Ancient Beliefs Books

  • The Fates
    The story explores the ancient belief in the three sister-goddesses, The Fates, who controlled the lives and destinies of mortals.
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  • The Roman Empire
    A brief introduction to the ancient Romans, including their kings, architecture, clothing, and beliefs.
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  • The Different Cultures of Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt
    An overview of Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece, including their history, culture, inventions, and beliefs.
  • Chinese New Year
    A description of the Chinese New Year festival, its traditions, and its significance in China and around the world.
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  • The Key Elements of Mythology
    This story explores the purpose of myths, the tension between opposing forces, the explanation of the origins of life, fate and prophecy, supernatural characters, and quests.
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  • Brody & The Enlightened Explorers
    Brody explores a world where science challenges ancient beliefs, meeting great thinkers like Copernicus and Newton, and witnessing the impact of the Scientific Revolution on …
  • Celebrations Around the World
    Discover celebrations around the world. How many do you know? How many do you celebrate?
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  • Chapter 13 Reality connection
    The story explores different aspects of education through the lens of the TV show Miraculous, highlighting themes such as schooling, homeschooling, fundamentalism, and zero t…
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