Howard High School is one of the best high schools to go to in Delaware. The school inside and out is nice, have good programs and career area, and also have one of the best sports team in Delaware.

2005, September 10th my life begins. My name is Ranahya Snowden. I am 15 years old, a freshman in high school, and an athletic student. I can talk about why I picked Howard High School of Technology to go to for my high school.

Now, that I got accepted to Howard I have to show the teachers And staff that why I should be at Howard. I get good grades, I don’t get in trouble, I’m always doing things that I need to do, and I stay focus and get my work done.

One of the reasons I wanted to go to Howard because they have nice career areas and they have the career area I want to be in which is ( Cosmetology ). Another reason I wanted to go to Howard because all of my siblings went there and they taught me siblings good/well.

I always wanted to go to Howard ever since I was little because when I was little one of my older sisters went their and I wanted to follow her foot steps. Also, after that my older brother and my other older sister got accepted to go to Howard and I also wanted to follow their foot steps too. I always looked up to them and they also wanted me to go to Howard too.

When my siblings got accepted to Howard I knew that I could get accepted too because I’m always a good student, I stay on task, I stay out of trouble, and I always try and do my best at all times. Also, my grades be also good at times.

This could impact my life because it prepares me for the real word and the responsibilities I’ll have as an adult. Also, high school is perhaps the most important time in kids live, because they are making friendships that can last a lifetime.

For me to choose Howard as my High School nobody really helped me. I had to make sure that my last 7th grade report card was and my first 8th grade report card. I also had to make sure that I won’t be getting in trouble and make sure I stayed focus on my work and make the right choices.

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Howard High School is one of the best high schools to go to in Delaware. The school inside and out is nice, have good programs and career area, and also have one of the best sports team in Delaware.

2005, September 10th my life begins. My name is Ranahya Snowden. I am 15 years old, a freshman in high school, and an athletic student. I can talk about why I picked Howard High School of Technology to go to for my high school.

Now, that I got accepted to Howard I have to show the teachers And staff that why I should be at Howard. I get good grades, I don’t get in trouble, I’m always doing things that I need to do, and I stay focus and get my work done.

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