Alamo Books

  • Enrique's Story of the Alamo
    The story is a historical account of the Siege of the Alamo from the perspective of an 8-year-old boy, Enrique Esparza. It details the events leading up to the battle, the ba…
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  • Western Expansion: Texas
    The story of Texas' journey from Spanish colony to independent state, including the Alamo and its impact on Mexico.
  • Chuck's Gallery
    A tour through their grandfather's art gallery teaches six children about art, beauty and the importance of family. This book was written as a gift to my family as we support…
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  • The ABCs of Texas
    An alphabet book about Texas, covering various topics from history to nature. Each letter represents a different aspect of the state.
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  • Shelley Goes to FIESTA!
    This is a story about a little girl visiting San Antonio during Fiesta. It has the history and listing of many festivities that happen during this exciting and eventful week.
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  • Davy Crockett Before the Alamo
    The story of Davy Crockett, a frontier hero and legend, who fought for justice, served in various careers, and died defending the Alamo.
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  • Texas Revolution: The Alamo
    The story provides a brief biography of Susanna Dickinson, her involvement in the Battle of the Alamo, and the Treaty of Velasco.
  • The Alamo
    A brief historical account of the Battle of the Alamo and its impact on the Texans' fight for independence.
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