Arduino Books

  • I solve real problems with a robotic coding
    A collection of student projects showcasing various smart home designs and technologies, including automatic lighting, earthquake warning systems, rain sensors, and more.
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  • Arduino e-Book Studies
    This story is about various applications of LED lighting using Arduino. It includes examples such as burning two LEDs, walking light application, and more.
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  • Beginner Arduino Projects
    This guide explains how to set up an Arduino UNO with an LED and a buzzer, providing step-by-step instructions for beginners.
  • my ivent
    A student's experience in a robotics club, learning values and teamwork, using different tools, and reflecting on the benefits.
  • Activities - Part 2
    Children help the artist Yayoi Kusama by painting spots and sending them to her using a robot. They plan and execute the project successfully.
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    A collection of various links and resources related to a coding project called Code Hunters. The project includes videos, questionnaires, social media pages, posters, logos, …
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  • The Cenozoic Era 65 mya - Today
    The Cenozoic Era is the most recent era in animal history, spanning 65 million years. It's called the Age of Mammals, but it's more diverse than that.
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