This poetry anthology is dedicated to my twin sister Hannah. Thank you for always being supportive and standing next to me. You have always been by my side through the good and bad. You also have always been honest when asked for your thought or opinion. You have always encouraged me to go try the things that interest me.

table of contents
I Am Poem
Bio Poem
Re-Creation Poem
Stylistic Imitation Poem
Definition poem
Limerick Poem
Ode Poem
Found Poem
Choral Poem
Favorite poem

I Am Poem : A Closer Look Into My Mind
I am a worrier
I wonder if people see it as if it’s written across my forehead
I hear the whispers in my head telling me to overthink every situation
I see the many possible outcomes of every action
I want to sometimes turn my thoughts off
I am an overthinker
I pretend I’m as carefree as a butterfly fluttering in a field of flowers
I feel as if everything has to be perfect or else it’s wrong
I worry I will fail or mess up
I cry when I become overwhelmed and stressed
I am always inside my own head
I understand that I don’t have to worry to the extent that I do
I say to myself to calm down take a breath
I dream of the things that calm me
I try to put my thoughts aside
I hope to control my stress and thoughts
I am always inside my own mind
I Am Poem: A Closer Look Into My Mind
Response: This poem is written about me. I constantly over think every situation I am in. Overthinking causes me to become very anxious. The first poetic device I used in this poem was onomatopoeia with the line that states " I hear the whispers in my head..". The second poetic device I used was a simile. This was used when I compared me pretending to be carefree to a butterfly that is fluttering in a field.
Bio Poem: The Many Aspects Of Me
Response: Written in this poem is different things about me. Included is some of my siblings names, things I like, and words that I believe describe who I am. It also has were i live, California, and places i would like to visit someday in the future. My two poetic devices is a simile and alliteration. My simile is being as curious as a cat. My alliteration is the use of crystal clear to describe the water of the places I would like to visit.
Bio Poem: The Many Aspects Of Me
Shy, kind, helpful, and as curious as a cat
Sister of Hannah, Shane, and Cody
Lover of caffeine, art, and the ocean
Who feels tired on an early morning, relaxed at the beach, and energetic after the sun sets
Who needs a break from siblings, a night with friends, and a weekend getaway
Who gives a listening ear, love, and a shoulder to lean on to those around her
Who fears failure, rejection, and confrontation
Who would like to see the crystal clear water of the Bahamas, Greece, and Italy
Resident of California

Re-Creation Poem: Simpler Times
The girls walked with icy hands in their jacket pockets
Cars hissed as they quickly passed on the street
Dogs barked loudly as they passed the houses that ran for blocks
The friends arrive upon one of their houses
The porch light burned a fiery orange-yellow in contrast to the dark night
The once silent house now filled with loud laughter
Smiles spread across the girl’s faces
Time seems non-existent
A memory formed with no realization of it
A memory to remind them of simpler times when they look back
some words are from Gary Soto's poem "Oranges"

Re-Creation Poem: Simpler Times
Response: In this poem phrases and words were taken from another poem. The poem word were taken from was "Oranges" by Gary Soto. The words were taken and turned into to our own poem with a different topic. My poem is about two young girls that are friends creating memories without really realizing it. My first poetic device is a hyperbole. The hyperbole is the houses that ran for blocks. My second poetic device is alliteration with the smiles spread across the girls faces.
Stylistic Imitation Poem: Two Babies Two Months Early
Response: I wrote this poem about me and my twin sister. She is baby one and I am baby two. We were born two months premature. Due to being preemies we went through a lot of health issues when we were born. In this poem I used three poetic devices. The first being a simile were I compare being stuck in my moms rib cage to a mouse stuck in a trap. The second being a hyperbole where I state that hundreds of doctors come in. Lastly I used an alliteration in the 19th line.
Stylistic Imitation Poem: Two Babies Two Months Early
At five at night
It was at five at night
Two months before expected
Only one of two babies were born
It was at five at night
The second baby was stuck like a mouse caught in a trap
Its foot caught in her mother’s rib cage
It was at five at night
Both babies constantly stop breathing
It was at five at night
When baby two flat lines
Hundreds of doctors rush in to help

It was at five at night
When baby one and two were put together
Both stabilize when they feel each other
It was at five at night
When twins fought to stay alive
It was at five at night
Two babies were brought into this world two months too early
It was at five at night
When my sister and I were brought into this world
Imitation of Federico Garcia Lorca's style in his poem "Llanto por Ignacio Sanchez Mejias."

Definition Poem: Untruthful Words
Liar /lī()r/ noun: liar; plural noun: liars
A person who tells lies
Meaningless words
Faked reactions and emotions
Filling the heads of others with nonsense
Sneakily slithering around like a snake waiting to strike its next victim
Poisoning their own relationships with others
Doing its as effortlessly as it is to breath
Coming to them as if it’s their second nature
Selfishness settles over them, thinking of themselves before others
Definition Poem: Unthruthful Words
Response: For this poem we were to choose a word and describe what that word means to us. I chose the word lier. So this poem is written about what I would consider a lie is. My first poetic device was I used alliteration twice. First with the sneakily slithering, and secondly when I typed selfishness settles. My second poetic device was a simile. I compared a lier to sneaking around like a snake does.
Limerick Poem: A Little Too Sunny
Response: This limerick poem is written about a girl who goes to a beach and gets sunburned. I first used the poetic device simile. I compared the girls skin before getting burned to a peach. I did this for visual reasons. Next I used the rhyme skeam of internal rhymes for the 1st 2nd and last line. Then i used end rhymes for the third and fourth line.
Limerick Poem: A Little Too Sunny
There once was a girl on the beach
Her skin was like the shade of a peach
Till the sun overhead
Made the girl very red
Causing her to not like the beach
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This poetry anthology is dedicated to my twin sister Hannah. Thank you for always being supportive and standing next to me. You have always been by my side through the good and bad. You also have always been honest when asked for your thought or opinion. You have always encouraged me to go try the things that interest me.

table of contents
I Am Poem
Bio Poem
Re-Creation Poem
Stylistic Imitation Poem
Definition poem
Limerick Poem
Ode Poem
Found Poem
Choral Poem
Favorite poem

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