Arrangement Books

  • Where Do Babies Sleep?
    A simple and informative book that explores the different sleeping arrangements for babies in families.
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  • Principles of Floral Arrangement
    An introduction to floral design, explaining the principles and elements of design, such as balance, proportion, and harmony.
  • The Dual Federalism Pandas
    Two pandas named Sean and Naomi argue about power and create a new government arrangement called Dual Federalism.
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  • Sleep
    A short, informative book about different sleeping arrangements and the importance of sleep.
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  • My Double Digits Birthday
    Sophia Chilellli is a 3rd grader at PS 35
    in Staten Island, NY. She got the
    opportunity to be a part of
    the school's Emerging Writers Club.
    She learned a l…
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  • A Lesson from the Garden
    Poor Mr. Weed is being bullied by all of the beautiful flowers in the garden. Mr. Weed is shy and doesn't look the same as the rest of his roommates in the garden. He …
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  • Cruella
    Cruella and her sister, jealous of Cinderella, face challenges in their living arrangements. Cruella finds a new room and invites friends over.
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  • 公寓出租 Apartment for Rent
    A person is looking for an apartment and finds one that suits their needs. They arrange to visit the apartment on Wednesday.
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