Abbreviations Books

  • Social Media Dictionary
    A collection of definitions for popular internet slang and abbreviations.
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  • ABC's of Abbreviations
    This guide explains the importance of abbreviations in texting, providing rules and examples, while also sharing a bit about the author's life and interests.
  • ♥︎BTS♥︎
    An introduction to the K-Pop band BTS, their members, music, and popularity.
    by J W
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  • The Word Factory A word creation workbook for Middle Schoolers
    A guide to word formation, including compounding, borrowing, clipping, blends, acronyms, abbreviations, and back formation.
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  • Units of time
    An informative book about the concept of time, its units, abbreviations, and interesting facts. It also touches on the history of clocks and the mysteries of time and space.
  • International Organizations
    This story provides information about various international organizations, their abbreviations, establishment dates, headquarters, leaders, and main functions.
  • Virtual Reality Go Through Virtual Live
    An informative text about Virtual Reality (VR), its definition, and benefits in education, health, entertainment, and art.
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  • christmas
    A brief explanation of the origins and meaning of Christmas, including its religious significance and the controversy surrounding the abbreviation 'Xmas'.
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