Africa Books

  • The Voyage to Africa
    A chicken, an elephant, and a gorilla stranded on an island build a boat to escape. They face challenges but eventually reach Africa.
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  • The Three Cheetah Swifts
    This book is adapted from the story "The Three Billy Goats Gruff". It was a project for school to rewrite a well-known fairy tale. I hope you enjoy it.
  • Leo the lost Lion
    Leo, a curious lion, wanders off and gets lost. With the help of his friend Lola, he finds his mom and learns to listen.
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  • Water In Africa With Ivy
    Ivy travels to Africa and discovers that they don't have clan water! Travel with Ivy on her journey to discovering the issues society faces today.

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    A is for Africa by Nathaly Falcon is an informative book that takes readers on a journey through Africa, exploring its geography, wildlife, and culture. Each letter of the al…
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  • Animals in Africa
    An informative book about lions, cheetahs, and gazelles in Africa, covering their hunting habits, adaptations, diet, and more.
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  • Africa Wildlife
    An introduction to Africa, its geography, wildlife, and cultural diversity, inviting readers to consider visiting the continent.
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  • My First Book
    Little, an African forest elephant, describes its life in the tropical forests of Central Africa, including its diet, physical characteristics, and the challenges it faces du…
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