My Published Books (3)

  • This book is for playing together and taking turns when playing. And caring about each others feelings.
    by Eveleen Herr
    Eye Icon 5074
    Star Icon 120
  • This book is about standing up to the bullies and also helping them to be not to act as bullies.
    by Eveleen Herr
    Eye Icon 1089
    Star Icon 60
  • A child wakes up with no school and tries to find something to do, asking family members for suggestions.
    by Eveleen Herr
    Eye Icon 187
    Star Icon 32

My Public / Unpublished Books (10)

  • Leah and her sister go camping, have fun, and encounter a scare. They return home safely.
    by Eveleen Herr
    Eye Icon 425
    Star Icon 35
  • Stella and her brother go to the airport, she gives him her phone, he throws it, they argue, and then they go to a phone store. Stella asks for a name suggestion for her brot…
    by Eveleen Herr
    Eye Icon 269
    Star Icon 26
  • Stay safe! And can you please tell me what book you want me to make next!
    by Eveleen Herr
    Eye Icon 309
    Star Icon 29
  • A group of children set up a trap to catch a leprechaun on St. Patrick's Day with the help of their babysitter, Naomi.
    by Eveleen Herr
    Eye Icon 225
    Star Icon 15
  • this book is for every body who knows how it feels when you move away from your friends.
    by Eveleen Herr
    Eye Icon 525
    Star Icon 39
  • Leah and her friends go trick-or-treating on Halloween. They encounter a haunted mansion, missing candies, and a surprise ending.
    by Eveleen Herr
    Eye Icon 427
    Star Icon 22
  • David and John are two boys with different interests. David loves his iPad and TV, while John enjoys playing outdoors. They both prepare for a singing concert, but David's re…
    by Eveleen Herr
    Eye Icon 354
    Star Icon 31
  • A child prepares for their birthday party, makes cakes with their mom, celebrates in the backyard, and has fun with friends.
    by Eveleen Herr
    Eye Icon 600
    Star Icon 26
  • A child expresses their wishes to fly, be a princess, have toys, swim underwater, be an astronaut, have a kitten, and do many things.
    by Eveleen Herr
    Eye Icon 120
    Star Icon 20
  • This book is about the responsibilities as kids.
    by Eveleen Herr
    Eye Icon 76
    Star Icon 14

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