This book is dedicated to my mom, dad and baby brother.

Once there was a hare who was born in a noble and wealthy family in a quiet little town. When the hare was born, he got a precious gift from his fairy which was a magic wand. While his fairy was handing the precious gift to his parents, she said, “You shall give this magic wand to your son when he turns 16 years old and he shall have three wishes!”
“This is such a wonderful gift for our son,” the hare’s mom cried with happiness.

He only has three wishes.
"Wait!" the fairy called, "However, you will give him the magic wand only when he shows you his kindness to others and not being selfish or greedy." The fairy also added, "This magic wand is special, when he uses one wish to help someone, he will gain one wish back, but if he doesn’t use his wishes wisely, the magic wand will disappear.”
The hare’s parents assured the fairy to raise their son to be kind and compassionate.
As the hare grew older, he became arrogant, unkind and selfish. He always treated people with no respect. He never stopped talking about himself. He believed that he was the most handsome, richest and smartest. Moreover, with the magic wand that his parents gave him for his 16th birthday, it made him think he was the best in the world. And of course, the hare’s parents had completely forgotten what the fairy told them .
With each passing day, the hare became more and more aggressive. Sometimes he would ask other animals to play with him, if they said no, he would use his magic wand and hit them on the head a ton of times. At school, the hare constantly bullied the birds, the chipmunks and other animals by hitting their head because they didn’t want to play with him. All the animals would hide and slip away from him when they saw him pass by.

HA HA, That's why you should play with me!
That hurts!

One day, while the hare was taking a stroll in the forest, he saw the three little pigs, he then rushed towards them. Once the three little pigs saw him, they all ran as quick as they could into their houses.

Come play with me, little pigs.
The hare chased the first pig to his house and shouted, "LITTLE PIG, LITTLE PIG, COME PLAY WITH ME!"
The first pig cried out, "NO! NO! GO AWAY, LEAVE ME ALONE!"
The hare was angry and immediately used the first wish from the magic wand. He wished he could have a strong huff and puff. The first wish was granted. As the hare inhaled deeply, his lungs filled up like a giant balloon. “Whoooooooosh!” he exhaled loudly that he easily blew down the straw house. The first pig screamed and ran to the second pig’s house. The hare ran after him.

The hare came to the second pig’s house. He knocked and growled, “LITTLE PIGS, LITTLE PIGS, COME PLAY WITH ME!”
The second pig whimpered, “NO! NO! GO AWAY, LEAVE US ALONE!”
The hare was very angry and then used the second wish from the magic wand. He again wished he could have a strong huff and puff. The second wish was granted.


Again, the hare inhaled deeply, now his lungs filled up like two enormous balloons, then exhaled —whoosh— he blew down the stick house like a piece of cake. The two pigs were shocked to see a broken pile of sticks on the ground. Then they started to run, but tripped on the rocks and tumbled down the hill. They both scrambled up the hill until they reached the third pig’s house. The hare ran after the two pigs who jumped into the third pig’s house.
The hare stopped in front of the third pig’s house and bellowed, “LITTLE PIG, LITTLE PIG, COME PLAY WITH ME!”
The third pig yelled, “NO! NO! GO AWAY, LEAVE US ALONE!”
The hare was extremely angry and then used the third wish from the magic wand. He one more time wished he could have a strong huff and puff. The third wish was granted.
But this time, with the deep breath in and strong breath out, he could not blow down the brick house. The hare was exhausted from chasing the pigs and blowing the houses. He didn't quite understand why the brick house wasn’t blown away. So the hare angrily walked away without realizing that he did not use his wishes wisely and he already lost his magic wand.

The next day he ran into the tortoise and a bad thought came up into his mind. He approached the tortoise and shouted with a mocking laugh at the tortoise, “Hey tortoise!, do you ever get anywhere?”
“Yes, I get there sooner than you think,” replied the tortoise calmly.
“Come race with me! I bet I’ll win! You know why? Because I’m the fastest of all!” bragged the hare.
The tortoise answered, “I can’t, I have to move a log to make a bridge so that other animals can cross the river.”
The hare was really irritated and was about to kick the tortoise. But then another bad thought came up again into his mind. “Aha!” he grinned. He followed the tortoise moving the log to the river.

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This book is dedicated to my mom, dad and baby brother.

Once there was a hare who was born in a noble and wealthy family in a quiet little town. When the hare was born, he got a precious gift from his fairy which was a magic wand. While his fairy was handing the precious gift to his parents, she said, “You shall give this magic wand to your son when he turns 16 years old and he shall have three wishes!”
“This is such a wonderful gift for our son,” the hare’s mom cried with happiness.

He only has three wishes.
"Wait!" the fairy called, "However, you will give him the magic wand only when he shows you his kindness to others and not being selfish or greedy." The fairy also added, "This magic wand is special, when he uses one wish to help someone, he will gain one wish back, but if he doesn’t use his wishes wisely, the magic wand will disappear.”
The hare’s parents assured the fairy to raise their son to be kind and compassionate.
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