This e-book is a collaborative product of the project "Health and Wealth of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants" and contains information on the most commonly used medicinal plants.
It was made by the students and teachers involved in the project.

Chamomile & Aloe vera
Made by Cristina, Daria, Melania, Diana, David & Stefan
”George Calinescu” Secondary School, Onesti, Romania
Teacher Lacrimioara Sabareanu

It is an annual herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family, along with sunflower and dandelion. The plant has beneficial effects for the human body, known since antiquity.

It first appeared in ancient Egypt, but it was the Greeks who established chamomile as a plant with countless applications for the human body. Hippocrates, Dioscorides and Galen - some of the greatest names in ancient medicine - wrote about chamomile and its effects on the body.

Since antiquity, chamomile was used to relieve digestive and rheumatic problems, it was also recommended for infections with digestive parasites, but also for hair or used to relieve symptoms caused by irritation or other skin conditions.

Aloe vera
Nicknamed ”the elixir of youth", it is a plant with multiple uses in alternative medicine and cosmetics.

It contains more than 75 active substances and is recognized for its beneficial effect in supporting the immune system, relieving irritable bowel syndrome or relieving burns and irritations.

The ancient Egyptians called it the "plant of immortality" and placed it among the funerary gifts buried with the pharaohs, to ensure, even after death, the health of the pharaoh's spirit. Hundreds of years ago, Africans hung the plant in bundles above the door to ward off evil spirits.

Famous doctors of antiquity and remarkable historical personalities were fascinated by the healing power of this plant, and the first "documentary" attestation of it is found inlaid in stone, on a plaque discovered in an Egyptian tomb 3500 years ago.

Rosemary & Juniper
Made by Servenay and Beril , "Ihsan Erturgut" Secondary School, Turkey.
Teacher: Filiz KAYNAK

It has been known since ancient times that the rosemary plant opens the mind and strengthens the memory. In Ancient Greece, it is known that students kept their minds alive by wearing the crowns made of rosemary leaves or carrying the rings they knitted from this plant on their necks.
Carnosol, rosmarinic, betulinic and carnosic-acid are found in rosemary, which have a protective effect against cancer. Rosemary extracts protect against skin cancer, leukemia, breast and liver cancer, prostate, bladder, ovarian, colon, lung, and pancreatic cancers.

Juniper is a respected tree in the Turkish world. In Central Asia, the belief that the juniper tree has a divine, magical power is common. Juniper refers to cleansing by fire. It was believed that evil spirits stood from the juniper tree, and juniper was helped to expel creatures such as demons and demons.

Since juniper is a diaphoretic plant, it is very effective and useful in rheumatism and colds.
b) It is very effective in removing the water accumulated in the body.
c) It helps to overcome the recovery period quickly.
d) It reduces the amount of blood sugar.
e) It is very good for anemia.
f) It has diuretic properties.

İrem Taylor
Nazlı Tekin
Sena Yılmaz
Ömer Kafkef
Emre Deadshock
İrem Tuana Özdemir
Supervisor Teacher : Ömür KÖSE

LAVENDER & CLOVE & turmeric & CRANBERRY & Ginseng

Health Benefits of Lavender
-May Help Improve Sleep.
-Could Help Treat Skin Blemishes.
-May Offer a Natural Remedy for Pain.
-Reduce Blood Pressure and Heart Rate.
-Could Relieve Asthma Symptoms.
-Lessens Menopausal Hot Flashes.
-Help Combat Fungus Growth. .
-Potentially Promotes Hair Growth

Lavender Medicinal Use at home :
In the bath:
Considering how relaxing a hot bath is to begin with adding lavender will only add to your melted state of bliss. Use 6 to 8 drops of lavender essential oil under running water, or mix first with Epsom salts to create your own bath soak.
Under your sheets:
To maximize lavender’s sleep-boosting properties, use dried lavender flowers) in a sachet and place underneath your bed linens to create a soft, relaxing scent that emanantes the more you snooze atop it.
In a diffuser:
Just a few drops of an essential oil is enough to permeate an entire space with whichever herb’s olfactory delights.

In a pillow spray:
Whether you DIY it with lavender oil, witch hazel, and water, or purchase one of the top-selling pillow sprays pillow sprays are like sheet sachets on steroids, helping to lull you to sleep faster and also helping you stay asleep longer. Win win, right?!
In laundry detergent:
To add a fresh scent to your laundry without artificial fragrances, try using essential oils. Lavender oil is a refreshing choice, and just 10 or 20 drops works for an entire bottle of the stuff.
In your vacuum:
Draw up two or three drops of lavender essential oil. Drop, one at a time, onto the filter media or dust cup. Wait a minute or two to allow the oil to dry before replacing. Refresh the oil as desired.

Lavender oil works to kill bacteria, and this can prevent and heal acne breakouts. It unclogs pores and reduces inflammation when you put it on your skin. To use lavender oil for acne, dilute it in coconut oil or another carrier oil and apply it to your skin after washing your face.
You can also use lavender oil as a facial toner by mixing two drops of lavender oil with one teaspoon of witch hazel. Soak a cotton ball in the blend and then gently rub it over your face. For a particularly stubborn pimple, argan oil can help reduce inflammation. Mix one drop of lavender oil with a drop of argan oil and put it directly onto a pimple twice a day.

Anti-inflammatory ability:
To treat the inflammation on a burn, combine one to three drops of lavender oil and one to two teaspoons of moringa or coconut oil. You can apply the mixture three times a day

A lavender oil spray can help. In a spray bottle, combine a quarter cup of aloe vera juice, 2 tablespoons of distilled water, 10 to 12 drops of lavender oil and jojoba oil. Shake the bottle and spray onto your sunburn. Use the spray two or three times a day until the sunburn heals.

Wound-healing properties:
To use lavender oil on small wounds, mix three or four drops of lavender oil together with a few drops of coconut or tamanu oil. Apply the mixture on your wound with a cotton ball. If your wound has already healed, lavender oil can reduce remaining scars as well

lavender tea recipe :
-Boil 2 CUPS of water.
-Place 4 tsp. of fresh lavender buds into a tea ball or sachet.
-Place the tea ball and water into a teacup.
-Let steep for 10 minutes.

CLOVE health benefits:
-Contain important nutrients. ...
-High in antioxidants. ...
-May help protect against cancer. ...
-Can kill bacteria. ...
-May improve liver health. ...
-May help regulate blood sugar. ...
-May promote bone health. ...
-May reduce stomach ulcers

-effective at clearing up a number of skin disorders such as acne, sores

Clove tea recipe:
-Grind 1 tablespoon of whole cloves.
-In a pan, add a cup of water, then add the cloves and bring it to boil.
-Let it steep for 3-4 minutes.
-Let it cool, strain, and serve.
- you can add a fresh lemon slice or a orange slice ,
- you can also add a tea spoon full of honey

-Stud an onion with several cloves when making a homemade sauce, stock, broth or stew.
-Embed a few cloves into a piece of meat before cooking.
-Add to cauliflower, broccoli or cabbage dishes and this will aid digestion.
-Use cloves to make bread sauce.
-Use cloves to make mincemeat or a Christmas pudding.
-Add ground cloves to biscuit or cake dough for a spicy sweet treat.
-Add to your mulled wine ingredients.
-Use cloves in your apple sauce.
-Add to stewed fruits such as apples or rhubarb.
-Add to barbecue style sauces.
-Flavour soups with whole cloves.
-Flavour boiled or fried rice with several cloves.
-Use to make sweet breads or muffins.
-Add to pumpkin or sweet potato pie.
-Add to curries and other spicy foods.
-Add to rice pudding and other milk-based sweet dishes.

11/2 cups of water
1 clove /crushed
1 pinch of cinnamon
¾ teaspon tea leaves
-Put water on the heat for boiling along with crushed clove and cinammon powder.
-Cover with a lid tightly so as to retain the flavours.
-Let it boil for good 2 minutes
-Lower the heat and add the tea leaves / tea bag

Recipe for mouth wash :
When boiled with water and gargled, cloves are a good antibacterial mouthwash, which can help to combat bad breath and relieve a sore throat.


With its brilliant orange hue, it’s impossible to miss a bottle of turmeric sitting on a spice shelf. Originating in India, turmeric is believed to have anticancer properties and can prevent DNA mutations.
Turmeric has been used as a medicinal herb for 4,000 years.
As an anti-inflammatory, it can be taken as a supplement and it’s been used topically for people with arthritis who wish to relieve discomfort. It’s used worldwide as a cooking ingredient, which makes it a delicious, antioxidant-richTrusted Source addition to many dishes.

According to recent research, turmeric is also showing promise as a treatment for a variety of dermatologic diseases and joint arthritis Trusted Source.

*The preparation of turmeric tea is made in two different ways. You can easily prepare turmeric tea using both root and powdered turmeric. If you want to brew tea from turmeric in root form, you can powder or grate the turmeric roots with the tools and equipment in your kitchen. However, since this process will be a little laborious, using powdered turmeric is a more practical way.
*To consume turmeric tea plain, you must first put 2 glasses of water in a suitable teapot. Add one or two teaspoons of powdered turmeric to the boiled water and start brewing this inside for about 10 minutes. You can strain the brewed turmeric tea and drink it plain or add a spoonful of honey to sweeten it. by: Ömer.Kafkef


The nutrients in cranberries to a lower risk of urinary tract infection (UTI),
-the prevention of certain types of cancer,
-improved immune function,
-decreased blood pressure
-Protect against liver disease
-Improve eyesight
-Improve cardiovascular health

-Cranberries may help with gut health
-They lessen the amount of acid you make and keep it from sticking to your teeth. This helps stop cavities, gum disease, tooth decay, and even oral cancer.

-Eat them raw.
-You can munch on them whole like blueberries,
-toss them into a salad,
- add them to oatmeal,
- or blend them into a smoothie.
-If they're too tart for you,
you can chop them
and toss with a little sugar
or agave syrup.
-Turn them into jelly or sauce.
-Add them to baked goods

-Vitamin C. Also known as ascorbic acid, vitamin C is one of the predominant antioxidants in cranberries. It is essential for the maintenance of your skin, muscles, and bone.
-Manganese. Found in most foods, manganese is essential for growth, metabolism, and your body’s antioxidant system.
-Vitamin E. A class of essential fat-soluble antioxidants.
-Vitamin K1. Also known as phylloquinone, vitamin K1 is essential for blood clotting.
-Copper. A trace element, often low in the Western diet. Inadequate copper intake may have adverse effects on heart health

-4 cups fresh or frozen cranberries
-cups water
-cups sugar
-Rinse cranberries with cool water, and remove any stems or blemished berries.
-Heat water and sugar to boiling in 3-quart saucepan over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Continue boiling 5 minutes longer, stirring occasionally
-Stir in cranberries. Heat to boiling over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Continue boiling about 5 minutes longer, stirring occasionally, until cranberries begin to pop. Pour sauce into bowl or container. Refrigerate about 3 hours or until chilled
Stir in 1 tablespoon grated orange peel after cooking

Healthy cranberry drink recipe
-2 cups cranberries fresh or frozen.
-2 cups pure water.
-1 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice or orange juice (optional)
-1 drizzle raw honey or maple syrup, stevia, or other favorite sweetener, to taste (optional)

Cranberry Tea Recipe
-In a large pot, combine water and cranberries.
-Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 30 minutes.
- Add sugar, orange juice, lemon juice, cloves and cinnamon sticks.
-Cover, and steep for 1 hour

May Have Potential Benefits Against Cancer.
May Fight Tiredness and Increase Energy Levels.

Ginseng is consumed as packet tea. It can also be found in powder form. In some cultures, it is used as a spice in meals, but it is more correct to consume it as a tea in order to get the beneficial nutrients in its content.
How is ginseng used?

The linden and chamomile flowers
is used for digestive disorders, cramps, respiratory viruses or migraines, as well as in preventing skin aging, relieving sunburn, acne, dark circles and dry scalp. Of course, in addition to these, we also collect cherry tails, marigold flowers and other plants that are found in smaller quantities.
I put it in the wardrobe or light a bundle for to purify the air in the rooms with the emitted smoke.

Linden & Nigella sativa
Nagihan Kalaycı
My students participating in the project
Tuna Umut
Özge Batu
Elif Eylül Göksu

All plants in the world are thought to be 320 thousand. It is stated that 270 thousand of them are known. Experts say that 70 thousand of them are used, about 3 thousand of them are food sources, 25 thousand of them are used for treatment purposes, 5 thousand are used for industrial purposes, and about 15 thousand are ornamental plants.
Medicinal aromatic plants, which are the most subject in world trade; coffee, sesame, garlic, red pepper, allspice, black pepper, green tea, mustard seeds, poppy seeds, ginger, salep and cumin.
The distribution of these plants on earth is uneven. Tropical regions are shown as the richest places in terms of species diversity. The number of species is decreasing towards the poles. The richest places in terms of species are the Northern parts of South America and the Indonesian archipelago.
Turkey is a country rich plants. It is stated in various sources that around 200 natural plant species are sold in herbalists in the country.
Turkey experts of plant species by number sold in the domestic and foreign markets for commercial purposes collected from nature are referred to as 347 pieces. It is stated that the number of endemic of these is 35, and the number of natural plant species collected from nature and sold abroad is around 100. However, it is estimated that at least 1,000 of the species in our country are used in various ways and 400 of them are traded.
Turkey imports of spices in 2014 to $ 30 million, even though it exports $ 150 million, according to our rich potential, the potential is much lower than these figures should be the case.
Important plants that take place in our country's medicinal and aromatic plant exports; red pepper, anise, cumin, thyme, black seed, fennel, coriander, heather, caper.
Some of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Collected from Nature;
Laurel, Mahaleb, Linden Flower, Sage, Rosemary, Licorice Juniper and some Thyme
Some of Cultured Medicinal and Aromatic Plants;
Cumin, Anise, Thyme, Fenugreek, Fennel, Mint, Hops, Coriander. some Sage

It is a plant in the form of a tree from the Linden (Tiliaceae) family. It grows in the temperate climates of the northern hemisphere. Linden trees can grow up to 30 feet tall and live up to 1000 years. Of the 80 species of linden trees, only two are used for medicinal benefits. These are small-leaved European linden (tilia cordata) and large-leaved summer linden (tilia platyphyllos).

Herbal tea is made from the flowers, leaves and bark of the tree. Its flowers are the most valuable part, delicate, yellowish white and fragrant. Its leaves are shaped like a prominent heart. It has cream colored, sweet, soft, round fruits. Linden bark is gray, soft and fibrous. The suitable harvest time of linden, which is generally obtained by drying its flowers, is June and July. In our country, especially large-leaved linden grows in the Marmara and Black Sea regions.
Vitamins and minerals contained in linden
Linden plant contains vitamins A, B6, C and P and minerals calcium, iron, manganese. It contains tannin, protein, mucilage and glucose. Its potential benefit is due to antioxidants such as chemferol, quercetin, saponin, hesperidin.

The anti-inflammatory antioxidants found in linden tea can help treat a variety of inflammatory conditions, including respiratory tract inflammations, muscle aches and spasms, joint and headaches (including migraine), arthritis, gout, and wounds caused by poor circulation. It can also be beneficial to women who are experiencing painful periods by preventing fluctuations in mood.
Its antispasmodic properties can be good for problems such as bloating, constipation, diarrhea, gas and cramps. Charcoal made from linden wood supports the treatment of ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms.

In cold and flu
Linden tea contains a sticky substance called mucilage that helps relieve irritation in the throat or mouth, and this can help combat flu symptoms such as cough, sore throat, mucus production. Linden tea promotes sweating and lowers body temperature if the flu or cold causes fever. In addition, the expectorant effect of linden should not be forgotten. It also helps you remove harmful toxins that cause infections and make you sick.

Supports heart health
Linden tea provides protection against heart diseases by lowering blood pressure. It can prevent inflammation in the arteries and blood vessels and reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis, blood clots, arrhythmias, and heart attacks. It is also good for hypertension. However, due to the cardiotoxic nature of some compounds in linden tea, it is recommended that those with a history of heart disease should consume carefully.

It is a powerful sedative
The most known feature of linden tea is that it is calming and relaxing. It is good for sleep disorders and calms the nerves. It reduces stress and anxiety. If you have anxiety or depression problems, drinking 1 cup of linden tea before going to bed can make you feel better and sleep comfortably. It is safe to use for hyperactivity problems in children and for babies older than six months (if there is no allergy).
Protects skin health
Linden tea steam bath is beneficial for the skin. It opens the pores, cleans the stains caused by dirt and helps the treatment of skin inflammation. It moisturizes dry skin and can also be effective against sun-induced skin problems. Linden tea can be applied to the skin with the help of cotton as a tonic.

Side effects of linden
Long-term and heavy consumption may cause cardiotoxic effects.
There is a risk of mild allergic reactions.
It is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
It is not recommended for people with anemia.
If it is drunk after a meal, it makes digestion difficult.
May cause drowsiness.
Nigella sativa

Black seed has been one of the most popular herbs in medicine throughout history. This medicinal plant, which is good for many health problems, is still widely used. It is one of the most scientifically researched plants. Black seed and oil can be used. Black seed, found even in the tomb of King Tutankhamen, was used by Cleopatra for beauty and by Hippocrates for liver diseases. The "thymokino" substance contained in large quantities is known for its anticarcinogenic effects. Health problems that black seed is good for include diabetes, cholesterol, psoriasis and eczema, allergies, Alzheimer's, and digestive issues.
The seed and oil of black seed are effective against various diseases. Its seeds are black and similar to sesame seeds. Black seed, also known as Nigella sativa in medical language, has been widely used throughout history. There is a lot of information about the healing of black seed in ancient Egyptian, Greek and even Islamic literature.
Black grains, which are also used as spices, are the seeds of the plant. It is very effective against hypertension, liver, kidney diseases, infection and skin diseases.

Vitamins contained in black seed
The key to why the seeds and oil of black seed are so beneficial to the body is due to the three main natural chemicals. These; thymoquinone (TQ), thymohydroquinone (THQ) and thymol. Black cumin seed contains oils, carbohydrates, albumin and more than a hundred nutrients, some of which have not yet been identified.

It also contains unsaturated fatty acids, which are very valuable substances. These are Linolenacid, Alfo linolenacid, Tallow oil and similar oils. It contains Kofur, Nigellon, Alpha-pinene as ethereal oils. In addition, small amounts of B1, B2, B6, Folacid Niacin, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium and amino acids are included.
Does black seed benefit for cancer?
Studies show that the timokinoin contained in black seed is effective against lung, breast, kidney, liver, skin and prostate cancer. The cause of its anticancer property has not been fully resolved.
Some studies have shown that timoquinone plays an antioxidant role and improves the body's defense system and causes apoptosis (programmed cell death). Today, many scientific studies are ongoing on the use of components of black seed against cancer.
Studies say that the anti-tumor effects of thioquinone, which is also found in black seed oil, are effective in colon cancer, prostate cancer, pancreatic and lung cancer. When thioquinone and chemotherapy drugs are used together, thioquinone reduces the toxicity of the drugs.
Many studies show that black seed is beneficial in the treatment of allergic rhinitis. A study of black seed has shown that it relieves the most common nasal allergy symptoms. It is good for allergic reactions such as congestion, runny nose, sneezing and swelling of the nasal passages. It also reduces allergy symptoms when taken daily by mouth along with vitamin E, β-carotene and biotin.
Black seed in allergy treatment

Benefits of black seed for Alzheimer's disease;
Scientific research shows that black seed is promising for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. In a study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, black seed has been found to increase memory, attention and concentration.
Asthma, bronchitis and Epilepsy treatment
Taking black seed extract by mouth improves lung function and reduces wheezing and cough attacks in patients with asthma. It is good for bronchitis. It also evacuates the secretion and dilates the respiratory tract. 2 grams of ground black seed per day should be used for 12 weeks. There is information that its extract reduces epileptic seizures, but there is no scientific evidence in this area yet.

Using black seed, 0.5-2 grams per day for up to 12 weeks or taking its extract twice a day makes significant contributions to blood pressure control in people with hypertension.
Other health benefits of black seed
- It is good for cough.
- It facilitates digestion.
- It is diuretic
- It can be used in the treatment of flu.
-Relieves headache
-It is good for rheumatic diseases.
-Has a relieving effect on menstrual ailments
-Accelerates quick healing of wounds and regeneration of cells
-Black seed extract reduces symptoms related to opioid addiction
-Black seed extract is good for sore throats and swollen tonsils

Nigella sativa
Preraped By;
Öznur T* Atakan B* Cantürk E*
BüSra O* Rümeysa A* Ebrar A*
Supervisor Teacher;


- It prevents cancer by protecting cells from free radical damage. - It prevents obesity. - It strengthens the memory. - It prevents inflammation. - It is good for chronic pain. - Eliminates problems such as dryness, dandruff and shedding on the scalp. - Promotes hair growth.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not use rosemary tea if you are allergic to rosemary plant or another plant in the same family. People who are allergic to aspirin or salicylate medications can also develop rosemary tea allergies. Use caution and discontinue use immediately if you experience any signs of an allergic reaction, including a runny nose, itchy throat, or difficulty breathing.
Typically it ranges from red to orange, but dark purple to black in some species. Rosehip begins to form after successful pollination of flowers in spring or early summer and ripens from late summer to autumn.

What Are the Benefits of Rosehip?

Teacher Bordea Gina


Marigolds (Calendulla officinalis)
are annual plants and belong to the Asteraceae family. Marigolds originate in the Mediterranean and western Asia, spreading rapidly throughout Europe.
In Romania, marigolds are grown in all agricultural areas. Marigold flowers are used in the pharmaceutical industry.
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This e-book is a collaborative product of the project "Health and Wealth of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants" and contains information on the most commonly used medicinal plants.
It was made by the students and teachers involved in the project.

Chamomile & Aloe vera
Made by Cristina, Daria, Melania, Diana, David & Stefan
”George Calinescu” Secondary School, Onesti, Romania
Teacher Lacrimioara Sabareanu

It is an annual herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family, along with sunflower and dandelion. The plant has beneficial effects for the human body, known since antiquity.

It first appeared in ancient Egypt, but it was the Greeks who established chamomile as a plant with countless applications for the human body. Hippocrates, Dioscorides and Galen - some of the greatest names in ancient medicine - wrote about chamomile and its effects on the body.

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