1. page 1-4 information about Hip-Hop
2. page 5 DJing
3. page 6 Emsing
4. page 7 Graffiti art
5. page 8 Breaking
6. page 9-10 Street knowledge

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Hip-Hop is a youth subculture that emerged in the United States in the late 1970s. Hip-hop originated in the African-American environment of the Bronx, New York. Legend has it that this movement was started by DJ Cool Herk, who launched the word "b-boys" (short for "break boys"), ie "broken boys", those who dance break. But society has deciphered it as "bad boys" (hooligans).


At the time, hip-hop was party music created by disc jockeys (abbreviated as "DJs"), working in the then primitive Cool herc1 sampling technique: it was mostly a repetition of the musical loss of someone else's dance composition, often a percussion. The first "MCs" were literally typical entertainers ("Master of Ceremony" - that is, abbreviated MC), they represented DJs, and also supported the audience with energetic shouts and whole tirades.

Hip-hop includes 4 main elements: DJing, graffiti, emsing, breaking. Street knowledge is also often considered to be the 5th basic element. By the early 1990s, hip-hop had become part of youth culture in many countries around the world. Although the above elements together make up hip-hop as a subculture, they live a separate life. Today, bi-fights rarely dance to rap, graffiti is painted not only by rappers. Therefore, nowadays hip-hop is often associated primarily with the style of music.

Djing- is the doctrine of creating rap music and conducting turntablis22m radio. It is usually understood as the work of disc jockeys. However, hip-hop DJs don't just lose to vinyl records, cassettes and CDs. Hip-hop DJs artistically decorate the performance of a recorded song by slicing, mixing and scratching the song in all its recorded formats.
Emsing- is the doctrine of
rhythmic conversation, poetry, and preaching. Usually called rap. Followers who practice it are known as emsi (MS)or rappers (rapper). Emsy reads about what surrounds him, and the rapper reads about himself.

The art of graffiti is the doctrine of street calligraphy, drawing and writing. The word "graffiti" came from the Italian Graffio, which means scratch. This is an inscription or drawing on various surfaces, made by spraying, scraping, etc.

Breaking- the doctrine of forms of street dance. It is usually called break dance or bi-boeing. Now it includes once independent forms of dance - Up-Rockin, Poppin and Lockin, Jailhouse or Slap-Boxing, Double Dutch, Electric Boogie and Capoeira (Capoeira martial arts). Breaking also means a free style of street dancing.
Street knowledge
Street knowledge- is a doctrine of the transmission of life wisdom. Yak-malyuvati-wild-style Mostly it means common sense and accumulated wisdom of the inhabitants of a big city. It consists of techniques, phrases, codes and terms used to survive in the city. Includes the ability to express ideas and opinions aloud, even if they do not conform to the generally accepted dogmas of the majority. Street knowledge is a set of knowledge accumulated by the culture of Hip-Hop.
Street knowledge
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1. page 1-4 information about Hip-Hop
2. page 5 DJing
3. page 6 Emsing
4. page 7 Graffiti art
5. page 8 Breaking
6. page 9-10 Street knowledge

Created & published on StoryJumper™ ©2025 StoryJumper, Inc.
All rights reserved. Sources: storyjumper.com/attribution
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Hip-Hop is a youth subculture that emerged in the United States in the late 1970s. Hip-hop originated in the African-American environment of the Bronx, New York. Legend has it that this movement was started by DJ Cool Herk, who launched the word "b-boys" (short for "break boys"), ie "broken boys", those who dance break. But society has deciphered it as "bad boys" (hooligans).


At the time, hip-hop was party music created by disc jockeys (abbreviated as "DJs"), working in the then primitive Cool herc1 sampling technique: it was mostly a repetition of the musical loss of someone else's dance composition, often a percussion. The first "MCs" were literally typical entertainers ("Master of Ceremony" - that is, abbreviated MC), they represented DJs, and also supported the audience with energetic shouts and whole tirades.

Hip-hop includes 4 main elements: DJing, graffiti, emsing, breaking. Street knowledge is also often considered to be the 5th basic element. By the early 1990s, hip-hop had become part of youth culture in many countries around the world. Although the above elements together make up hip-hop as a subculture, they live a separate life. Today, bi-fights rarely dance to rap, graffiti is painted not only by rappers. Therefore, nowadays hip-hop is often associated primarily with the style of music.
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"Mykola Lypka"
An overview of the history and elements of hip-hop, including DJing, emsing, graffiti, and breaking.
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