African Plains Books

  • Goodnight Savanna
    A day on the African plain is coming to an end, and so we say goodnight to all things that reside on the savanna.
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    This book was lovingly designed by a group of seniors in Victoria, BC., facilitated by Margaret, an activity worker where they live. One of our ladies was moved by a National…
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  • Amazing Animal Adaptations
    The story explains how kangaroo rats survive in the Arizona Desert without water through adaptations, including physical, behavioral, and structural. It also discusses exampl…
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  • Primal Religions
    An overview of the religions and sacred practices of Australian Aborigines, African Traditions, North American Plains Indians, and Mesoamerican Religion.
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  • How the Giraffe Got It's Long Neck
    A long time ago, Giraffes had normal-sized necks and were peaceful creatures. The Hyenas were mean and competitive. Gloria, a Giraffe, stretched her neck to win a race agains…
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  • African Animal Facts
    An alphabetical guide to African animals, providing basic information about each species.
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  • The Heartsick Hyena
    A sad hyena named Henry finds comfort and friendship from other animals on the African Plains.
    by foxq
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  • Opposite Elephant the Train and African Rains and The Bug.
    A chaotic story about a fire on the African Plains and the Opposite Elephant who saves the day.
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