Adaptations Books

  • Amazing Animal Adaptations
    The story explains how kangaroo rats survive in the Arizona Desert without water through adaptations, including physical, behavioral, and structural. It also discusses exampl…
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  • Animal Adaptations
    A description of how different animals adapt to the changing seasons.
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  • The Fascinating Tundra
    An informative book about the Tundra biome, its plants, and animals, highlighting their adaptations to the harsh environment.
  • Adaptations: Shortfin mako shark
    Learn about the Shortfin mako shark, the fastest shark in the world, its habitat, diet, and unique characteristics.
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  • Harry the Hedgehog
    Harry the hedgehog lives on a farm, faces predators, meets another hedgehog, and learns about human impact.
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  • Big Horn Sheep
    An informative book about big horn sheep, covering their habitat, food, adaptations, predators, appearance, special features, and fun facts.
  • Survival Science: An Interactive Book about Ecosystems and Animal Adaptations
    This book is about survival science. It explains topics like ecosystems, the food pyramid, photosynthesis, symbiosis, the cascade effect, animal adaptation, and more. It also…
  • Archaeology, Adaptations and The Study of Human Evolution
    This book explores the evolution of humans and their relationship to other species, including Australopithecus, Homo erectus, Neanderthals, and modern relatives like chimpanz…
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