Anti-bullying Books

  • Bully-Killer
    Max, a bullied introverted kid, stands up to his bullies and forms an anti-bullying alliance. His movement grows, impacting schools worldwide.
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  • School Day of Non-violence and peace 30th January 2022
    A collection of quotes, messages, and stories promoting peace, non-violence, and anti-bullying.
  • An Extra Serving Of Kindness
    Sophia asks her mom for extra food for school and it's revealed that she's sharing it with a new boy who had nothing to eat. They decide to help him together.
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  • The Different Dino
    A group of dinosaurs in Dinoville celebrate their differences and learn to embrace their uniqueness.
  • All About Bullying
    A collection of writings about different types of bullying, friendly and unfriendly behaviors, how to deal with bullying, acrostic poems, and recommended books on anti-bullyi…
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  • Anti-Bullying Alliance
    Emilie, a Japanese girl adopted by multicultural parents, faces bullying at school. She overcomes her fear and helps her bullies when they are in danger. They apologize and f…
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  • Stand Up
    Jasmine, a girl who is bullied for her weight, transforms herself while her bully, Mario, gains weight. Jasmine stands up for Mario, they become friends, and advocate against…
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  • Kylee & sam's adventure (anti-Bullying)
    Sam, a girl who has to move to a new town and school, faces bullying but finds strength in herself and starts an anti-bullying club.
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