My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • SHREK!
    by DestiniWilliams
    Eye Icon 9
  • Cute animal pictures!
    by DestiniWilliams
    Eye Icon 12
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  • This guide explains the importance of abbreviations in texting, providing rules and examples, while also sharing a bit about the author's life and interests.
    by DestiniWilliams
    Eye Icon 10
  • Destini shares her love for her family and friends, highlighting their unique qualities and the joy they bring to her life. She encourages readers to cherish their loved ones.
    by DestiniWilliams
    Eye Icon 25
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  • Ella Hilton’s “Careful Now” is about John and his adventure with the school bully, Mike.
    by DestiniWilliams
    Eye Icon 33
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  • 'I’ll miss you” is about 10 year old Hailey who faces a challenge when her older brother Jason goes off to college.
    by DestiniWilliams
    Eye Icon 48
    Star Icon 3

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