1- Nilüfer's Team 9-Thomi's Team
2- Melek's Team 10-Filiz's Team
3-Svetlana's Team 11-Büşra's Team
4- Serdar's Team 12- Çağla's Team
5- Pınar's Team 13- Doina's Team
6- Sabrina's Team 14- Isabel's Team
7- Zuhal's Team 15-Manuela's Team
8- Neslihan's Team 16- Fatma's Team

Shall we put the world on a seasaw?
Kdz Ereğli Bilsem Nilüfer's Team

Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved looking at stars while she was riding on a seasaw with her favourite black cat. She both loved riding and dreaming. Her dream world was full of....
Melek's Team
Atatürk Secondary School
different colours, paints and bright emotions.
She took her paintbrush and painted everythying around. The Girl's favourite painting was a clolourful rainbaw. While painting it she was dreaming about a voyage in her own sailboard.
She closed her eyes and could smell a fresh sea breeze. She could feel how it touched her face and how it was waving her hair...
Svetlana Yakiviuk- Kherson secondary school 41/Ukraine
Her dream was making her feel freer. All of a sudden he heard a loud voice and her dream was cut short. There was someone behind the bushes. However, she couldn’t see anyone in that darkness. She was scared and took a few steps backwards. She hugged the cat and immediately took the hammer on the ground. At that moment the person behind the bushes lit a match. Who was that?... (Serdar Erdem/Halil Inalcık Bilsem)
As the light of the match got closed,the cat jumped from her arms and ran away.Because it was afraid of the light.Finally,the source of the light was appeared.He was a boy with dark hair.She realized there was nothing to be afraid of him.She put the hammer down.He said he had come into the forest with his father for camping,but he was lost while discovering the forest.They began to walk into the forest to find his father.While walking ,they saw lots of ants.As they were walking,they saw a big garden.Could they find the father of the boy?

The ants drove the girl, the boy and the cat out of the forest, where they met the boy's father!
They were very happy because they were together!
But... all of a sudden... they heard a wolf howling!
The cat immediately ran away and they...
Sabrina Ferraretto / IIS Jacopo da Montagnana

they came across with a ladder and climbed up without any hesitation.

They found themselves in a big spaceship, walked trough a passage which took them to a spacious room. .

They found themselves in a big spaceship.
They passed through a hallway which took them to a spacious room.

The girl said "Woaw! This is an art gallery!" They saw many world-famous paintings like The Mona Lisa on the walls. Many people were trying to take photographs.. There were steaks, cookies, cakes and donuts waiting to be served.. The children were just about to eat some cookies, a man noticed them...
Zuhal Ayik Yıldırım/Malatya Bilsem

The man sitting on the coach was watching the children with full attention .He was impatient to see what they would turn into after eating the food served. Because the food served here was magical.
As the little girl put the cookies in her mouth, the long-haired Mona Lisa came to life and lit a light bulb.
The light bulb in her hand was huge and there was a little mermaid inside it. It was so surprising for everyone because...
Şehit Hüseyin Cengiz İmam Hatip
Secondary School
...the little mermaid started to talk. She said that she was living free and happy in an ocean until one day...

a wizard, trapped her in his net and locked her in that bulb with a golden key. The wizard is the lightkeeper of a lighthouse in the end of the Earth. He keeps the golden key very well sewn in his sock.
"But why is he keeping you imprisoned?" the little girl asked. "Because, as long as I am in here, he can show my shadow on the sky through the lighthouse's light and he likes it! But I need to be free again", the little mermaid said and burst into tears. That moment, the boy and the girl decided to help her.
Thomi's team, 3rd Primary School of Chalastra

They decided to help her. The little boy took a compass from his pocket to find where the lighthouse is. They walked for days and nights, then arrived at the lighthouse.

At the time they would enter the lighthouse, there was a lightening! They couldn't see anything for a while. When they could see again, they were shocked to see that the black cat, her best friend, had turned into the cruel wizard. They immediately...

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1- Nilüfer's Team 9-Thomi's Team
2- Melek's Team 10-Filiz's Team
3-Svetlana's Team 11-Büşra's Team
4- Serdar's Team 12- Çağla's Team
5- Pınar's Team 13- Doina's Team
6- Sabrina's Team 14- Isabel's Team
7- Zuhal's Team 15-Manuela's Team
8- Neslihan's Team 16- Fatma's Team

Shall we put the world on a seasaw?
Kdz Ereğli Bilsem Nilüfer's Team

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