Arabic Books

  • The Colors in Arabic
    An introduction to the Arabic language, its popularity, and a desire to spread it to English-speaking children.
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  • Arabic Story
    It in arabic
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  • Colors - الألوان (Al-alwan)
    A colorful book that introduces Arabic color words and their meanings, along with some cultural references.
  • A Guide to Understanding Arabic
    An introduction to the Arabic language, including its origins, alphabet, grammar, and common mistakes made by Arabic speakers learning English.
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  • حُروفي و الحيوانات
    The Arabic alphabet & names of animals.
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  • Yuhanna talet sitta3 quus quzzah John 3:16 Rainbow
    A brief explanation of John 3:16 in the Bible and an invitation to share it in Arabic.
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  • Country Overview: Palestine
    These are the notes of a young girl learning about Palestine and her Palestinian heritage.
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  • English_Arabic_ Italian_Turkish dictionary
    A story about the days of the week, the seasons, and colors. It also includes information about Vivaldi and his Four Seasons. The story is written in Arabic, Italian, and Tur…
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