher.
Tr Balıkesir Seyda - 31.03.2020 @ 22:25

I got up today and had breakfast. I did my homework in the evening.
Tr Balıkesir Berra - 01.04.2020 @ 09:40
I woke up today and took a distance lesson after breakfast.Then I read the book. I made pudding.After dinner, I will repeat the course and eat pudding.It is also an amusing work. It is about our BIOGRAPHYIES unit:
Balıkesir Gamze - 01.04.2020 @ 18:12

I made a puzzle about Sports,our Unit 3 today.
Tr Balıkesir Hale - 01.04.2020 @ 19:09
I had fun doing puzzle today,I had trouble finding some words,but still had fun I missed my friends and school so much,I hope we go to school as soon as possible.,
Tr Balıkesir Şüheyda - 01.04.2020 @ 19:19

After having breakfast this morning, I listened to distance education classes. I solved the test and read a book. In the evening I made a puzzle about English lesson unit 4,WILD ANIMALS. And here is the link for you.
Tr Balıkesir Gizem - 01.04.2020 @ 19:52
I woke up in the morning, I had breakfast, I took a distance education, I had a practice exam, I solved a question and read a book, then I played with the phone and made a puzzle
I slept after dinner.
Tr Balıkesir Kaan - 01.04.2020 @ 20:16
I woke up in the morning and breakfast today, then I read a book, then I studied, and after playing, I ate dinner and watch movies.
I created a word search puzzle. Here is the link:
Tr Balıkesir Emircan - 01.04.2020 @ 20:42
I woke up today. And had breakfast, then I did my homework and I did a puzzle in the evening.
link is:
Tr Balıkesir Arda Ö. - 01.04.2020 @ 22:04

My lovely students created their own word searches today related to the subjects in our cirriculum.we'd like to share with you and hope you'll like it.
APPERANCE&PERSONALITY : ARDA: https://thewordsearch.com/puzzle/1013952
BERRA: http://thewordsearch.com/puzzle/1013952/
SPORTS: DENIZ: http://thewordsearch.com/puzzle/1013775/
EMIRCAN: http://thewordsearch.com/puzzle/1014133/
BIOGRAPHIES : GAMZE: https://thewordsearch.com/puzzle/1013913/
HALE: https://thewordsearch.com/puzzle/1013689/
WILD ANIMALS :GIZEM: https://thewordsearch.com/puzzle/1013863/
TELEVISION:KAAN: https://thewordsearch.com/puzzle/1013809/
SERHAT: https://thewordsearch.com/puzzle/1014779/
CELEBRATIONS :SEYDA: http://thewordsearch.com/puzzle/1014244/
DREAMS: SUHEYDA: http://htpps//thewordsearch.com/puzzle/1013809/
Demet Koçoğlu - 01.04.2020 @ 22:34
Today I made a puzzle about our first unit,"Appearance and Personality".
Tr Balıkesir Berra - 01.04.2020 @ 22:57
My head hurts today After listening to my lesson, I solved a test and read a book, then I went to bed. I made a puzzle. You can look if you want
Tr Balıkesir Seyda - 01.04.2020 @ 23:00

I created a word puzzle about TV programmes. The link is:
Tr Balıkesir Serhat - 02.04.2020 @ 12:17
I listened to distance education lessons after breakfast this morning. Then I read the book and solved the English test through a live connection with my English teacher and some of my friends. In the evening we played the game "Detective" with my twin sister and had a lot of fun.
Tr Balıkesir Gizem - 02.04.2020 @ 18:27

today I got up in the morning and after breakfast, I listened online education, then I played a game and after reading a book, I ate dinner and watch movies.
Tr Balıkesir Emircan - 02.04.2020 @ 18:38
Today I cleaned my hamster's house. I caught him running away. He's so naughty. His name is "Pıncır"
Tr Balıkesir Hale - 02.04.2020 @ 18:53

I woke up at 7.30 today.It's an early hour for me.I read the book while I was waiting for the distance education to start.It is really good to read earlier in the day.I prepared a nice breakfast for my family before distance education classes.We took an English lesson in the afternoon. Then I slept. In the evening I watched a documentary called "Cosmos neil degrasse tyson". It was about the Milky Way, I think it was very nice. I will read a book and sleep.
Tr Balıkesir Gamze - 02.04.2020 @ 21:24
Today we gave an online lesson with our English teacher. These lessons are very productive and fun for me. After I had my dinner, I drew a picture and painted it.
Tr Balıkesir Seyda - 02.04.2020 @ 21:28

I got up today and listened to my lesson. After dinner, I watched TV with my family and went to sleep.
Tr Balıkesir Berra - 03.04.2020 @ 00:25
Today I woke up at 10 pm. I took distance learning lessons after breakfast. I finished my book. Then I was hungry and made spaghetti for myself. It was very nice.
Tr Balıkesir Gamze - 03.04.2020 @ 19:09

I was a little tired while we were cleaning with my mom today,but it was still nice and I also helped my momwhile cooking meals today.
Tr Balıkesir Şüheyda - 03.04.2020 @ 20:18
I woke up early in the morning. I had breakfast. I spent time with my dog. We watched some news with my mom. Then I studied. I read some books. We had our dinner. Now we are watching television.
Tr Balıkesir Emircan - 03.04.2020 @ 20:26
After doing my daily routines, I started a new series on Netflix.
Good Night :)
Tr Balıkesir Hale - 03.04.2020 @ 21:18
This morning we prepared a surprise breakfast for my mother with my twin sisters, then I listened to distance learning classes, read a book, helped my mother with housework and did some tests. In the evening, I ate popcorn with my family and had tea.
Tr Balıkesir Gizem - 03.04.2020 @ 21:19

Today, apart from my daily work, I made carrot muffins and pastries.
Tr Balıkesir Berra - 03.04.2020 @ 22:52
I woke up in the morning, I had breakfast, I took a distance education, I solved a question and read a book, then I played pinball and spent time on the phone, I ate dinner and went to sleep
Tr Balıkesir Kaan - 04.04.2020 @ 11:39
I woke up early today, then I did my daily routine and read the book, then we ate ravioli with my mom.
Good evening everyone :)
Tr Balıkesir Hale - 04.04.2020 @ 19:02
Today we made dessert with my mom,and i also read books and studied my lessons.Tr Balıkesir Şüheyda - 04.04.2020 @ 19:25
I got up in the morning and after breakfast, I studies my lessons and played games, I was interested in my cousin and then I started watching movies after having dinner.Tr Balıkesir Emircan - 04.04.2020 @ 19:40
I woke up very late today, I slept a lot since there was no training lesson because of the weekend. Actually, this is normal because I read the book until late at night. I finished my book this morning. I spend a lot of time reading it. Then we made cookies with my mom. I'll draw some pictures in the evening.
Tr Balıkesir Gamze - 04.04.2020 @ 19:49
I woke up very late today because I had no class, then I solved all the tests, made cookies, watched something, and read a book. To be honest,nowadays my each day is like this. Good night to everyone
Tr Balıkesir Seyda - 04.04.2020 @ 19:54
I woke up in the morning, I had breakfast, I took a distance education, I solved some questions and read a book, then I played with my phone and played football with my brother, I had dinner and slept
Tr Balıkesir Kaan - 04.04.2020 @ 19:56
After breakfast this morning, I read the book and listened to some music. In the evening, I solved some tests and drew a picture with my sister.Tr Balıkesir Gizem - 04.04.2020 @ 19:58
I woke up late today, then we looked at my little photos with my mom and brother :)
Tr Balıkesir Hale - 05.04.2020 @ 19:45
After breakfast this morning, I watched an action movie with my family. Then I watered our flowers on our balcony and read a book. I will solve some tests after eating.
Tr Balıkesir Gizem - 05.04.2020 @ 20:18
Hello, I got up today, I had some lessons and then I watched a great movie, I recommend you to watch the film 'BABAM'../p>
Tr Nevsehir Meryem - 08.04.2020 @ 20:25
Today I didn't to anything different. I will go to bed about 1 hour later. See you tomorrow...
Tr Nevsehir Büşra - 08.04.2020 @ 20:46
Dear Diary,
I woke up in the morning and had breakfast.I listened to my lesson and I solved a lot of test.I played computer came with my friend.It was very enjoyable.Then I read book.I can't write anything different because I do the same things every day.ln the evening I ate dinner.I ate rice and soup.It was very delicious.I drank tea with my family.I will brush my teeth and I will go to bed and I read a book.Good night.See you tomorrow.
Tr Nevsehir Gönül - 08.04.2020 @ 21:28
Hello, today I did some lessons and tried to make bridges from pasta.
Tr Nevsehir Meryem - 09.04.2020 @ 14:41

Today I woke up at 7 o'clock But I only slept 6 hours andI am very sleepy.
Tr Nevsehir Cansu - 09.04.2020 @ 15:53
Hi,I woke up at eight o'clock today. Then I had my breakfast and watched TV. I solved some test and trial.I spoke a little bit with my friends. I read some books and spent time with my family. I watched the series I love very much. Actually, I love watching it and now I have more time to watch.
Tr Nevsehir Ayşenur - 09.04.2020 @ 18:33
I woke up in the morning .I had a breakfast and brushed my teeth then I did my homework. I learned to make pasty. I played on the phone. I spent some time with my family and now I'm getting ready to sleep.
Tr Nevsehir Selim - 09.04.2020 @ 19:39
Hello. Today I woke up in the morning, I washed my face and I had breakfast. Then I watched at distance education. Later it was a surprise that my sister came. I am very glad that they came because I missed my sister and niece very much. I couldn't see them for a very long time because of the corona virüs. So I loved my niece.ln the afternoon my sister and my mother had to go to market. I looked after my girl niece when they went to market. We played games with her, we watched TV. We had a lot of fun with her.ln the evening my sister's husband came and we had dinner. Then we had tea together. After that I made "Turkish coffee". We drank together and ate "Turkish delight". They went .lt was so nice today. I'll sleep soon. See you tomorrrow...
Tr Nevsehir Büşra - 09.04.2020 @ 21:30
Dear Diary,
I woke up in the morning and had breakfast.I listened distance education lessons. Then I solved test.I played game with my friend and I wrote the story.I read book.ln the evening I ate dinner.I drank "Turkish Coffee"with my family.It was very delicious.I will brush my teeth and I will sleep.GOOD NlGHT.
Tr Nevsehir Gönül - 09.04.2020 @ 21:50
Hello, I studied today, then I read some books and made paper bird with my sister. Tr Nevsehir Meryem - 10.04.2020 @ 11:33

I think it was great a day yesterday.Because I had a nice a day.I woke up late and I had a great breakfast. Later I help my mum for housework. I made delicious cookies and a cake with my mum.They were really delicious. Then I had beatiful dinner. I watched TV befor I went to bed and slept.
Tr Nevsehir Edanur - 10.04.2020 @ 18:05

Today I woke up in the morning as usual, had breakfast, watched distance education. Then I solved some tests and read books. After that I watched TV and we drank tea with my father and my mother. Then I helped my mother. We have just had dinner I helped to tidy the table to my mother. Now I am trying to enter EBA. But I can not enter. Because it is crowded. So I try to again and again. After entering EBA, I will do my homework , I will solve tests from there. Then we will eat fruit with my family. Later I will read some books, brush my teeth and sleep.
Tr Nevsehir Büşra - 10.04.2020 @ 18:50
I woke up in the morning and had breakfast.I listened distance education.Then I solved test.I readed book with my friend.It was amazing.Then I made chocolate pancakes with my mother.It was very delicious;)I did my homework and I wrote story.In the evening,I ate dinner.I drank tea with my family.I watched TV.I will brush my teeth and I go to bed.Good Night
Tr Nevsehir Gönül - 10.04.2020 @ 19:34

I started the day early today. Then I had breakfast. Then I did my homework. I watched youtube and wrote a book. Yes, I participated in the contest. I think there is a good position. I hope I win this contest. Anyway, then I had dinner and continued writing book. Tr Nevsehir Ayşenur - 10.04.2020 @ 21:13
I woke up early.I had breakfast.I listened my lesson. Then I made a pizza with my mum and sisters after I studied my lesson.It was delicious. I had a great dinner and I watched TV. I read book before I went to bed.
Tr Nevsehir Edanur - 11.04.2020 @ 10:01

Today,I woke up in the morning after that I had breakfast and brushed my teeth. Because of I'm swimmer and because of I couldn't go to pool I do sports at home next I ate brownie and drank milk. I played with my phone. I think (life at home is geting more boring ) Tr Nevsehir Selim - 11.04.2020 @ 18:57
Today, I woke up in the morning, I washed my hands and my face. Then we made dough fry with my aunt and we all had delicious breakfast together .After breakfast I solved test and I read books, I watched TV. ln the evening we had dinner. After dinner I listen to music and I wrote my diary. I will I read a book and I will sleep. See you tomorrow . Tr Nevsehir Büşra - 11.04.2020 @ 21:22

I woke up in the morning and had breakfast.I solved test.Then I watched "HARRY POTTER 5".It was fantastic.I read book.I had milk with bebe biscuit.In the evening.I ate dinner.Then I wrote story.I drank coffee with my family.I will brush my teeth.I will drank chocolate milk and I will go to bed.GOOD NlGHT
Tr Nevsehir Gönül - 11.04.2020 @ 21:49
Hi,I woke up a little late today. Then I had breakfast and finished writing story. It was a good story. Anyway, I read some books later. Then I watched the series. It was a little ordinary today. See you tomorrow.
Tr Nevsehir Ayşenur - 11.04.2020 @ 23:54
Hello, I woke up a little late today, I had breakfast, I read a book, I did a lesson, then I made bread with my mother. Tr Nevsehir Meryem - 12.04.2020 @ 13:18
I woke up in the morning and had breakfast.I read a lot of page of books.It was enjoyable.Then I played game with my friend.ln the evening,I ate dinner.I drank coffee with my family.I ate cornet and chocolate milk.It was very delicious.I will brush my teeth and I will go to bed.
Tr Nevsehir Gönül - 12.04.2020 @ 21:04

Today, I woke up in the morning. I had breakfast. I solved the test.Then I read a book on the balcony because the weather was very nice.ln the evening I had dinner with my family. Later I watched TV. The name of the movie I watched was "MOANA". İt was very exciting. I will brush my teeth and sleep. See you tomorrow.. Tr Nevsehir Büşra - 12.04.2020 @ 21:32
Hello, I did the usual things as always and made a frog with my brother.
Tr Nevsehir Meryem - 13.04.2020 @ 11:34

I woke up in the morning and had breakfast.I listened my lesson.I solved test.I am bored of doing the same things every day.Then,I read book.ln the evening,I will eat dinner.I will drink tea with my family.I will watch "SURVIVOR."I hope it will be fun.Then I will brush my teeth and I slept.l am sure l will do the same things again,tomorrow:)Good Night!!
Tr Nevsehir Gönül - 13.04.2020 @ 18:46

Today I woke up in the morning. I had breakfast. I ate chips. Then I watched distance education lessons. I solved test and I read a book. Later I took a shower. ln the evening I had dinner. I will watch tv with my family. I will eat fruit. I will brush my teeth and I will sleep. Good evening...
Tr Nevsehir Büşra - 13.04.2020 @ 20:11
Now,I made three bookmarks to myself.I liked it very much.I hope you like it too.GOOD EVENlNG Tr Nevsehir Gönül - 13.04.2020 @ 20:22

Here are our pictures
Tr Balıkesir Gizem - 05.04.2020 @ 20:20
I got up tonight today and started to study after having breakfast, then I read a book, played a game and started watching movies after having dinner.
Tr Balıkesir Emircan - 05.04.2020 @ 21:02

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Hi dear students and teachers
Let's talk about our days, What are you doing now, how do you feel, please share your feelings and opinions, we wonder you, let's collaborate and back up each other. Please write here everyday. We want to know you are fine...
GÜLFİDAN AYDIN - 17.03.2020 @ 18:19

I got up early this morning,so I had breakfast at nine o clock. And I did some test, then I listened to a little bit of narration. And in the evening, I read some books before going to bed, so an hour and then went to bed.
Trgiresun Melike - 22.03.2020 @ 17:03
I woke up late this morning, had breakfast, finished some of my homework and try to spend time. At night, ı will read my book and go to bed.
Trgiresun Hazal - 22.03.2020 @ 15:34

I woke up 9 o'clock. Then had breakfast, read a book.I watched tv. I stayd at home because of the corana virüs.
trgiresun beyzanur - 22.03.2020 @ 18:22
I woke up. I had my breakfast. I listened to my lesson from Eba. I read a book. I solved the test.
trgiresun reyhan - 24.03.2020 @ 15:56

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