Anger Management Books

  • Rex
    Rex, a T-Rex, learns to manage his anger and communicate his feelings instead of roaring. He uses deep breaths and words to calm down and solve problems.
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    This book explains what anger is, how it can be both good and bad, and provides strategies for controlling anger.
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  • I feel angry...
    A book about things that might make children angry and ways to help them calm down
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  • When I Get Mad
    A story about a child learning to manage their anger and finding healthy ways to calm down.
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  • 20 Happies
    A story about how a 4 year old girl who learns how to turn her "angries" into "happies".
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  • The Rainbow Sisters introduction written by Aayaana Chauhan
    In this book, meet all the Rainbow Sisters before the series starts! Enjoy!
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  • the anger
    A boy learns to control his anger by hammering nails into a fence, then removing them. His father teaches him the lasting impact of hurtful words.
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  • Silly Lilly is a story about a girl named Lilly who learns how to manage her anger and find positive ways to express herself.
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