A long long time ago in a galaxy far far away, there were 2 factions, who lie with the light side, and then the ones that lies with the dark side. The light side faction were called Jedi, the peace keepers of the galaxy, they go by a code, to protect, to go by what's right not by their emotions.

Then we Have the sith. The ones who lie with the dark side. The dark side goes off their emotion, and do not protect. the sith are selfish and power hungry. The sith's code is to go off of passion to gain strength, through strength they gain power, through power they gain control.

And long ago the Jedi lived peacefully, training younglings to become jedi. They built a Jedi Temple to train the younglings in and that is also were the Jedi counsel is. The Jedi counsel is made up of 11 Jedi masters, and the grandmaster. The grandmaster is the strongest Jedi, and is the one who made the Jedi order. The grandmaster was also the one to train the masters.
Until one day, a sith was spotted. The Sith had been spotted in their ship. The jedi didn't know where it went. So they prepared and practiced fighting each other. The Jedi high council was discussing the matters. "We should hunt down the Sith. We cannot have a Sith roaming the galaxy." Explained Master Kham. "Agreed." said Grandmaster Ruhan. "Yup." "Agreed." said the other masters. "but who will we send?" asked master Vancil. "Kuna Vane would be capable." said master Terrango.

A Jedi followed the sith. Then a voice over the communications came on. "Take the shot when ready commander." said a clone trooper. The Jedi shot at the Sith. one of the Siths engines came on fire. They aimed the ship towards a planet hoping to crash land.

The sith crash landed on a rocky and volcanic planet called Thala. The jedi landed his interceptor near the siths. he got out and ignited his saber. The jedi's name is Kuna Vane. Kuna started to walk to the siths interceptor. He looked in the cockpit and found no one was in there.

"Looking for me?" said the sith. Kuna turned around to find that the sith had hit him in the face with the hilt of the siths lightsaber. Kuna got knocked back. "Im Count Blorren." Count Blorren ignited his lightsaber and bolted towards Kuna used the force to fling his lightsaber into his hand, and ignited his saber. Kuna blocked Count Blorren's strikes. Count Blorren swung his lightsaber down from the air, Kuna blocked it, then instantly Count Blorren swung diagonally down, Kuna blocked quickly, Count Blorren's raw strength in the dark side aided the strength of his lightsaber blows. Count Blorren and Kuna Clashed their lightsabers and when they locked eyes Kuna force pushed Count Blorren and his Interceptor!

But as Count Blorren was standing up he shot force lightning out of his fingers! The force of the lightning sent Kuna Flying back, hitting his interceptor! The interceptor got force pushed off the cliff by Count Blorren! In a moment of desperation to stop the force lightning he looked over at his lightsaber hilt. Kuna used the force on his lightsaber hilt, Igniting it! But as it was going to Kuna's hand, Count Blorren stopped the force lightning took out his lightsaber and cut Kuna's lightsaber in half! A look of terror appeared on Kuna's face as he watched his lightsaber be destroyed.

"My apprentice. I have successfully killed the jedi." Said Count Blorren. "Good job master." Says Lord Val. Lord Vals interceptor was heading towards the jedi temple. "Master I'm approaching coruscant." Said Lord Val. "Good my apprentice. Remember your mission, NO JEDI LEFT ALIVE." Exclaimed Count Blorren. "Yes.. my master" Lord Val said strongly.

Lord Val landed a little away from the temple, he didn't mind the walk. He had one thing on his mind, No Jedi Left Alive. When he got there he was opposed by master Terrango. The jedi master drew his lightsaber, Lord Val force choked him. Master Jensin ignited their saber, Lord Val drew his and jabbed his saber into the jedi. Then master Kham came out, drew his saber and ran at him, matching Lord Val's lightsaber combat skills. Blow after blow, Lord Val was getting progressively angrier. And when sith get mad, they use the darkside of the force to increase their strength.
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A long long time ago in a galaxy far far away, there were 2 factions, who lie with the light side, and then the ones that lies with the dark side. The light side faction were called Jedi, the peace keepers of the galaxy, they go by a code, to protect, to go by what's right not by their emotions.

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