Today is the first day of fourth grade.But it's the first day of a new year in a different school with different people. I wondered whether there would be some generous people like Garrone. We finally got to school. I entered through the classroom door.

First Day of My New School Monday, September 17th
Will there be some generous people like Garrone, shy like Precossi and hardworking like Derossi in my new class?
My new teacher, Miss Nancy, showed me where to sit. The girl sitting next to me looked like a hardworking person. She was listening to the lecture very carefully. The classroom was really big. I started touring the school excitedly. While I was doing all these, someone shouted ' Enrico' behind me.

My new school is really big and beautiful.
When I turned to the person who called me, I saw someone I did not know. He was coming towards me. He stopped when he came to me and say "Hello. Our teacher told me to show you the school". I smiled too and said "Well, where should we start?"

Hello! I am Enrico.
Hi! I am Antonio.

It is very enjoyable to explore my new school.
A student named George was sitting in front of me. He smiled at me when we entered the class and I smiled at him too. He looked like a nice person. When we entered, the teacher had not come yet. The girl sitting next to me was studying. At that time, the teacher came and the lesson started.

Nice to meet you.
Me, too.
Our lesson was over. I loved my teacher. I met other people in the class during recess. They all seemed very friendly. George and Antonio became my best friends. We went to the sports coach with my close friends during recess to sign up for football. I am very happy with my school and team.

I feel very lucky to have helpful friends like you.
I wish you good luck in soccer.

Tuesday, September 18th
Well, I still remember how unwillingly I went to school on my first school days last year, when I was in the third grade... I was holding my mother's hand and was regretting the vacation that had passed like a dream... But this year things are different thanks to my new schoolmates who welcomed me so warmly yesterday. That's why, I guess, I woke up full of energy this morning. I even helped my little brother get ready for school.

My mother made breakfast for Sylvia and us, as we all go to the same school this year. Well, we study in two different buildings which are in the same yard. The elementary school my brother and I attend is yellowish while the middle school Sylvia attends is gray. I’m so pleased that every morning we go to school together all three of us!

Hardly had we walked about fifty meters when somebody called my name. On the opposite sidewalk, Antonio was waving. He crossed the street and greeted us. ‘What a lovely surprise’, I said cheerfully. ‘We live in the same neighborhood!’ We continued our way to school – Sylvia and my brother in front, I and Antonio behind.

Antonio! What a surprise! We live in the same neighborhood!

As we were going past the Museum, we heard two girls calling us by name. ‘Antonio, Enrico!’ We turned round and saw them. One was blond with a blue top, yellow skirt and red boots, the other tied her hair in a ponytail and was wearing glasses, a purple blouse and an orange skirt. ‘Hi, Ann and Laura. They’re our classmates’, Antonio explained to me. I was confused. ‘Classmates? How come?’ I said and I blushed because I remembered that I was a student in a mixed school that year!

Hi, Ann and Laura! They're our classmates.

Antonio, Enrico!
Antonio, Enrico!

Wednesday, September 19th
Today we had Physical Education and the fourth grade played against the fifth grade. It was for the first time I was playing with my new classmates. My classmate Antonio was very good at football but the fifth graders looked strong, too. We lined up and walked out to the pitch. Looking over to the west side I could see the girls of my class waving and cheering us. I was surprised seeing girls but then I remembered that I’m in a mixed class. Feeling their support was great. I noticed Ann and Laura among them.
The referee's whistle came and the match began. We had the ball and then we were pushed back and were desperately defending fifth graders fierce attack. They hit the post and thanks to some fantastic saves we were still in it. After 15 minutes we had our first threatening attack but we couldn’t score. It was just the end of the game when I ran and dived for the ball.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my ankle, the boy named Michael had fouled me and I was awarded with a penalty. It was a great chance for us having to score from a penalty. I eyed the top left corner and kicked the ball. I kicked it perfectly and it flew straight in the back of the net. Antonio ran up to me crying: “Goal!”
I couldn't believe it that we had won the game. Ann and Laura were screaming joyfully as we beat the fifth graders.

As a reward of winning the match, we went to a café with my friends. Antonio, George and I ate a slice of pizza together. It was a good thin-crust pizza. When I got back home, my mother said "Welcome, my dear son!" Then I went to my room and did my homework . In the evening I went to bed early as I was way too tired.

Saturday, September 22nd
We had our breakfast together as a family. Then my dad said "How about going to a nursing home?" All of us said "That sounds great!" I was so excited and also cheerful to visit a nursing home for the first time.

I wondered what kind of place it was. When we set off, we heard a sound. It was a dog barking. I came nearer the dog and I tried to understand what was wrong with the dog. It was clear that it looked like so hungry. Then I gave one slice of toast from my bag.

We were in front of the nursing home. This place was giant and enormous. I was really happy and excited. The inside of the building must be as good as the outside of the building. I was thinking of what I would talk to the people there.

My dear children, we may be one of them some day. You should have an empathy with them!

My family was in another room and they were talking to the manager of the nursing home. I was very emotional. The old people were glad to meet us. If I were them, I would want to see more guests. I reached into my bag and I took out the muffins my mother prepared today. I gave the muffins to the old woman. After that, we listened to a girl who was reading a book in front of the fireplace.

What a lovely day we have here!

Help! Help!

I am coming!

Our teacher was very scared for both of them and calmed Ann. With his sacrifice, Antonio set an example for everyone. Ann thanked Antonio several times. The hero of the day became Antonio.

Thank you for your sacrifice!

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Today is the first day of fourth grade.But it's the first day of a new year in a different school with different people. I wondered whether there would be some generous people like Garrone. We finally got to school. I entered through the classroom door.

First Day of My New School Monday, September 17th
Will there be some generous people like Garrone, shy like Precossi and hardworking like Derossi in my new class?
My new teacher, Miss Nancy, showed me where to sit. The girl sitting next to me looked like a hardworking person. She was listening to the lecture very carefully. The classroom was really big. I started touring the school excitedly. While I was doing all these, someone shouted ' Enrico' behind me.

My new school is really big and beautiful.
When I turned to the person who called me, I saw someone I did not know. He was coming towards me. He stopped when he came to me and say "Hello. Our teacher told me to show you the school". I smiled too and said "Well, where should we start?"

Hello! I am Enrico.
Hi! I am Antonio.

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