Alaeddin Keykubat Secondary School-Antalya-Turkey
School website: alaeddinkeykubat.meb.k12.tr
Various studies have been carried out on recycling in our school. However, awareness has not yet been created. While thinking about what can be done, we decided to do this project with the invitation of my Romanian partner Andra. Our goal was to raise awareness about the global climate crisis and recycling together with teachers, students and parents. We were in contact with my colleagues from different branches of the school about project work. We carried out our studies through project-based learning, cooperative learning and learning through games. With our project, we have taken small but effective steps to our school, our environment and our planet, and we will continue to follow them.
It was really great to be a part of this project. I learned a lot with our project and made beautiful friends. Now it's time to say goodbye to all of you. I'm glad to meet you. My students and I will miss you! Hope to see you again next year and work together on a new eTwinning Project.
Nazife AYAZ
School website: http://scoalaavramiancudej.ro/
To me, this project has meant more than I thought in the beginning. First of all, this is the first project that I have created and I never thought it would help me learn so much.
When I had to choose a name for the project, I wanted a positive message, so I came up with YES, WE CAN!. But I have to be honest, I never thought that YES, WE CAN!(save our planet) would also mean other things, like YES, WE CAN! learn a lot from our partners’ experience, YES, WE CAN! make new friends, YES, WE CAN! adapt to new situations in hard times like the Coronavirus outbreak, YES, WE CAN! force our personal limits in order to achieve a goal.
I am grateful to have met my project co-founder Nazife! She has been an example of a great project leader. All my partners have given me so many ideas and I have learned so much from them!
So, a big THANKS to eTwinning for this opportunity and a big THANKS to all my colleagues.
School website: http://scoalaavramiancudej.ro/
In November 2019, I accidentally found out about this project from my colleague, Andra. It was a challenge for me to participate in it with my 6-year-old students. Back then, they didn't even know how to write.
That hasn't stopped us from learning how we can fight to save the planet, what impact climate change has on pollution. From an early age we can develop in children the desire to defend the planet.
The Covid 19 pandemic sounded the alarm. This project seems to have been predestined during this difficult period for humanity.
The project "Yes, we can!" showed that we REALLY CAN, that together we will succeed. I learned a lot from you, I hope to work with you again in the future. I thank eTwinning for giving me the chance to meet wonderful people like you, dear colleagues.
ICS Rita Levi-Montalcini, Bagnolo Cremasco, Italy
school website: https://www.icbagnolocr.edu.it/
The Project "Yes, We Can!" has been exactly what Monica, Stefania and I were looking for: an inclusive project that could integrate Technology, English, Science and ICT curricula and foster digital and European citizenship. And "Yes, We Can!" really does. Our pupils could see that Global Warming, Climate change and Recycling could be dealt with from many viewpoints with different teachers collaborating among them. We believe that Project-based learning is a winning choice. Kids have been the protagonists all along the project, even after the school closure due to Coronavirus lockdown. Last, but not the least, to raise awareness about the planet's problems is something that cannot be postponed any more and concerns ALL of us. So great thanks to eTwinning and all partners and friends in this adventure for this unforgettable experience.
Simonetta Galli sch

ICS Rita Levi-Montalcini, Bagnolo Cr. Italy
school website: https://www.icbagnolocr.edu.it/
Whether it is to do something together for our kids I am always in, whether we can do something for the planet I am in, too. This project was just perfect to integrate my school project about Green vision and correct separation of waste, ICT and digital citizenship. Simonetta is always very enthusiastic about eTwinning projects and it is difficult to say no. This is my third project with her. And not even the Coronavirus stopped us from going on. Great thanks to all the partners for all the involving and motivating activities we carried out all along this inclusive project that helped everybody to be more aware of what is at stake. The climate crisis is not a game. We all need to do our part and "Yes, We Can!".
Monica Fucina

ICS Rita Levi-Montalcini, Bagnolo Cr. Italy
school website: https://www.icbagnolocr.edu.it/
This is my first experience with an eTwinning project. My school has just become an eTwinning School and I was involved in this inclusive project about raising awareness for some creative steps: food art, creation of masks, animals in danger, recycling. We also welcomed the Secondary school project team in February for a dissemination lesson. The school closure due to Coronavirus outbreak hasn't stopped us and even in distance learning our collaboration and enthusiasm haven't changed. I have learned a lot from this project and have understood that eTwinning projects can be integrated in the school curriculum as I have done with my English and Technology primary school curriculum. Thanks to all the partners and especially Simonetta, who is a colleague and a friend.
Stefania Betti
When we joined to the project "Yes, We Can" we aimed to raise awareness about the most important matters of the planets; global warming, climate change and also recycling. But it has been more than we thought.My pupils did so great things throughout the project that they learnt how important the cooperation is. They felt how enjoyable to use different ICT tools.They improved their language skills and social skills as well. English has never been more enjoyable for them before.I believe that nothing else could make them feel better especially on hard days of coronavirus.
I am so grateful to eTwinning for giving us this opportunity and also many thanks to all my partners for all the unforgettable experiences and memories they got in our lives. It was great to be a member of this team.I hope this is not end but the beginning of the nice friendship and collaboration for the new projects :)

Prof. Dr. Aziz Sancar Science and Art Center
School website: http://mardinbilsem.meb.k12.tr/
This is my and my students first project and we always feel very lucky about our project partners. We have learned so much together.Environmental issues are very important for me and with the help of our project our school is more green now.I am very proud of my students, they learned new web2.0 tools, they made presentations, took part in projects duties actively and became a European Citizen. Unfortunately,we experienced the pandemic process together,but we kept working hard.We quickly adapted our project plan to the quarantine and I think we did a great job.I want to thank our partners.Hope to see you again!
Merve KOç
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Alaeddin Keykubat Secondary School-Antalya-Turkey
School website: alaeddinkeykubat.meb.k12.tr
Various studies have been carried out on recycling in our school. However, awareness has not yet been created. While thinking about what can be done, we decided to do this project with the invitation of my Romanian partner Andra. Our goal was to raise awareness about the global climate crisis and recycling together with teachers, students and parents. We were in contact with my colleagues from different branches of the school about project work. We carried out our studies through project-based learning, cooperative learning and learning through games. With our project, we have taken small but effective steps to our school, our environment and our planet, and we will continue to follow them.
It was really great to be a part of this project. I learned a lot with our project and made beautiful friends. Now it's time to say goodbye to all of you. I'm glad to meet you. My students and I will miss you! Hope to see you again next year and work together on a new eTwinning Project.
Nazife AYAZ
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