Akan Culture Books

  • African Arts And Music
    An informative book about Kente cloth, its meaning, color symbolism, geometric patterns, and the Nigerian film industry.
  • All about me
    Koby, a 7-year-old boy from Canada with Ghanaian roots, shares his favorite things and aspirations while highlighting his family's language and culture.
  • African Culture
    Bob introduces his African culture, discussing Kente cloth, Nollywood films, and African hip-hop.
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  • Art in Africa
    An introduction to African art, including sculpture and textiles like the Kente Cloth, with a focus on their cultural significance and storytelling.
  • Α Story about Democracy
    A group of friends from different countries meet at a youth camp in Greece and learn about democracy in each other's countries.
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  • All About Ghana
    An informative book about Ghana, a West African country known for its natural resources, history, culture, and wildlife.
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  • African Culture!
    The story provides information about African culture, including Kente cloth, African hip hop, Afrocubism, and African food.
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