Written By Sofia Stark
Illustrated by Lovisa Stridh
Written for 1st Grade - 3rd Grade
Reading level 3rd Grade
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Once upon a time there was an armadillo named Trajan who wanted to become a
ninja. The Ninja Armadillos were a well respected group of ninjas who were never
seen but accomplished a lot of good in the armadillo community. They would find
food for the hungry, find homes for orphan armadillos, and care for those who were
hurt. Trajan’s greatest wish had always been to join the ranks and belong to the Ninja
Armadillos. However, in order to become a ninja he would have to go to Ninja
School. Trajan worked and worked to make sure that he would be accepted into the
well-respected school.

One day the letter arrived in the mail. Trajan jumped for joy.
“I made it! I made it! I start Ninja School next week!” he shouted.
“Congratulations,” his mother replied sweetly. “I’m so proud of you! But you
know, this is when the hard part begins; it’s not easy to get through Ninja
This was a fact that Trajan knew well. He knew of several armadillos who had
not made it through the final test.

The next week school began and Trajan couldn’t be more excited. He made
friends quickly and breezed through the first assignments. The teachers were
stern but fair. As the weeks passed the work got more and more difficult, and
Trajan worried more and more about that final test. Meanwhile, there was a
major ninja test each week. Trajan aced the bowling test where he rolled into a
ball and bowled over a group of enemies at the bowling alley. He stealthily
climbed a tree and rescued a nest of pink baby birds from a hawk.

He got to the bamboo sensing test when the teacher snuck up behind him and
swung a piece of bamboo at his head. This was a particularly difficult test. His
job was to sense the swinging motion of the bamboo and duck away from it.
Trajan worried a little but decided to trust himself. He came through the test
with flying colors and celebrated by going to the ice cream shop. While there he
ordered a grub flavored ice cream cone with cat bone sprinkles on top. He was
about to eat it when he saw a poor little orphan armadillo who was hanging
around the ice cream shop. The poor thing looked starved. Trajan thought about
the lessons he had had about the importance of caring for the poor and hungry
in his community.
“Hey, kid,” Trajan called, “Are you hungry? I got you this ice cream cone!”
“Wow, thanks! Are you a real Ninja Armadillo?” the kid asked.
“Not yet, but I’m almost there,” Trajan replied.
Little did he know that this had been a test. Would he give up the ice cream to a
hungry orphan or not? Naturally Trajan passed with no trouble.

Finally, he was down to the last week. Trajan had received top grades in Ninja
School, but this was the most important test. Could he cross the road without
being seen?
He watched his friends begin their preparations that morning. Some of them
were shining up their armor, others were covering it with dirt. Trajan did not
know what he should do. What was the best approach? Should he climb a tree
and attempt to jump across? Maybe he should dig a burrow under the road? He
could roll across the road, or just plain run.
As he was pondering his options his mind wandered to the admiration he had
always felt toward the Ninja Armadillos. They kept everyone in the armadillo
community safe and fed but were only seen during the yearly armadillo parade
when they darkened their armor with dirt and marched in the parade.
Well, maybe that’s what a true Ninja armadillo would do! Trajan resolved to
darken his armor and begin his test by digging a burrow to await the darkness.
As evening fell Trajan polished his plan for how to cross the road without being
seen. He knew just what he would do.

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Written By Sofia Stark
Illustrated by Lovisa Stridh
Written for 1st Grade - 3rd Grade
Reading level 3rd Grade
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Once upon a time there was an armadillo named Trajan who wanted to become a
ninja. The Ninja Armadillos were a well respected group of ninjas who were never
seen but accomplished a lot of good in the armadillo community. They would find
food for the hungry, find homes for orphan armadillos, and care for those who were
hurt. Trajan’s greatest wish had always been to join the ranks and belong to the Ninja
Armadillos. However, in order to become a ninja he would have to go to Ninja
School. Trajan worked and worked to make sure that he would be accepted into the
well-respected school.

One day the letter arrived in the mail. Trajan jumped for joy.
“I made it! I made it! I start Ninja School next week!” he shouted.
“Congratulations,” his mother replied sweetly. “I’m so proud of you! But you
know, this is when the hard part begins; it’s not easy to get through Ninja
This was a fact that Trajan knew well. He knew of several armadillos who had
not made it through the final test.
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