Anzac Day Books

  • Chloe Jones's Anzac Day
    Chloe and her family participate in various activities to honor Anzac Day, a holiday to remember Australian and New Zealand veterans.
  • Celebrations and Commemorations
    birthdays, new years eve, Chinese New Year, Waitangi Day, Anzac Day, Australia day
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  • The life of a soldier
    A young soldier named Henry writes letters to his father about his experiences in the war, expressing his fears and struggles.
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  • Happy Birthday Dean
    Dean, a baby dolphin, wants to have the best birthday. He goes on a journey to find inspiration from different cultures and ends up celebrating Anzac Day in Australia before …
  • The Australia Book
    An informative book about Australia, covering its geography, wildlife, culture, and history.
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  • My Poppy
    My poppy is a storybook created to raise awareness and inform younger citizens what Remembrance Day is.
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  • Elizabeth II
    This story provides information about the role of Queen Elizabeth II, her duties, and her achievements as the longest-reigning monarch in British history.
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  • Australia
    A brief overview of Australia, including its location, animals, language, celebrations, gastronomy, and historical facts.
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