Aquatic Books

  • Sharkjira: Aquatic Alpha
    A group of people must stop a dangerous creature called Sharkjira, with the help of a robot version of Sharkjira.
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  • Aquatic Biodiversity
    Timmy and his friends discuss aquatic biodiversity, its factors, and human impacts on it.
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    An informative book about different types of ecosystems, their characteristics, and their importance in sustaining the natural world.
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  • Aquatic Ecosystem
    The story introduces aquatic ecosystems, their components, and importance. It also mentions three subjects studied: photosynthesis, food chain, and aquarium ecosystem.
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  • All About Habitats
    An informative book about different types of habitats, focusing on aquatic habitats such as freshwater rivers, marine habitats, and coral reefs.
  • Aquatic Biome Adventure
    A class learns about different aquatic biomes, including freshwater, marine, and intermediate, and their unique characteristics.
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  • The Brave Fish
    a brave fish who stands up for his friends is happy to gain another aquatic friend.
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