Arcade Games Books

  • Little Bear is Stuck at Home
    This book goes along with the Little Bear series. It is about the main character, Little Bear, who faces tough times during this awful COVID-19 self-isolation.
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  • The Digital Day Neil Gulati
    A nine-year-old boy's favorite arcade game is out of order, but he discovers a new favorite game and has an exciting sleepover with his best friend.
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  • Power Battle (1)
    Three robots engage in a playful battle, then enjoy a fun trip to a hotel with swimming, climbing, and arcade games, ending with a desire to return.
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  • An Alphabet Guide To Super Mario
    An alphabetical guide to the Super Mario game series, covering characters, history, and impact. Includes glossary and references.
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  • The Roblox noob book 6
    A group of people are at a pizza place and encounter a dead person. They discuss death briefly before moving on to other topics like arcade games and a truck.
  • The Arcade Tickets
    In Cityville, the people without many tickets for the arcade games become upset and demand equal distribution. They eventually decide to vote for their leaders and work toget…
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  • Fun and Funny! All about Games!
    A history of video games, from arcade machines to modern consoles, with a focus on popular games, gaming culture, and controversies surrounding gaming.
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  • Activity Guide A to Z
    An activity guide with various indoor and outdoor games, sports, and hobbies to keep kids entertained and engaged.
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