911 Books

  • How To Use 911
    Amber's dad falls asleep while watching TV. Amber gets worried and calls 911. Paramedics come and take care of her dad.
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  • Where's Dad?
    A child's perspective on the events of September 11th, 2001, and their father's role as a police officer during the tragedy.
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  • The 9/11
    Twins Nia and Noah research 9/11, discovering facts about the terrorist attack. They create an impressive project.
  • I Called 9-1-1
    A first-grader recounts a fire at her cousin's house and the response of firefighters and emergency services.
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  • 9/11
    Amir, a 7-year-old Muslim boy, goes on his first vacation to Disney World with his family. They face discrimination at the airport but Amir learns to educate others and hopes…
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  • Hershey Park Disaster
    Zoe and Bree move to Hershey Plaza, have an eventful day at the amusement park, get injured, and have a sleepover with friends.
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  • How the Government Affects Me
    Aiden, the little brother, goes missing and the family frantically searches for him with the help of the police and 911.
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  • 911 childerens book
    A retelling of the events of September 11, 2001, focusing on the attacks and their aftermath.
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