is for Attendance
Attendance is to make sure all my friends are here and ready to learn with me!

is for Backpacks
Backpacks carry our school work, lunch and our gym shoes on the days we have gym

is for Curriculum

Curriculum is what we learn in first grade. This includes things like math, reading, writing, science and social studies!

is for Dismissal

Dismissal comes at the end of the day when school is over and it is time to go back home

is for Electronics

We will use different types of electronics to learn in our classroom. Some of them include computers and iPads.

is for Friday Folders

Every Friday you will bring home a folder for your mom and dad to look at. It will include graded homework, papers you've completed throughout the week and a weekly newsletter.

is for Gym Class

We have gym class twice a week, once on Tuesday's and once on Thursday's. Remember to wear tennis shoes those days or bring a pair in your backpack!

is for Homework

We will have math homework every other day and you will have a book to take home and read every night. Homework is very important to make sure we understand what we're learning in class.

is for Independence

You will learn how to be independent in first grade. This means you will do things on your own. This includes things like reading and writing!

is for Journals

Every Monday we will do Monday Journals where we write about what we did over the weekend and draw a picture that goes with our writing.

is for Knowledge

In first grade your knowledge will grow! You will be learning so much new information in first grade that you will be able to carry on with you.

is for Lunch

We have lunch from 12-1 every day. We eat in the cafeteria at a special table just for our class.

is for Music

Music class is every Friday. Here, you will learn many types of different instruments and what sounds they make. You will even be able to play some musical instruments!

is for Newsletter

You will get a newsletter sent home with you every Friday. You will give this to your parents so they can keep up with what we are doing in class.

is for Open House

Open House is where I will get to meet your parents. Open House will be in September. I am so excited to meet your parents.

is for Pick Up Time

Pick up comes at the end of the day. Some friends will be picked up by their parents, some friends will ride the bus home and other friends may walk or bike home. We get dismissed from school at 3:00 p.m.

- Full access to our public library
- Save favorite books
- Interact with authors

is for Attendance
Attendance is to make sure all my friends are here and ready to learn with me!

is for Backpacks
Backpacks carry our school work, lunch and our gym shoes on the days we have gym

is for Curriculum

Curriculum is what we learn in first grade. This includes things like math, reading, writing, science and social studies!

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