Argument Books

  • The (Not so) Book
    Normo is not a fan of books so he needs help creating a story, luckily, Miela and Shuuni can help!
    Eye Icon 1699
    Star Icon 221
  • The best weather
    A group of animals argue about their favorite weather until a wise cat teaches them to appreciate all types of weather.
    Eye Icon 3582
    Star Icon 38
    The legend tells of fruits arguing over who is the biggest and most beautiful. God sends them to different places, but they eventually return and become an old basket. The st…
    Eye Icon 505
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  • Andre's Adventures
    Andre, a 4th grader, shares about his life, including his dream of becoming a firefighter, his family, and encounters with a bully and sibling rivalry.
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    Star Icon 394
  • The sis,bro Series- The airplane
    Stella and her brother go to the airport, she gives him her phone, he throws it, they argue, and then they go to a phone store. Stella asks for a name suggestion for her brot…
    Eye Icon 269
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  • Sunrise
    Taiyo and Hoshi are best friends who watch the sunrise together every day. A fight over a glass being half empty or half full leads to a falling out, but they reconcile after…
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  • I Wanna Iguana !
    A child wants an iguana as a pet instead of a kitten and argues with their parents about it.
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  • Hello Kitty and Kuromi find something to do!
    Read about how Hello Kitty and Kuromi find something to do!
    Eye Icon 230
    Star Icon 9
  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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