Nursing Home Books

  • Kiya Learns About Nursing Homes
    The story is a conversation between Kiya and Ms. Redeat, a nursing home administrator, about the concept of nursing homes, their services, financing options, and the impact o…
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    Jada visits her Grandma at a skilled nursing home after she had a stroke. Jada learns about strokes, therapy, and the importance of rehabilitation.
  • AI Nursing Home 人工智能護老院
    In a technologically advanced city, a nursing home is recruiting nurses but no one wants the job due to low salary. The boss decides to create AI robots instead. He and his s…
  • Medina City Schools Operation Gratitude: Kindness Quarantine
    The story is a compilation of various acts of kindness performed by children during the quarantine period. It includes making art, writing letters, helping neighbors, and exp…
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  • Grandma, What is a Nursing Home?
    Belle learns about nursing homes as her grandparents plan to move into one. She discovers the care, activities, and benefits they offer.
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  • The Adventures of Nursing
    Ever wondered what it would be like in a day and life of a Nurse. Take a look inside and explore...The Adventures of Nursing
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  • Heidi is a Winner
    This is about a little dog and the activities she takes part in. It shows how, even though she never wins, she never stops trying and taking part makes her a winner.
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    A fourth grader starts at a new school and makes friends. They explore the school, play sports, go on a picnic, visit a nursing home, and learn about the importance of forest…
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