Aquatic Ecosystems Books

    An informative book about different types of ecosystems, their characteristics, and their importance in sustaining the natural world.
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  • Aquatic Ecosystem
    The story introduces aquatic ecosystems, their components, and importance. It also mentions three subjects studied: photosynthesis, food chain, and aquarium ecosystem.
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  • The Adventures of Wrigley and Dani What Can We Find Outside?
    Dani and Wrigley go on an adventure to learn about different animals in nature, including deer, rabbits, squirrels, butterflies, porcupines, cows, lizards, snakes, frogs, sna…
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  • What is an ecosystem?
    An introduction to ecosystems, explaining what they are and the different types that exist.
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  • Life in the Water
    Aquatic ecosystems are underwater habitats where plants and animals thrive. They depend on each other for survival, and both freshwater and saltwater ecosystems are vital for…
  • The pond
    An introduction to ecosystems, focusing on a pond ecosystem and its living and non-living components.
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  • .
    An introduction to the Pacific Ocean ecosystem, including its living and non-living components.
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  • M8 L3 A1
    A brief explanation of eutrophication, its causes, and its effects on aquatic ecosystems.
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