To My Young Readers
"The more you read. The more you will know. The more that you learn. The more places you will go."
-Dr. Seuss-
I would like to say Thank You to all of my family that has supported me in my journey. A special thanks to the Shareef Family (Idris, Ahley, Maaz, & Romi). Thank you for encouraging me to complete my education and move forward with my dreams of being a preschool owner and to write my first children's book. Thank you for allowing me to Love, Teach, & Educate your beautiful children. With love, Mrs. D

It is a beautiful Monday morning. Maaz arrives at school around 8:30 am. Maaz knows what to do he goes and washes his hands and asks if he could put together a floor puzzles. I tell him yes and challenge him to put a puzzles together that is 50 pieces instead of 10 or 20. He takes the challenge. Maaz needed a little bit of help to get started. I help him and he completes the puzzle and moves on to the next one.
It is around 10:30 am right after snack and it is free choice at the center's. Maaz ask me if he could play with the community supper hero. I look at Maaz and tell him to go for it. I ask what will he be doing with the supper community hero. He told me that he is going to set up a community with the people. They is going to be a villain coming to destroy the park and that he will change into sockpoo. Sockpoo come from the air and points his bubbles blaster at the villain trapping him in sockpoo bubbles and blast him to mars never to be seen again.
Today Armoni comes to school chipper as usual. It is a free choice please pick something you would like to play with. He stands there for a moment and thinks about what he want to play. Armoni ask if I will play cash register with him I tell him yes. Who will the at the cash register and who will be the person picking out items to buy. He will be the person at the register. I told Armoni I need some money from the register so I can purchase the items I have chosen. He pulls out two $20.00 dollar bills, three $10.00 dollars bills & one $ 5.00 dollar bill, and some lose (two quarters) change. I ask Armoni to count what he just gave me. He counted back to me the correct amount of money $75.50.
I tell the class it is time to clean up it is time for story time. Everyone did there part and cleaned up. Today is Armoni turn to pick a book out that he will read to the class. Armoni tells me if I need help reading would I please help him I said yes. Armoni picked one of my favorite books. Chalk By: Bill Thomson. Armoni and I ask a series of question about the book before we read it. This book does not have words in it so Armoni used his imagination to fill the book with words and musical characters.
I see from the window that Romi and her mom are walking towards the door. Romi comes in takes off her jacket and washes her hands. Romi ask me if I would read a book with her and I tell her yes what book would you like to read. I tell Romi that I like her shirt which has a unicorn on it that matches her unicorn headband. Romi and I walk over to the library center to look for a book she would like for me to read. Romi grabs a Uni the Unicorn By: Amy Krouse Rosenthal. I ask Romi why she picked out that book and she told me that she loves unicorns and she wants to be one when she grows up. She also told me the she is only going to wear unicorn stuff because that is her favorite.
The next day Romi is walking up with her dad. I notice that she is wearing her unicorn stuff just like she said. I ask Romi if she wanted to work on some letter sounds she said yes. She goes and gets her book with her materials in it. I take the letter card and show here one by one and ask her to tell me the letter sounds. Romi chose all the ones she new. I took a couple of the ones she struggled with. I made the sound of the letter a few times and then Romi repeated it back to me. Romi ask if we could do more letter sounds after lunch I said I would like to do that. I pick a letter that she was having trouble with, she thought about it and said the sound of the letter. Way to go Romi.
Before we have snack we all sit down and have group time where everyone can share what they like based off the question I will ask. The question of the day is What is your favorite food and why? Many kids gave different answers while some gave the same. I decide to throw a trick question out there and ask who knows what a flap jack is. Maaz raised his hand and said it's a flat pancake which are his favorite.
Today in group we will pick one thing as a class that we now little or nothing about. I explain that we will be using a new form of learning which is (K.W.L). K.W.L is what you Know, what you Want to know, and what we have Learned. I had pictures, graph, video, of what we would learn for the week. The class settled on the milky way. Maaz and Romi were very knowledgeable about the milky way. This made learning easier and fun.
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To My Young Readers
"The more you read. The more you will know. The more that you learn. The more places you will go."
-Dr. Seuss-
I would like to say Thank You to all of my family that has supported me in my journey. A special thanks to the Shareef Family (Idris, Ahley, Maaz, & Romi). Thank you for encouraging me to complete my education and move forward with my dreams of being a preschool owner and to write my first children's book. Thank you for allowing me to Love, Teach, & Educate your beautiful children. With love, Mrs. D

It is a beautiful Monday morning. Maaz arrives at school around 8:30 am. Maaz knows what to do he goes and washes his hands and asks if he could put together a floor puzzles. I tell him yes and challenge him to put a puzzles together that is 50 pieces instead of 10 or 20. He takes the challenge. Maaz needed a little bit of help to get started. I help him and he completes the puzzle and moves on to the next one.
It is around 10:30 am right after snack and it is free choice at the center's. Maaz ask me if he could play with the community supper hero. I look at Maaz and tell him to go for it. I ask what will he be doing with the supper community hero. He told me that he is going to set up a community with the people. They is going to be a villain coming to destroy the park and that he will change into sockpoo. Sockpoo come from the air and points his bubbles blaster at the villain trapping him in sockpoo bubbles and blast him to mars never to be seen again.
Today Armoni comes to school chipper as usual. It is a free choice please pick something you would like to play with. He stands there for a moment and thinks about what he want to play. Armoni ask if I will play cash register with him I tell him yes. Who will the at the cash register and who will be the person picking out items to buy. He will be the person at the register. I told Armoni I need some money from the register so I can purchase the items I have chosen. He pulls out two $20.00 dollar bills, three $10.00 dollars bills & one $ 5.00 dollar bill, and some lose (two quarters) change. I ask Armoni to count what he just gave me. He counted back to me the correct amount of money $75.50.
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