Apartheid Books

  • Heidi Kat's South African Adventure
    South Africa is wonderful country especially through the eyes of a veggie loving kitty! Come along for an adventure!
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    This book explains what racism is, its different forms, and historical examples like colonization and apartheid. It also highlights Nelson Mandela's fight against apartheid.
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  • Nelson Mandela's Walk For Freedom
    This is a detailed biography of Nelson Mandela, covering his early life, education, activism, imprisonment, presidency, and death. It highlights his fight against apartheid, …
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  • Nelson Mandela
    This book is a biography of Nelson Mandela, covering his early life, activism, imprisonment, and presidency.
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  • The Battle Through Segregation
    A family in apartheid-era South Africa must navigate the challenges of finding medical help, evading authorities, and seeking a better life.
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  • Mandela's Civil Rights Fight
    This book provides a biography of Nelson Mandela, his early life, conflicts, advocacy, accomplishments, and how he is remembered.
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  • The Apartheid
    The story follows the history of South Africa, from its independence to the end of apartheid and the rise of democracy.
  • The African Apartheid
    A brief history of apartheid in South Africa, including the resistance and eventual freedom of black people.
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