Arson Books

  • Fireman Fred
    Fred, a fireman, faces a dilemma when a fire breaks out at the President's house while he is on his way to get McDonald's. He saves the President and his own house, apprehend…
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  • The Archers
    Two friends, John and Robin, become outlaws after being accused of arson. They face various challenges and escape from cannibals before becoming the legendary Robin Hood and …
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  • Curious George: Arson Chronicles
    Curious George is arrested for arson and goes through the legal process, ending with a conviction.
  • The Gatlinburg Fires
    The Gatlinburg fire that killed 14 people was started by two teenagers. The story discusses the fire's impact and a survivor's perspective.
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    A young nurse named Lucille starts a new job at the Christiansen's mansion, but her troubled past and desire for attention lead her to set the house on fire.
    A group of friends celebrate Mario's promotion, but their luxurious mansion catches fire. They find a secret passage and drugs in the house, leading to their arrest. A man co…
  • A Story of Cookies and Tragedy
    A story about a competitive girl named Sage who becomes jealous of a new girl, Taylor, and sets fire to her cookie trailer out of spite.
  • Earth's Natural Diasters
    An informative book about different natural disasters, including volcanic eruptions, wildfires, and hurricanes.
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