American Muscle Books

  • All cars and trucks and motorcycles
    A list of American muscle cars and trucks, with some repetitive phrases and minor grammar errors.
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  • Passion and Power Muscle Cars
    This book is very interesting, if you like cars then you would love this book. But anyone can read it. I hope you like it. Thanks.

    -Joel Chapin
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  • Manatees
    An informative book about manatees, covering their diet, habitat, behavior, population, and threats they face.
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  • The Red Blood Cell's Adventure
    Jayden, a red blood cell, embarks on his first circulatory circuit with his friend Antoine. They travel through the bloodstream, lungs, heart, and muscles, delivering oxygen …
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  • The Bald Eagle
    A book about the attributes of the bald eagle, including its physical characteristics, habitat, diet, and lifespan.
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  • The benefits of sport for humans
    This book explores the various benefits of sports on different parts of the body, including the brain, skin, heart, lungs, bones, and more.
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  • First Aid
    This is an informative guide on how to handle various emergency situations, from injuries to the body to upper body emergencies. It provides clear instructions on what to do …
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  • Sam and Her Sickle Cells
    Samantha, an 11-year-old girl with sickle cell disease, shares her experiences and challenges, as well as the activities she enjoys with her sister. She educates readers abou…
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