Alberta Books

  • Daddy Works in the Oil Sands
    Emma's Daddy works in the Oil Sands of Alberta and has many interesting experiences with trucks and animals.
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  • I Have A Dream...
    A biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his life, activism, and impact on the Civil Rights Movement.
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  • Edmonton
    An informative book about the city of Edmonton, Alberta, including its population, attractions, and fun facts.
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  • Albert Meets Alberta: A Gator Love Story
    Albert, the University of Florida mascot, meets another gator named Alberta and they become friends and cheer on the football team together.
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    The narrator reminisces about past family vacations, including trips to Canada, Scotland, Hawaii, Mexico, and Florida, as well as camping. They end by asking the reader where…
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  • The Life of Martin Luther King Jr.
    The story of Martin Luther King Jr.'s life, from his birth in Atlanta to his activism and speeches for civil rights.
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  • Martin Luther King Jr.
    This book provides a biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his upbringing, education, and his role in the civil rights movement.
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  • .
    This is my book for grade fourers they might need to study for they're class enjoy the text thanks
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