Airline Books

    Hale is scheduled for what he thinks is a regular checkup with his dentist. Little does he know that his appointment will turn into an international adventure involving spies…
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  • Brace for Impact
    Imagine being aboard a jet airliner when, just moments after takeoff, you hear the captain say, "Brace for impact." Looking outside your window, you see the skyline of New Yo…
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  • Adventurous Airlines: A Journey into the Digestive System
    Join Adventurous Airlines on a journey through the digestive system, exploring each organ and its functions.
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  • Rusty Blakey
    This is a book about my great great grandfather, a pioneer in aviation.
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  • A struggling airline partners with a creative agency to develop a family-friendly approach, including a kids' program and app.
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  • All Around the World
    A brief description of famous landmarks in different countries, followed by a thank you message from English Airline.
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  • Johnny Appleseed Searches for
    Help Johnny Appleseed and Mr. B. find things that have the letter "A" as the first letter.
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    A brief overview of Akbar Al Baker, the CEO of Qatar Airways, and some information about the company and its employees.
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