Animal Extinction Books

  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
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  • How Global Warming Effects Food Chains
    A brief introduction to global warming, food chains, extreme weather, and animal extinction, with a call to action at the end.
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    This book discusses the effects of deforestation, population growth, fossil fuel combustion, nitrogen fertilizers, and animal extinction on the environment, as well as potent…
  • Saving our Earth: An A to Z Guide
    An informative book that takes readers through an A-Z guide of environmental issues, from Air Pollution to Zoos. Each letter represents a different topic, providing facts and…
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  • Bald Eagle Facts  A through  Z
    It is a non-fiction book with interesting true facts about Bald Eagles
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  • N.O.A.H.
    A mysterious being arrives in Africa in order to save an rare, endangered rhinoceros.
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  • Extinct Animals Of The World
    A collection of short descriptions about extinct animals, their characteristics, habitats, and reasons for extinction.
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  • Journey to the Past
    Professor Vandoran, a time-traveling scientist, embarks on an adventure to the Ice Age and Cretaceous periods to bring back extinct species for a museum exhibit. He is accomp…
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