Accommodation Books

  • Ho Chi Minh City World's Best Places to Visit
    The book is written and designed by us (Group 5)
    Trần Quang Huy
    Đinh Văn Lộc
    Nguyễn Văn Nam
    Nguyễn Hồng Phúc
    Phạm Trần Đình Tuấn
    Nguyễn Chí Cường
  • Go study aboard to where ?
    A guide to studying abroad in New Zealand, covering topics such as cost, universities, accommodation, transportation, leisure activities, and cultural aspects.
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  • Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
    An overview of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (EBD), including its definition, causes, characteristics, diagnosis, accommodations, and available resources.
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    A brief description of the weather conditions in Osmaniye throughout the seasons.
    by Z T
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  • Guide for applicants
    The University of Edinburgh Guide for applicants provides information on study abroad programs, entry requirements, available courses, accommodation, scholarships, and intern…
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  • Supervised by : Ms SAKOUHI ASMA
    A description of Kerkennah Island in Tunisia, including its attractions, accommodations, transportation, food, monuments, banks, and shopping options.
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  • How to Study with Disabilities
    Aaron, a student with learning disabilities, shares his experiences studying and the accommodations he receives at school.
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  • Visit Orhei - Travel Guide
    A description of Orhei, its weather and climate, places to visit, and hotels. Includes historical monuments, museums, cathedrals, an amusement park, and winery.
  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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