Anthology Books

  • A Piece Of Mind 180 Days of Mayhem
    This is a collection of students' personal narrative excerpts from their individual memoirs and their selective poems.
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  • Our Lego Adventures
    This is an anthology of LEGO Campers original stories! You'll enjoy each one and their awesome scenes!
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  • Poetry Anthology Example
    This is a collection of various types of poems, each followed by a prompt for the reader to respond. The themes range from equality and feminism to personal tragedies and his…
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  • Our LEGO Stories
    An anthology of stories created and illustrated by the LEGO Young Writers Camp students! These kids rocked at writing and LEGOs!
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  • Poetry Anthology
    A collection of short stories and poems written by children, covering various topics such as thoughts, hobbies, food, and more.
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  • Poetry Anthology
    A collection of poems written by a student, covering various themes such as animal rights, personal identity, school shootings, comfort, and mother's love. The poems are writ…
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  • Poetry Anthology
    This is a poetry anthology created by a class, featuring various types of poems. It includes 'The Important Thing About...' poems, list poems, and cinquain poems, each reflec…
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  • Ismaile's Poetry Anthology
    A collection of short poems and messages expressing love, well wishes, and missing a person named Ismaile.
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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