Youth Culture Books

  • Mykola Lypka
    An overview of the history and elements of hip-hop, including DJing, emsing, graffiti, and breaking.
  • Famous Moldovan Public Speakers
    This story highlights influential Moldovan figures who advocate for democracy, culture, and youth empowerment through their speeches and music, inspiring unity and pride.
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  • ABC's of _Sociology_
    An alphabetical introduction to sociology, covering various topics from ageism to youth culture.
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  • ABC's of
    The story is an informative piece that covers various sociological and anthropological concepts, each represented by a letter of the alphabet. It provides definitions and exa…
  • Life in the 1920's
    A brief overview of various aspects of 1920s youth culture, prohibition, film stars, boxing, the Harlem Renaissance, radios, planes, economy, clothing, immigrant quotas, and …
  • The history of hip hop
    A comprehensive exploration of hip-hop dance, its origins, cultural impact, and elements, including DJing, break dancing, graffiti art, and rapping.
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  • Life is like a chapter book
    A personal reflection on the importance of reading and the impact it had on the author's life, along with recommendations for favorite books and authors.
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