Antigens Books

  • The Antigen League
    Anna, plagued with chicken pox, learns about her immune system's defense mechanisms and how they fight the virus.
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  • Lines of Defense
    A princess faces an angry dragon, while a scientific explanation of the immune system is interwoven into the story.
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  • The Lymphatic and Immune System
    A story about the lymphatic system and immune system, their roles in maintaining homeostasis, and their fight against viruses and antigens.
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  • The Immune System vs The Antigens
    A story about the immune system's defense against antigens in the towns of Bodyville and Skinville.
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  • A Day in the Life of an Antigen
    A young antigen named Acinetobacter embarks on a quest to become the biggest and baddest antigen, facing various challenges in Andy's body.
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  • Lacy the Ladybug's Antigen Adventure!!
    Lacy the ladybug goes on an adventure inside a human body to learn about its defense mechanisms against antigens.
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  • The Evil Antigens
    A group of invaders try to bypass the body's immune system, but are ultimately caught and defeated.
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  • The Antigen
    Yao and Charlie hang out, but Charlie infects Yao. An antigen teaches Yao about being sick and the immune system.
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