Special thanks
"Imagination is more important than knowledge"
Albert Einstein

CHAPTER ONE .............................................. TERRY IS AT HOME
CHAPTER TWO ............................................ TERRY IS AT SCHOOL
CHAPTER THREE ........................................... TERRY IS AT THE CINEMA
CHAPTER FOUR .......................................... TERRY IS IN THE HOSPITAL
CHAPTER FIVE ......................................... TERRY IS IN A CAFE
CHAPTER SIX ......................................... TERRY IS AT THE MUSEUM
CHAPTER SEVEN ................................ TERRY IS ON THE FARM
CHAPTER EIGHT ............................... TERRY AND HIS DOG ARE AT THE VET
CHAPTER NINE .............................. TERRY IS AT THE POST OFFICE
CHAPTER TEN ............................... TERRY IS IN THE PARK
CHAPTER TWELVE ............................. TERRY’S SUMMER HOLIDAY
Terry and his family live in London.They are not a small family because his grandpa and his grandma are also live with them.Terry is ten years old and he is a primary school student.He likes his school.
He generally come back home at 2 pm with his school bus and his grandma opens the door for him.His 7 years old sister Rose and tehir dog Scarlet wait him to play games.He runs into the room and say hello to his grandpa and Rose.

Rose and Scarlet are waiting Terry but he doesn’t want to play game because he is hungry.He goes to kitchen and opens fridge.There are a lot of things.His mother Sofia prepares something for children before she goes to hospital.She is a nurse and works in hospital.He takes out a little cheese and a tomato from fridge and takes bread and makes a sandwich.Hımmm it is delicious.
After he eats his sandwich he plays with his sister.They go their room and take out their toys from toy box and design a game about school.Terry becomes a teacher and his sister becomes a student.He writes letters on the board and Rose writes them to he notebook.She paints picture with colourful crayons.They fun each other very much.They laugh too much.

While they play game he doorbell rings.It must be their father Brian.They run to meet their father.Their father has a suprise for them.A lollipop with chewing gum.Ohhhh it is yummy.They smile and take their suprises.

After a while their mother also comes and they have dinner with all together at the dinner table.While they having dinner Terry thinks that he is really happy with his family and at his home.He thinks that he is very lucky.He says HOME SWEET HOME and smiles…

Written by: Zemzenur A.-Aydanur Y.
Illusrated by: Eslem-Fatmanur
Voiced by: Tuğba Y.

Terry had fun at school. Because that day was Friday. He was looking forward to last lesson. The last lesson came, the subject of the lesson was about economy and being thrifty in our school and house. He listened his teacher carefully. Because it was an important subject in his country and world.
Then suddenly the rang bell. So he was free and he had a lot of plans for Friday. He walked throughout exit. Oh no! School door was locked. What would he do? He was alone at school. He was flurry and frightened. He hung out at school, but he didn't find a way to go out.

There were a lot of things he would do while he was waiting for being remembered. First of all, he thought that he could do whatever he wanted. In a normal school day, teachers never let him come into the teachers’ room. So he went to the teachers’ room and looked around the room, but this place wasn't like what he imagined. He thought that teachers’ room was so boring. There was nothing fun to do there. He left immediately. While he was walking in the corridor, he heard his stomache rumbling. He was hungry that’s why he went to the canteen and he got a burnt smell. The cooker was still cooking. He panicked and couldn't know what he would do. Few seconds later, he remembered his science lessons and what he learned. He poured a bottle of water to the cooker and stoped the fire! After that trouble, he took a sandwich and went on walking along the corridor.

As soon as he throw the last piece of his sandwich in his mouth, he turned on his right and noticed that he was standing in front of the chemistry lab. If their teacher had been there, they would have told them not to touch anything without permission and it would be dangerous to interact them. Terry didn't want to miss this opportunity, so he went into the chemistry lab. When he entered there, he noticed a strange smell inside. At that time, he was thinking about the teacher's words.

“Do not tamper with materials and never mix substances that you do not know, or toxic gases may form!".
It was at that time that Terry realized how important these rules were but he didn’t care. He would never have had such a chance again.Terry mixed dangerous acids in a metal box. And then there was a big toxic gas blast. He fainted for a while.

When he woke up, it was midnight. No one remembered him. He was really upset. He cried for a while and went on wandering. Terry went to his class and waited there. He looked at the clock, it was 1 a.m. at that time, he heard a noise from outside and stood up. His mother was screaming. Terry smiled slightly and immediately ran toward his mother. After that amazing day, everyone talked about him. The principal rewarded Terry for saving the school from a possible fire.

written by
Sude Y, Cansu B, Yiğit A, İdil Ü , Arda A,
illustrated by
Melis S,
voiced by
Zeynep İ K.

It was a bright Saturday morning when Terry woke up. He was happy and excited because his mother had promised that they would go on a picnic by the river today. He had been looking forward to it all week. He got out of his bed, took a shower, dressed up and then went out of his room to have breakfast. Terry’s mother was in the kitchen. He helped her to prepare breakfast. Scarlet, the family’s dog, entered the kitchen and ran towards his food bowl. Soon his father and his sister Rose were in the kitchen, too. They were talking, laughing and making plans for the picnic while they were having breakfast.
Suddenly, the sunny day turned gray outside
the window. The kitchenlit up with a bright flash of lightening and a moment later it started to rain.

Terry looked out of the window.“Oh, no! It’s raining.” he said.
“I’m sorry. We can’t go on a picnic today” said his mom.
Rose looked sad. Scarlet lay down on the floor and covered his eyes with his paw. Terry was so disappointed that his eyes filled with tears.He sat back down on his chair and held his chin in his hands. This wasn’t what he expected.His father looked over the newspaper he was reading and said:
“It says here Super Dino 2
has just been released.
Why don’t we go to the
cinema to see it?”
"Hooray” cheered Terry.
His face lit with joy.
He did a little dance and
Rose hugged Scarlet’s neck.
“Daddy is taking us to the
cinema” she said to her.

“Woof, woof” Scarlet barked and wagged her tail happily. Rose patted her on the head.
Both Terry and Rose were huge fans of Super Dino. They watched the first movie last summer and since then they had been waiting for the second one.
“If you don’t hurry up, we’ll miss the beginning of the film” said Dad.
Everyone was ready in a few minutes and they got in their car.
When they arrived at the cinema, dad bought four tickets for Super Dino 2.
“Can we buy popcorn?” asked Terry.
“Of course” said his mom.
They bought popcorn and waited
in the longue for a while. When
the movie was about to start, they
settled into their seats.
The lights went down slowly and
after the trailers finished,
the movie began.

"Hooray” shouted the kids in the cinema and they clapped when Super Dino appeared on screen.
“Shhhhh” and “Quiet” whispered their parents.
Super Dino 2 was so exciting and funny. Terry laughed so much that he spilt some of his popcorn on the floor. Half through the film there was a break. Terry and Rose went to the toilet as quickly as possible because they didn’t
want to miss anything. After the break they sat back down their seats.
The film was getting more and more exciting.
There was one scary part
when Super Dino met
the huge,Evil Dinosaur.
“I can’t watch” said Rose
and hid behind her hands.
Finally, Super Dino
rescued Dinobella and
saved the day again.

"Time to go home” said Dad. When they walked out of the cinema, it was still raining. Terry jumped into the back seat of the car and fastened his seatbelt. On the way home, they talked about their favorite part of the film. Terry watched the raindrops roll down the window for a while. “I am very lucky to have such a loving family” he thought.



“ I’m very happy today” thinks Terry on the way to the hospital.
He is going to the hospital for the school project. This term Terry and his classmates are visiting the children at the hospital every month.They play with them and help them with their homework.
Terry is happy. Terry has a present for the child that he is visiting. “She will love my present” thinks Terry.
Terry visits a girl called Sue today. “She is so beautiful” thinks Terry. Sue is funny and chatty. Terry loves talking to her. Sue and Terry play Uno cards.
Sue and Terry could play it forever! Sue wins the first match but then Terry wins the last few ones! Terry helps Sue with her English homework….she hates doing grammar…”Don’t worry Sue, I’ll do it with you!” says Terry.
During the morning the children play and do some homework. Then they have lunch. After lunch children go back to school and say good-bye to their friends.
Sue is a bit sad when the doctor comes and announces that is time to go. She hates being alone. “Come on” says Terry, “I’ll call you later”. Sue hugs Terry’s present, it’s a teddy bear. Sue collects teddy bears and this is a very cute one because it’s green. It has a shamrock printed on its t-shirt. “It will bring you good luck Sue” I bought it on St. Patrick’s day parade last week. “It will for sure” says Sue and goes back to her room.
Terry is happy nad hopes to meet Sue next month.
IIS "Pertini" di Alatri
Written& voıced by : Beatrice, Giorgia,
Mirko, Lorenzo
Illustrated by: Leonardo
One Friday I got off the school bus. My mom and my sister were waiting at the door as usual. As soon as my sister saw me, she said, "Mum has a surprise for you." My mother said "Shush!” I got very excited, but my mom told me to wait with a smiling face. We went inside together. I washed my hands and face. I changed my clothes. Then I went to the living room .There, my grandparents were chatting. I asked ‘Do you know something about the suprise party ? My grandmother said, "We know but we can't say, it wouldn't be a surprise if we told you." My grandfather said: "You have to learn to be patient." So I bowed my head, accepting that I should wait. My mother was preparing dinner in the kitchen. My father was about to come.

My sister came to me with a paper and she asked ‘ Can you draw a picture of your school ? Drawing is my favourite activity so I accepted. We went to the room with her to draw picture. We took the crayons from my bag. While we were drawing the pictures of school, the door was knocked and my sister ran to open the door. My father came and we had dinner together. We completed the picture with my sister. I did some homework and slept in my bed. I woke up in the morning. My mother prepared breakfast .We had breakfast. I wondered when the suprise party was. I asked my mom but she said ‘You must do your homework then wear your clothes ‘. I wanted to know where we were going but she didn't tell.
My mum was ready so I got dressed quickly then we hit the road . She took me a cafe. I didn't understand why we came here. When we got in , I saw Aden and Louisa were there with their mother, and I was very happy to see them because Louisa and Aden were friends at the kindergarten,. Since we are all at different schools, we haven't met in a long time. I thanked my mother for her surprise. My mom told me to wait. Then I saw my other kindergarten friends Billy and Carl were walking through the door with their mother. My friends and I ran to hug Billy and Carl. Then our kindergarten friend Edric with his little brother and his mother came.
I said my friends ‘ I wish our teacher, Mrs. Adrianna, was here too.’ While we were chatting our good memories and our new friends ,I screamed because I saw our teacher at the door. We all ran to hug her with joy. Our teacher was very happy to see us. She hugged and kissed us respectively. It made me so happy to be with my teacher and my old friends. We took pictures together. We ordered and ate the burgers that we had on surprise days when we were at kindergarten.

We chatted and talked about our new friends. We had a very enjoyable time. The teacher, Mrs. Adrianna, said she wanted to share something with us. We were all silent and waited eagerly what she would say. And she started talking.
Mrs. Adrianna said that her husband had to live in another city because of his job. She thanked our mothers who gave us that opportunity. We suddenly felt sad. It was a day that started well but ended with sadness. Still, I was happy to spend time with my old friends. We hugged our teacher and our friends.Then we left. I wont forget that day.
Written by: Ömer Faruk K. & Safiye A.
Illustrated by: Fatih S. & Berat Ş.
Voiced by: Zeynep Reyyan B.
My parents took us to my grandparents house because they had to go an invitation.
After a while,we started to get bored and my grandfather decided to take us to the dinosaur museum.
We were so impressed when we entered the museum.I looked at my grandfather and asked
-´Can we go to see The Trex?´
He said ´Of course´
Then he met an old friend and started to talk to him.
Me and my sister Rose walked away but we didn't realize how far we had gone.
Meanwhile,we saw many different types of dinosaurs.Pterodactyls are the most interesting ones for Rose.She made them look like birds of prey with large wings.The further we moved forward,the more the mammoths confronted us.
Rose was a little scared by this situation and her mouth was gaping in surprise.
I had seen Mammoth on tue before I wasn't quite surprised.Rose pulled on my arm and asked
-Where is my grandfather?
Not realizing my grandfathers´ absence for a while,I became afraid.We tried to get back from the way we came but we failed.Finally we sat there and waited for him to come.
Meanwhile,my grandfather had already noticed our absence and started to look but the museum was so crowded.That he just couldn't find us.
Rose was frightened well and started to cry.
A security guard was passing by at the time and come towards us,asked
-What happened to you? I told him;
-We came to the museum with our grandfather but later we lost him.
The security guard took us to the information office to have our names announce.Later our grandfather,who heard the announcement,came running to us.
We went to lunch and we rested.When the lunch was finished,we wanted to go to the T-Rex.We were very happy when we saw the T-Rex.
My grandfather looked at me and said
-The T-Rexes were the biggest carnivores.
Do you know this?
We took a lot of photos with the models of the T-Rexes.While we were taking photos,the models of the T-Rex suddenly started to move and we laughed.
Looking at the photos when we turned home,this beautiful day remained one of the most beautiful memories for us.
Written by :C.Eroğlu , İ. Öztürk, i. Özgül
E.Çelik, E. Bulut
Illustrated by : C.Karaağaç, D. Hasbioğlu
Z.Alpay, E. Akdülger, D. Aslan, Y. Dirioğlu
Voiced by : B. Özyer

Last weekend I got permission from my parents to go to my grandparents who live on the farm. My father was going to take me to the farm and I was very excited to go to the farm for the first time. Impatiently taking my place in the car, my father repeated his routine warning:
-What do we have to do first before we start the trip, Terry?
-Of course, I'm wearing the seat belt dad.
After making our last preparations, we started the journey. As we moved away from the crowded streets of London, vast farmland, pastures began to appear.This journey was equivalent to a fascinating adventure for me.I watched the clouds that came with us everywhere we went along our journey, following us step by step like our shadows..
My grandparents Harry and my grandmother Clare settled on the farm last month for a quiet life and I was very happy to spend my weekend with them.
As soon as I arrived at the farm, I ran to the barn to see the farm animals I had never seen up close before.My grandfather followed me. He must have thought that I needed help to get to know farm animals closely, and not only did he want to leave me alone. While I was having fun on the farm with many cute animals, my father was already on his way back to London.I should know very well the value of the times I would spend with nature and spend every moment to thefullest. I wanted to help every job on the farm.

I started working with my grandmother by milking cows. After a few tries, I was finally able to do it.
-You learn very quickly, Terry.
-Grandma, this is fun. I can't wait to taste the milk .
-You won't find such fresh and delicious milk in London, Terry. Let's finish our work and have a taste right away.
There were lots of animals on the farm: cows, chickens, horses, geese, turkeys and their little chicks.They all wanted special attention.I understood that these animals are at the center of farm life.
My grandfather was feeding the chickens. I also helped my grandfather a little by running to him.I noticed that I was getting tired, but this tiredness was a sweet tiredness and I was not complaining.Being on the farm surrounded by nature, among trees, streams and animals was as enjoyable as it was tiring.

We woke up early in the morning, to the sound of birds and roosters, helped the farm work, and went down to the stream with my grandfather after breakfast. My grandfather also taught me how to fish.Every day I spent at the farm was more enjoyable and fuller than the previous day, and my return time came. On the one hand, I did not want the good times I spent here to end, but on the other hand, I was eager to tell my memories here to my friends.I was looking forward to telling my memories here to my friends. I also started to miss our house in London.
When my father came to pick me up, I hugged him tightly and told him about my farm days at once. After saying goodbye to my grandparents, the return journey began. I fell asleep thinking about my experiences on the farm.
I woke up slightly by Scarlet's voice. We had come home. As with my father, I quickly told my mother about my farm adventures. My sister Rose was listening to me excitedly.
-Mommy, next time, can I go to the farm with Terry?
-I'm also very curious about your grandparents' farm. We also missed each other very much. What about going all together next week?
-Yesssss !!!
After making our plans to go to the farm together next week, Rose and I went to our room to sleep. I fell asleep thinking about my days at the farm.
Written by: T. Akyıldırım
Illustrated by: B. Okuyucu
Voiced by: B. Yüksel
Chapter 8
Terry and His Dog at the Vet
One day Terry took Scarlett to the vet.
-Hello, can we come in?
-Hello, what happened to the dog? –The vet asked.
-Everything started so...
- I got up early in the morning and decided to take Scarlett for a walk in the park. The weather was fine. The sun was shining and the birds were chirping merrily. I took Rose with me. We were walking and chatting. Scarlet was quiet. Suddenly we met another dog in the park. It was bigger and stronger. It was alone. It did not look friendly at all. Scarlett started barking and chased him. We tried to stop and catch him, but he escaped. When I caught him, we saw that his leg was injured and bleeding. We tried to stop bleeding, but we did not have anything on us. So we decided to bring it to you.
Scarlett’s leg was hurting. He was groaning and looked unhappy. The vet examined Scarlet and her leg. Then he opened the cupboard and took out the first-aid kit and some medicine. He put on a face mask and gloves, took the medical tools and started to look closely at the wound.
- I will give the injection to stop the pain, then I will bandage the leg and after that I will prescribe medicine. It will take about 2 hours before it gets better, and then you can take it home - said the vet.
He did everything while Scarlet was lying quietly. He was waiting patiently. Terry and Rose were surprise when they so how Scarlet was waiting for the end of the treatment.
-Thank you so much for helping us. Now we will be more careful in the park and will not let Scarlet run away from us, - said Terry. Rose looked very happy too.
About two hours later, Scarlett was taken out of the vet clinic. The children thanked the vet again, said goodbye and went home.
A story written by: B. Tatanashvili,
T. Eqvshaurashvili, S. Zhuki, S. Chaduneli,
E. Kebadze, A. Gamgebeli, Dachi Gabelia, Duta Gabelia.
A story recorded by: Barbare Tatanashvili
Illustrations made by: Salome Zhuki
LEPL Tbilisi Public School N207
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Special thanks
"Imagination is more important than knowledge"
Albert Einstein

CHAPTER ONE .............................................. TERRY IS AT HOME
CHAPTER TWO ............................................ TERRY IS AT SCHOOL
CHAPTER THREE ........................................... TERRY IS AT THE CINEMA
CHAPTER FOUR .......................................... TERRY IS IN THE HOSPITAL
CHAPTER FIVE ......................................... TERRY IS IN A CAFE
CHAPTER SIX ......................................... TERRY IS AT THE MUSEUM
CHAPTER SEVEN ................................ TERRY IS ON THE FARM
CHAPTER EIGHT ............................... TERRY AND HIS DOG ARE AT THE VET
CHAPTER NINE .............................. TERRY IS AT THE POST OFFICE
CHAPTER TEN ............................... TERRY IS IN THE PARK
CHAPTER TWELVE ............................. TERRY’S SUMMER HOLIDAY
- END >
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